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Posted: 5/5/2003 7:09:33 AM EDT
I went out to check an apartment I have to paint today, after the electric company turns the power back on. It's garbage day, & the trash collectors have come by & emptied all the barrels already. That is all of them but mine. The duplex next door has college students in it, & last night a guest of theirs decided he would park his car in front of my trash barrel.[furious] I would have thought a college kid would be sharper than that.[furious] They only pick up once a week here, & our barrel is full to the max!
I was very angered by this so I left a not on his windshield say: Thanks for being inconsiderate & parking your freaking car in front of my trash barrel. You have made extra work for me & I don't appreciate it. Please park somewhere else on Sunday nights from now on. 1413 rescue ct Tim H.
My wife thinks I am invite trouble through Vandalism, but I doubt that. Was what I did wrong? I don't think so , but she said to get an outside opinion, so I'm asking yous guys.
Link Posted: 5/5/2003 7:12:35 AM EDT
You're nicer than I would've been.

Open the car door and empty the barrel inside, or just dump it on his hood.
Link Posted: 5/5/2003 7:13:53 AM EDT
dude! you should not have left a "not" on his windshield! now college boy will be looking to give you trouble!

btw, college kids don't give a shit about you or your trash can. all they care about is beer, and girls.

i know, i'm 33 and "back to school" and it's true.
Link Posted: 5/5/2003 7:13:57 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/5/2003 7:16:40 AM EDT
Your nice then I would be too.

Also going to college doent mean your smart I know several people who or going or went who are F-ing morons.
Link Posted: 5/5/2003 7:16:51 AM EDT
I would have thought a college kid would be sharper than that
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Nope. Lot's of college graduates are flipping burgers in the food service industry. Bill Gates didnt finish college.

College doesnt make you stupid or smart. It just burns 4 years and gives you a piece of paper to hang on the wall.
Link Posted: 5/5/2003 7:21:23 AM EDT
Doesn't going to college usually mean your fairly smart?
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College graduates make and enforce all laws in the US.......
Answer the question????  [;D]

Link Posted: 5/5/2003 7:22:50 AM EDT
No, people in college run the gammut from complete geniuses to utter idiots, just like the non-college educated population.

However, does everyone in the area know your trash schedule?  You handled it well, a note gets your point accross, but it could have just been an innocent mistake.
Link Posted: 5/5/2003 7:26:04 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/5/2003 7:41:54 AM EDT
It should be obvious, the large black trash barrels are on the curb 2 in front of each house on the street come Sunday afternoon.
Link Posted: 5/5/2003 7:59:34 AM EDT
It should be obvious, the large black trash barrels are on the curb 2 in front of each house on the street come Sunday afternoon.
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The note was a good idea.

It should be obvious? You're forgetting that college students are in that grey zone between teenager and adult.

One of the things that sucks about putting trash cans out for pickup is that every so often the cans don't get picked up. It's like a law of nature or something. I always had extra cans for when that happened.

Now I take the trash to the dump myself.
Link Posted: 5/5/2003 8:00:12 AM EDT

Link Posted: 5/5/2003 8:02:35 AM EDT
I think you were polite about that kind of behavior.  I would have dumped the garbage all over the kid's car.  It was stated previously that college kids don't give a shit about anything other than themselves, beer, and getting ass.  I am inclined to agree with that!!

I wanted to go to college, but I chose the military route instead.  I am glad that I did that, becuase I feel I got a REAL education about the way the world is.  Most of my friends who went on to college, are still there after 8-10 years.  I know alot of college graduates who get there Bachelors and then try to go to work.  They realize that work is hard and usually no fun, so they decide that they need more degrees to make them "more desireable", so they go back to school for a masters.  It seems like they will do anything to avoid actually going to work.

I mean don't get me wrong, I wish I had a degree, but my military service and my willingness to WORK has held me in good stead and gotten me hired ahead of a couple of college graduates.  I mean when is enough degrees and it's just simply time to go to work?

Link Posted: 5/5/2003 8:18:59 AM EDT
I have a PhD, and I am a moron.
Link Posted: 5/5/2003 7:09:52 PM EDT
[LOLABOVE] [Curly]Hey Moe! Look at the moron[lolabove][/Curly]

I had to do an update on this. The car was also parked in front of our mailbox, & after I left my wife went over to the college boys house to ask them to move it before the mail got delivered.Turns out it's not theirs, but belongs to the People across the street, who are grown up folks. Go figure, anyway they got my note, cause my wife went to get it,& it was gone. The car was still there, but did get moved in time for mail call. I am going to keep an eye out for they moron who drives the car & say something about it if I can catch them ever.
Link Posted: 5/5/2003 7:35:19 PM EDT
At least 1/2 the young kids I see in school are worthless drunk, dope smoking baby demos, going to school sucking mommy and daddys hind tit on a free ride failling 1/2 their classes due to stupidity, lack of effort or skipping so many classes but what do they care its mommy and daddy money.
And then in the other 1/2 there might be a few decent ones.
Link Posted: 5/5/2003 7:44:14 PM EDT
Yeh, ever since we let inexperienced people into college, it's all gone down hill.  College should be for smart students or adults over the age of 30.  

It's FAFSAs' fault.  They'll give money to just about anyone to let them into our high learning facilities.
Link Posted: 5/5/2003 8:17:54 PM EDT
I find that more people seem to be interested in learning and getting educated at the community colleges than a university.  Seems the universities cater to more beer drinking, drug doing, sexcapades than any thing else.

I've worked in health care for a long time and can't tell you how many idiots work in the field, especially nurses.
Link Posted: 5/5/2003 8:33:23 PM EDT
Orlaam, here's what I think about community colleges -
- you are far more likely to find instructors that are interested in teaching,
- you are more likely to find instructors with first hand experience in the subject they teach,
- you are more likely to find motivated students that are a few years out of high school and are interested in their education,

- you are less likely to find students keeping a seat warm and living for the parties,

- you are more likely to get a superior education that includes skills useful in the real world workplace.
Link Posted: 5/5/2003 8:37:44 PM EDT
I think college represents a cross section of society.  Most are dumb asses just like the rest of the world.  Some are so smart it is utterly unbelievable.  Many are arrogant pricks that care only for themselves.  A significant number are polite, pleasant folks that want to make something of themselves and work hard to do so.

I happen to think more idiots go to college than not.  The REAL idiots KNOW they will live on welfare.  A little higher up the scale, they know that to get ahead they need a degree.  They also realize there is nothing they can do in the real world but breed and drink so they seek an "education".  Unfortunately they take their breeding and drinking to school with them.  They become lawyers, stockbrokers and other yuppy parasites, making obscene amounts of money.  Those who can, do (without the benefit of "an education").  They find a job for which they are well suited and make a living at it.  They do dumb shit like fix your car, build you a shelter (house)or repair the heat when it is -30 outside.  The college types, of course, look down their nose at that "poor dumb working fellow" that kept them from freezing to death or walking to the bus stop.  Same ones that wring their hands and wonder how they will survive if the electricity goes off a few hours, let alone the SHTF.

I will leave it up to each person to figure out who the idiots really are.
Link Posted: 5/5/2003 8:57:45 PM EDT
Orlaam, here's what I think about community colleges -
- you are far more likely to find instructors that are interested in teaching,
- you are more likely to find instructors with first hand experience in the subject they teach,
- you are more likely to find motivated students that are a few years out of high school and are interested in their education,

- you are less likely to find students keeping a seat warm and living for the parties,

- you are more likely to get a superior education that includes skills useful in the real world workplace.
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I agree for the most part.  Unfortunately, 2 year degrees don't really mean shit in the world anymore.  Aside from trade jobs and a few healthcare degrees (including nursing), community college doesn't offer a whole lot.
Link Posted: 5/5/2003 9:01:03 PM EDT
[LOLABOVE] [Curly]Hey Moe! Look at the moron[lolabove][/Curly]

I had to do an update on this. The car was also parked in front of our mailbox, & after I left my wife went over to the college boys house to ask them to move it before the mail got delivered.Turns out it's not theirs, but belongs to the People across the street, who are grown up folks. Go figure, anyway they got my note, cause my wife went to get it,& it was gone. The car was still there, but did get moved in time for mail call. I am going to keep an eye out for they moron who drives the car & say something about it if I can catch them ever.
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That's cool.  I've had to take my foot out of my mouth here as well.  

I still think the majority of college students are using college as a crutch rather than quit playing and go to work.

I don't have a degree, but I broker mortgages and sell real estate and I make a good living of it.  You don't have to have a degree to be successful, but it makes it easier to get into the "door".

Link Posted: 5/5/2003 9:14:04 PM EDT
Yeah, most college kids are MORONS.
What I hate about people these days is they go to college to get an "education", instead of going in search of greater knowledge.

Nobody cares about anything but "making a living" anymore.

What ever happened to wanting to do something good and advancing the world a few more steps?

But I guess it's always been the same thoughout history, most of the population peasants, the rest rich, and a few scholars.
Just on a bit more of a complicated scale now.

People disgust me.
Link Posted: 5/5/2003 9:33:54 PM EDT
Yeah, most college kids are MORONS.
What I hate about people these days is they go to college to get an "education", instead of going in search of greater knowledge.

Nobody cares about anything but "making a living" anymore.

What ever happened to wanting to do something good and advancing the world a few more steps?

But I guess it's always been the same thoughout history, most of the population peasants, the rest rich, and a few scholars.
Just on a bit more of a complicated scale now.

People disgust me.
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I have to say you're right.  I hardly even associate with people at college because they have no interest in actually learning.  They never want to form study groups or anything.  When I ask people, being the Curious George that I am, why they are getting a degree in whatever, they say cause it pays good.  They show no real interest.  I actually tried to do that by taking CCNA classes, but my heart was in healthcare, so I went back to finishing that.
Link Posted: 5/5/2003 9:49:45 PM EDT
Nobody cares about anything but "making a living" anymore.

What ever happened to wanting to do something good and advancing the world a few more steps?

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I think you've got a good point, but if you want nice cars, houses, AR15s and so forth, you have to have the money to pay for all that.  

I don't think there is a thing wrong with wanting to make money, and lot's of it.  I do take issue with people who think that money is everything and when someone who has alot of money thinks they are better than those without it.
Link Posted: 5/5/2003 10:31:44 PM EDT
Money makes the world go around, and college will enable you to make a good living.

I'm not exatly a  studious  person or the smartest person in the world, college didn't really appeal to me, but I had the opportunity to go, so here I am.

I'll have a degree next May, which will be more to show for the last four years than most people I graduated with who stayed at home sleeping til 1pm everyday. I will have the means to get out on my own unlike them.

But i'm just a moron collge student so what do I know?
Link Posted: 5/5/2003 11:04:22 PM EDT
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