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Posted: 6/17/2002 4:57:22 PM EDT
...is playing on Turner Classic Movies, has been on since 8:00 PM, and you just found it?

BTW: "Wind and the Lion" is on TCM now.

Guess I'll watch the remainder anyway
Link Posted: 6/17/2002 5:01:40 PM EDT
Where is Teddy when we really need him. Oh for the day, when 50 U.S. Marines were enough to over throw entire muslim regimes...sigh
Link Posted: 6/17/2002 5:11:57 PM EDT
I think the most stirring scene is when the Marines are marching, then double-timing through the streets in their blues. u-rah!

I really wish our modern military would wear more dress uniforms and save the camo's for actual combat.
Link Posted: 6/17/2002 5:16:32 PM EDT

Damn, just checked the IMDb website... it isn't available on DVD yet.

I can't think of anything more motivating than 2 rifle companies of Marines, double timing through the streets of Tangier, in dress uniform no less!!

Now, the real question: How did "Eden Pedecaris" (Candice Bergen) evolve into "Murphy Brown"? Behold the magic of Hollywood!

edited 'cuz Jonnie beat to one of my favorite scenes (which is just starting!!!!!!)
Link Posted: 6/17/2002 5:26:07 PM EDT

Damn, just checked the IMDb website... it isn't available on DVD yet.
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Damn. That really sucks.

Now, the real question: How did "Eden Pedecaris" (Candice Bergen) evolve into "Murphy Brown"? Behold the magic of Hollywood!
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Hollyweird hypocrisy at work.
Link Posted: 6/17/2002 5:32:05 PM EDT
Next best scene : President Roosevelt on his private range, his children gathered at his side, his daughter counseling him on the need to use both eyes while aiming...

I doubt that the Bush girls would do that for Dad. And Chelsea? Bwahahhahahaha!!!  
Link Posted: 6/17/2002 5:48:24 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/17/2002 7:10:45 PM EDT

I just finished watching it again.  Courage...honor...beauty...self sacrifice...love...and lots of great shooting!  Great fun.

Some of my favorite parts:

The fight in the house.  Her host emptying his pistol and accepting his fate like a real man.  Selfless sacrifice.

The Marines double-timing into battle...and the battle at the Bashaw's palace.  Makes the hair stand up on the back of your neck.

President Roooooosevelt at the rifle range.  Movie obviously made before PC shit filled all of Hollywood.

Final battle scenes.  Hell of a fight!  I like the way Mrs. Pedercales handles that shotgun too.

BTW...that is based on a true story...except that Pedercales was a dude.  He WAS returned unharmed by the Raisuli after the ransom was paid.  

Waiting for the DVD.  Got the tape.

Link Posted: 6/17/2002 9:44:12 PM EDT
Yeah it's hard for me to belive that Murphy Brown is in two of my very favorite movies of all time, cause she's in "The Sandpebbles" with Steve McQueen too. Go figure.
Link Posted: 6/17/2002 10:37:26 PM EDT
Tell me the Marine with the trench-gun wasn't the coolest thing you've ever seen in a shoot 'em up???
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