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Link Posted: 12/24/2023 3:50:01 PM EDT
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I was able to buy tons of "liberated" military vehicle parts from Russia.

I couldn't do it from Ukraine although recently I am getting busted Russian tank parts from them...off Russian tanks

Your slanted claims don't line up with reality.

It was an independent country prior to being conquered by the Russian and Soviet empires. It actually pre-existed the Rus by a good number of years and when Moscow was still a bog Kyiv had it's own churches, city, and was built up.

There is a reason there is a thing known as the Kyivan Rus and the Rus.

Russia has been practicing genocide in an attempt to erase Ukrainian identity. That's a stated goal of theirs and repeated by the Russian government. They stated Ukraine will no longer exist outside of a rump Government. The majority of people and land will be "Russified", thus why Russian teachers were captured in the fall of 2022. They were forcing Ukrainian children to be Russian.

Our house isn't burning down. We have plenty of problems, but I have no doubt we can accomplish all of them at once given the brightness of the minds here.

There are a ton of brave men who disagree with you.

You focus on Stalin, FDR, and others while I point to Audie Murphy, Jon Basilone, and Baldomero López. There's enough honor and heroism in those last 3 to fill the Atlantic.

The founding fathers sent foreign aid and had no problems begging for it, too.

Franklin and Jefferson went to Paris to beg the French for help against the British.

I too am a real American

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Those men would have had better lives at home, not having their lives injured or ended in avoidable wars, but hey, at least you can admire what they did, right?

What branch were you in?

“America isn’t burning down” yeah, that tells me all I need to know about you.
Link Posted: 12/24/2023 3:54:35 PM EDT
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We are being invaded too.  I'm not willing to die for the oligarchy.  

Let the people who live in the dark about who really controls things die for their patriotism.

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“No, it’s not a real invasion, because they are not where uniforms, they all don’t have guns, etc”-Redditors.

These idiots really believe that.
Link Posted: 12/24/2023 4:03:32 PM EDT
If I were Ukrainian, I wouldn’t want to fight for that corrupt gov either.

Link Posted: 12/24/2023 4:18:28 PM EDT
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Who says not a single Ukrainian soldier is dead?

Russia is fighting the war by throwing meat assaults into the face of heavy Ukrainian defenses. That's documented.

The Ukrainians have taken
A beating but they are still fighting. Russia has lost much, much more and that's a documented fact, not an opinion.

Please compare oryx and get back to us
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The NYT was combined UKR ans RUS wounded and KIA.
Rus is indeed suffering higher casualties but not by much.

To hear the Uke bros tell it all the Russians are dead and not a single UKR soldier is.

Who says not a single Ukrainian soldier is dead?

Russia is fighting the war by throwing meat assaults into the face of heavy Ukrainian defenses. That's documented.

The Ukrainians have taken
A beating but they are still fighting. Russia has lost much, much more and that's a documented fact, not an opinion.

Please compare oryx and get back to us

So Bellingcat lite
Aka Ukr IO
Link Posted: 12/24/2023 5:35:18 PM EDT
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I guess their patriotism has… faded like the sun.
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It graduated well past the embarrassment stage awhile ago...
Link Posted: 12/24/2023 5:38:03 PM EDT
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So Bellingcat lite
Aka Ukr IO
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So Bellingcat lite
Aka Ukr IO

"It doesn't confirm my prejudices so it is wrong!"

Facts don't care about your feelings.


With the intermarriage between Russians and Ukrainians I’m sure there are some men that feel like they can’t fight against either side.

Any of that familial friendliness and kinship went away with the rape, murder, torture, and deportation of Ukrainians. I am an American by birth. I don't feel hostility towards anyone (except Oklahoma because they are sooners fans) but if Louisianna started wholesale war crimes I would not consider them as friends or "brothers" anymore.

As the Russian drone shot down over Ukraine said "No brothers anymore" (or something like that).


Those men would have had better lives at home, not having their lives injured or ended in avoidable wars, but hey, at least you can admire what they did, right?

What branch were you in?

“America isn’t burning down” yeah, that tells me all I need to know about you.

Currently still in

If I go outside, what do I see?  Prices are higher? Absolutely. Stop listening to the talking heads and getting brainwashed by the media.

Get off the internet and go read a book.
Link Posted: 12/24/2023 5:41:23 PM EDT
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And I’d have no problem shooting you, especially if you tried to conscript my child for a corrupt regime
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If this was our land that was invaded, I would have no problem shooting those fleeing the fight.

And I’d have no problem shooting you, especially if you tried to conscript my child for a corrupt regime

Link Posted: 12/25/2023 3:58:41 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/30/2023 5:17:10 AM EDT
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I find it interesting you post that here and earlier used the twitter user listed below. Are his findings still valid?

Was damaging/destroying 50 boats worth 5 supersonic bombers?

Link Posted: 12/30/2023 5:29:27 AM EDT
lol, I love it when facts makes smoothlobers cry....

oryx only confirms a loss if it has photo proof of the loss... and here we have "bUh tHoSe pIcs aRe faKe!"    
Link Posted: 12/30/2023 5:32:21 AM EDT
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lol, I love it when facts makes smoothlobers cry....
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Due to losses Russia was putting sailors into tanks as crewman and in infantry assault units during the failed Russian winter offensive and that was well over a year ago.

He’s got a bad habit of using sources that counteract his points.
Link Posted: 12/30/2023 5:39:54 AM EDT
The same thing is happening in Russia. Russia has closed its borders for military fighting age males leaving and resorting to high bonuses for old men to fill their ranks. Make no doubt about it the Ukraine is a meat grinder.

What is overlooked is the Ukrainian forces have penetrated the Russian mine fields and are making advances along with successful attacks on Russian logistics. Russian losses are not sustainable.
Link Posted: 12/30/2023 6:05:12 AM EDT
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The same thing is happening in Russia. Russia has closed its borders for military fighting age males leaving and resorting to high bonuses for old men to fill their ranks. Make no doubt about it the Ukraine is a meat grinder.

What is overlooked is the Ukrainian forces have penetrated the Russian mine fields and are making advances along with successful attacks on Russian logistics. Russian losses are not sustainable.
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That doesn’t count
Link Posted: 1/2/2024 12:14:12 PM EDT
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The same thing is happening in Russia. Russia has closed its borders for military fighting age males leaving and resorting to high bonuses for old men to fill their ranks. Make no doubt about it the Ukraine is a meat grinder.

What is overlooked is the Ukrainian forces have penetrated the Russian mine fields and are making advances along with successful attacks on Russian logistics. Russian losses are not sustainable.
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None of that is even remotely true.
Did you forget your helmet on the way to school today?
Link Posted: 1/2/2024 12:41:46 PM EDT
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The same thing is happening in Russia. Russia has closed its borders for military fighting age males leaving and resorting to high bonuses for old men to fill their ranks. Make no doubt about it the Ukraine is a meat grinder.

What is overlooked is the Ukrainian forces have penetrated the Russian mine fields and are making advances along with successful attacks on Russian logistics. Russian losses are not sustainable.
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Ukrainian losses are not sustainable, the DoD has stated that, SME have stated that, and even Ukraine has stated that.

Russian losses are quite sustainable. RUS is fighting a war of attrition until the West’s gravy train runs dry or UKR cries uncle.
Link Posted: 1/2/2024 12:42:43 PM EDT
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None of that is even remotely true.
Did you forget your helmet on the way to school today?
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Link Posted: 1/2/2024 12:47:43 PM EDT
Would it be against COC to say that a press gang van on an unnamed southern border would be easy to fill if they wished to do so?
Link Posted: 1/2/2024 12:56:59 PM EDT
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Would it be against COC to say that a press gang van on an unnamed southern border would be easy to fill if they wished to do so?
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Biden isn't letting those folks in to draft to fight in any wars, at least foreign wars. They are here to replace us if we are lucky, genocide and ethnicly cleanse the US if we aren't.

Make no mistake, when the feds jump, those are going to be their foot soldiers, not the purple haired, gender confused folks.
Link Posted: 1/2/2024 1:12:22 PM EDT
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The same thing is happening in Russia. Russia has closed its borders for military fighting age males leaving and resorting to high bonuses for old men to fill their ranks. Make no doubt about it the Ukraine is a meat grinder.

What is overlooked is the Ukrainian forces have penetrated the Russian mine fields and are making advances along with successful attacks on Russian logistics. Russian losses are not sustainable.
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I have a friend who moved from Moscow to UAE with nothing but what he could fit in a few suitcases and he's never looked back.
Link Posted: 1/2/2024 1:15:01 PM EDT
The Orc's have huge manpower issues all its own.

Emptying prisons, using Chechens, tricking Contract Soldiers into signing up by promising they won't go to Ukraine, now this.

Putin Is Allegedly Forcing Migrants To Fight
Link Posted: 1/2/2024 1:16:05 PM EDT
The deal for soldiers has gotten worse since forever.

Classical: Sack the richest cities in the world!  Get a share of the plunder!
Medieval: Sack your neighbor's hamlet!  Get a share of the plunder!  But be a good Christian!
Early Modern: Fight a pointless war where we conquer nothing, but if we do happen to conquer something, you can get a share of the plunder!
Napoleonic: Fight for a set wage, which we won't pay, and this ribbon showing your heroism!  Oh, and we'll look the other way if you get some plunder!
World Wars: Fight for a ribbon!  Show your patriotism!  We're checking your luggage for plunder!
Vietnam: Fight for your country, at least the half that won't spit on you when you get back!
War on Terror: Fight for your country, but not too hard, or we'll prosecute!  
Ukraine War: Fight for your country, so that when your wives and daughters come back with their foreign husbands and OnlyFans money they'll have somewhere to visit!
Link Posted: 1/2/2024 1:23:25 PM EDT
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If this was our land that was invaded, I would have no problem shooting those fleeing the fight.
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In Soviet army it take more courage to flee than to charge.
Link Posted: 1/2/2024 1:26:09 PM EDT
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Ukrainian losses are not sustainable, the DoD has stated that, SME have stated that, and even Ukraine has stated that.

Russian losses are quite sustainable. RUS is fighting a war of attrition until the West’s gravy train runs dry or UKR cries uncle.
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100%.    This is it,  full stop.
Link Posted: 1/2/2024 3:34:39 PM EDT
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None of that is even remotely true.
Did you forget your helmet on the way to school today?
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It’s pretty easily observed.

Of course, like most things that go against what you want it’s ignored
Link Posted: 1/2/2024 3:38:29 PM EDT
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lol, the NYT & BBC are literally Russian propaganda...

...rating this thread as troll
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I thought they were Nazi propaganda and therefore on the side of Ukraine.
Link Posted: 1/2/2024 5:00:00 PM EDT
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It's pretty easily observed.

Of course, like most things that go against what you want it's ignored
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None of that is even remotely true.
Did you forget your helmet on the way to school today?

It's pretty easily observed.

Of course, like most things that go against what you want it's ignored
Funny thing Russia just signed up 425k
Meanwhile Ukr has to ask expats pretty please.
Link Posted: 1/2/2024 6:29:40 PM EDT
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Funny thing Russia just signed up 425k
Meanwhile Ukr has to ask expats pretty please.
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Wait, you finally volunteered?

I guess these guys will finally overwhelm Ukraine and win the war, right?
Link Posted: 1/2/2024 6:33:39 PM EDT
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Wait, you finally volunteered?

I guess these guys will finally overwhelm Ukraine and win the war, right?
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Russia is going to surrender tomorrow, or maybe next week. I can feel it.
Link Posted: 1/2/2024 6:37:58 PM EDT
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Wait, you finally volunteered?

I guess these guys will finally overwhelm Ukraine and win the war, right?
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Funny thing Russia just signed up 425k
Meanwhile Ukr has to ask expats pretty please.

Wait, you finally volunteered?

I guess these guys will finally overwhelm Ukraine and win the war, right?
Waiting on you.
Link Posted: 1/2/2024 7:01:00 PM EDT
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I don't feel hostility towards anyone (except Oklahoma because they are sooners fans)  

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I literally thought to myself there would never ever be any way in hell, that I would agree with you on anything. I was wrong.

I am now ready to give consideration to things you say with an open mind.
Link Posted: 1/2/2024 7:04:48 PM EDT
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Russia is going to surrender tomorrow, or maybe next week. I can feel it.
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I’ve been told they just need two more weeks to finally get the initiative back and take a small, unknown Ukrainian city and Kyiv falls
Link Posted: 1/2/2024 9:39:09 PM EDT
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I've been told they just need two more weeks to finally get the initiative back and take a small, unknown Ukrainian city and Kyiv falls
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Russia is going to surrender tomorrow, or maybe next week. I can feel it.

I've been told they just need two more weeks to finally get the initiative back and take a small, unknown Ukrainian city and Kyiv falls
You mean like Robotyne (pop 4500).  Literally  Ukebro fapping material all summer.
Link Posted: 1/2/2024 9:54:13 PM EDT
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I’ve been told they just need two more weeks to finally get the initiative back and take a small, unknown Ukrainian city and Kyiv falls
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I'm still waiting for the Spring Offensive to begin.. I think it's been 9 months?

Hope you had a good Christmas and New Years @fadedsun

Always fun banter
Link Posted: 1/2/2024 9:56:31 PM EDT
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They’ll gladly take a handout from their US taxpayers government but the minute you ask them to sign up for service? They flee


Good fix!!!
Link Posted: 1/4/2024 1:28:36 AM EDT
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You mean like Robotyne (pop 4500).  Literally  Ukebro fapping material all summer.
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Or kreminna, vuhledar, and avdiivka?

Link Posted: 1/4/2024 5:38:08 AM EDT
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I'm still waiting for the Spring Offensive to begin.. I think it's been 9 months?

Hope you had a good Christmas and New Years @fadedsun

Always fun banter
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Merry Christmas and a happy new year @jlaudio and may the light of our savior protect you and your family for 2024
Link Posted: 1/5/2024 1:18:21 PM EDT
As losses mount, Ukrainians fiercely debate future of draft
The patriotic impetus of the early months, when Ukrainians went en masse to the front voluntarily, is no longer there.
More and more often, stories of men desperately trying to evade the draft appear in Ukrainian media.

This part in particular is interesting
The patriotic impetus of the early months, when Ukrainians went en masse to the front voluntarily, is no longer there.

More and more often, stories of men desperately trying to evade the draft appear in Ukrainian media.

- 'War is for the poor' -

The proposed changes to the draft prompted an outcry on social media, with many floating ideas as to how best to manage mobilisation.

Ruling party lawmaker Mariana Bezugla suggested exempting people from mobilisation in exchange for a substantial donation to the budget.

There have also been calls for troops to be rotated and for those who have been at the front for a long time to be demobilised.

"If this is a matter of national security, then all people, all citizens, should participate in it," said Lyudmyla, a 50-year-old teacher.

"My husband has been at war since  February 28," she told AFP. "My son-in-law is at war. Why should some people fight and others not?" she asked.

I suppose AFP is Russian Propaganda

Link Posted: 1/5/2024 1:26:46 PM EDT
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Ukrainian losses are not sustainable, the DoD has stated that, SME have stated that, and even Ukraine has stated that.

Russian losses are quite sustainable. RUS is fighting a war of attrition until the West’s gravy train runs dry or UKR cries uncle.
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The same thing is happening in Russia. Russia has closed its borders for military fighting age males leaving and resorting to high bonuses for old men to fill their ranks. Make no doubt about it the Ukraine is a meat grinder.

What is overlooked is the Ukrainian forces have penetrated the Russian mine fields and are making advances along with successful attacks on Russian logistics. Russian losses are not sustainable.

Ukrainian losses are not sustainable, the DoD has stated that, SME have stated that, and even Ukraine has stated that.

Russian losses are quite sustainable. RUS is fighting a war of attrition until the West’s gravy train runs dry or UKR cries uncle.

Please stop.

Ukraine is not sustaining anything they can’t replace.

It’s bs propaganda
Link Posted: 1/5/2024 1:49:34 PM EDT
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Please stop.

Ukraine is not sustaining anything they can't replace.

It's bs propaganda
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The same thing is happening in Russia. Russia has closed its borders for military fighting age males leaving and resorting to high bonuses for old men to fill their ranks. Make no doubt about it the Ukraine is a meat grinder.

What is overlooked is the Ukrainian forces have penetrated the Russian mine fields and are making advances along with successful attacks on Russian logistics. Russian losses are not sustainable.

Ukrainian losses are not sustainable, the DoD has stated that, SME have stated that, and even Ukraine has stated that.

Russian losses are quite sustainable. RUS is fighting a war of attrition until the West's gravy train runs dry or UKR cries uncle.

Please stop.

Ukraine is not sustaining anything they can't replace.

It's bs propaganda
Attachment Attached File

Link Posted: 1/10/2024 9:15:34 PM EDT

Now this post makes more sense

It’s total war.

If Ukraine loses they go back to Russian enslavement. All power flows through Putin the dictator. A foreigner, Russia is not Ukraine. The same people who purposely starved millions of Ukrainians in the 30’s.

Would we fight any less? Give up any easier?

Russia apparently doesn’t have it much better. They aren’t emptying prisons, using Chechens, and now press ganging foreigners off Moscow streets for service if they didn’t need to.

Link Posted: 1/11/2024 10:32:27 AM EDT
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The same thing is happening in Russia. Russia has closed its borders for military fighting age males leaving and resorting to high bonuses for old men to fill their ranks. Make no doubt about it the Ukraine is a meat grinder.

What is overlooked is the Ukrainian forces have penetrated the Russian mine fields and are making advances along with successful attacks on Russian logistics. Russian losses are not sustainable.
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Derp. Russia has millions more for the grinder.
Link Posted: 1/11/2024 10:36:39 AM EDT
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Now this post makes more sense

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They’ve had Cubans and Africans as well. But then Ukraine has foreign volunteers. In my opinion manpower for wars outside of India and Africa will be major issues for future wars and likely means older males will become more involved in warfare. The days of “war is a young man’s game” are over
Link Posted: 1/11/2024 11:53:07 AM EDT
Not to worry, we got enough UkeBro's to fill the breech.  
Link Posted: 1/11/2024 12:06:38 PM EDT
US Govt: "We will fight to the last Ukrainian!"
Link Posted: 1/11/2024 12:24:55 PM EDT
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I just don't care....
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Link Posted: 1/11/2024 12:29:31 PM EDT
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Every war has its draft dodgers.
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WW2 had plenty but we don't talk about that around the "greatest generation".

Lets be honest for a second or two.

Not everyone sees their cuntry worth saving.
And not everyone is mentally fit to fight in a war.

Link Posted: 1/11/2024 12:33:49 PM EDT
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The War Machine needs medics, supply techs, automotive mechanics and computer techs too.
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Those spots were already filled...

They need meat for the grinder.

Cooks are being reassigned to the front lines.
Link Posted: 1/11/2024 12:40:46 PM EDT
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Ukrainian losses are not sustainable, the DoD has stated that, SME have stated that, and even Ukraine has stated that.

Russian losses are quite sustainable. RUS is fighting a war of attrition until the West’s gravy train runs dry or UKR cries uncle.
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The same thing is happening in Russia. Russia has closed its borders for military fighting age males leaving and resorting to high bonuses for old men to fill their ranks. Make no doubt about it the Ukraine is a meat grinder.

What is overlooked is the Ukrainian forces have penetrated the Russian mine fields and are making advances along with successful attacks on Russian logistics. Russian losses are not sustainable.

Ukrainian losses are not sustainable, the DoD has stated that, SME have stated that, and even Ukraine has stated that.

Russian losses are quite sustainable. RUS is fighting a war of attrition until the West’s gravy train runs dry or UKR cries uncle.

Poopy poo knows damn well nobody has the stones to cross into RUS and start to punch them in the nose - hard.

He can come/go as he pleases into UKR.

Pooty is playing chess and everyone else is playing checkers.

Poland sees this shit show on their doorstep and is building up defenses - bigly!!!

Finland and Sweden are starting to figure it out... Slowly.

EU is fucked
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