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Posted: 5/26/2002 3:47:27 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/26/2002 4:17:34 AM EDT
I knew IT!! one of the flight attendants pissed off the Ninja who was riding the flight in disguise--probably didn't give him any extra peanuts.   (
The passengers
               included 190 Taiwanese, 14 people from Macau and Hong Kong, nine
               Chinese citizens, one Singaporean and one Swiss citizen.
View Quote
--I bet he was disguised as the Swiss, those Ninjas are SNEAKY).  He flipped out, cut everyones head off, and cut the plane into 4 pieces to hide the evidence, and used a wing to surf back to Japan.

Totally SWEET!!!

(Sorry, making light of a disaster like this is intended to lighten the mood--I do feel sorry for the friends and family of the passengers and crews.)
Link Posted: 5/26/2002 4:25:10 AM EDT
I wonder if this will affect some of the TWA800 conspiracy theorists ideas on the possibility of a 747 breaking up while in flight.

....unless, of course, it REALLY was Ninjas!
Link Posted: 5/26/2002 6:41:15 AM EDT
Sounds like a successful conclusion to a Red Chinese surface to air missle test.
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