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Posted: 8/23/2006 2:55:33 PM EDT
Hello folks.

I've got an issue with my dog that I was hoping somebody may be able to help me out with. I'm in the military and will have an upcoming deployment (in a year or a little less) and no longer have a wife. (divorce)

Giving up my dog for adoption is NOT an option. When I got him he was pretty sick (demodectic mange) and now he's almost 100% and I'll be damned if I give him up just as he's getting better. He was a stray when I got him and I won't put him through that shit again.

What I'm wondering is if there is some way that I may not know of to put him someplace 6-7 months. I've looked at some boarding places in Jacksonville here and I've come up with prices around 700 a month or more. I'm pretty well lost on the issue and would appreciate it very much if anybody would be willing to throw their 2 cents in. Thanks in advance.
Link Posted: 8/23/2006 2:57:40 PM EDT
there was a KOTH episode like this..

post this is the FL hometown..

i'm sure someone will belly up..
Link Posted: 8/23/2006 2:59:15 PM EDT
I am married so I never had a problem with the dogs while I was deployed but we did go on vacation and had one of the Airmen in my shop take care of my dogs while we were gone. Do you have anyone you trust at work who would be willing to take care of him?
Link Posted: 8/23/2006 3:04:54 PM EDT
I don't really have a "work" yet because when I transferred here it was to C school. Don't really have a command until the middle of next month.

I'm really just trying to get as much info as I can *just in case* people in my shop are deemed to be unworthy of dog sitting. Hopefully I'll be able to go that route but I'd like to have a few options just in case. (last command for instance, NOBODY liked dogs, which in hindsight, is probably why I liked NOBODY there)

Good suggestions though, and I'll check out the hometown forum now.
Link Posted: 8/23/2006 3:13:02 PM EDT
You MAY be able to get some assistance from a 'rescue' group, i.e. many breeds  (and even species)have a special group that keeps the animals from being euthanized. For example, some friends got a GREAT boxer pup from one of these groups. Make sure they know that you aren't giving the dog up, but just need to get him a temporary home.

Good luck!
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