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Posted: 3/24/2001 5:32:02 PM EDT
Section 4 of the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution allows for a bounty to put down insurrection, read section 3 too!

To learn more on insurrection and who can commit it go to

The 9th and 10th Amendments of Constitution of the United States of America allow Americans to carry out the self executing 14th Amendment.

So, why all the bitching, moaning, and groaning when obvious un-constitution acts are implemented, like anti-gun legislation?

Is it, that, Americans have become soft, and no longer have anything worth fighting for?

Your thoughts guys.
Link Posted: 3/24/2001 6:01:43 PM EDT
Rant mode on...

The citizens of this country have become too complacent and preoccupied with material objects to care (it seems) when a government (ours) erodes at our rights (god given) which are protected by the Constitution (reinforced by the 9th Amendment).  Careful media manipulation and mis-information continue to place unimportant, trivial thoughts into ones mind, leaving those in charge the ability to legislate their own agendas.  In our country's past our enemies have been the British, the Fascists, then the Communists, but now our enemy lies within...the toughest enemy of all to strike down and control.

Continue to write, email and harangue your elected officials until you know you are heard.
Inform others when they are: disrespecting the Flag, our rights and our values as a nation.  You will be surprised how much you really can do to continue our traditions as a God-fearing, law abiding, independent sovereign nation in this world of puppet states under the United Nations.

Rant mode off...

What do the rest of you weenies believe in?

Link Posted: 3/24/2001 6:43:48 PM EDT
Andreusan, you have lost your mind.
Link Posted: 3/24/2001 11:36:48 PM EDT
I agree totally with your first paragraph. However, I do not believe that we will ever reinstate any of our rights and freedoms through the political process:
1)Since the advent of television we have, as a nation, become the best informed bunch of ignoramouses the world has ever seen. The boob tube has only to tell us it is so, and thus it is.
2)with relation to #1, above, the media is overwhelmingly liberal and I see no change in this trend in the foreseeable future.
3)It is the liberals in this country that continue to force the rest of us to accept an overabundance of immigrants. They let them in, give them our money, and say vote for me if you want more of the same.
4)Liberals and the media continue to convince people that they will be safer if we take away just one or two more of your rights and freedoms. They don't have to prove it (#1), just convince people they will be safer and they willingly agree to gun-laws, curfews, video-cams, DNA testing, etc,etc,etc.
5)Liberals buy peoples votes. I, and many others, work very hard with the end result that the government takes more than half of what I make. They are, in fact, stealing my money and giving to a bunch of losers who, for the most part, deserve whatever contempt society gives them. Who do you think these people are going to vote for? If they discontinued all entitilement programs through a constitutional amendment it would be the end of the democratic party.
6)State and federal capitals have an overwhelmingly large proportion of liberals and other freaks giving our government officials a disparate view of their constituencies. Government bureaucrats are largely taken from these pools as well.
7)Freedom of speech no longer exists. If you make a non-PC comment at work you can be fired with little or no recourse. This is in opposition to individuals who are totalyy incompetent or lazy. Try to get rid of them, sometime.  People in my state who have made themselves standard bearers for conservative organizations have been imprisoned on trumpted up charges and have their lives destroyed. The large number of laws on the books allow the government to target whomever they want.

I believe that if we are ever going to a return to a free society it will come from either force or the inmplied threat thereof.
Link Posted: 3/24/2001 11:52:33 PM EDT
I'm with Cible
Link Posted: 3/24/2001 11:57:28 PM EDT
One could argue that implied threat, as mentioned by dr jarhead, is one of the primary reasons we enjoy the freedoms we do. If RKBA were to disappear, so would the implied threat and this nation could easily fall victim to overly zealous JBTs (worse than it does today).

Unfortunately, any attempt to change things by force would most likely violate Title 18, Chapter 115 of US Code. My guess is individual efforts do nothing but create martyrs.
Link Posted: 3/25/2001 12:43:54 AM EDT
I believe that the nihilistic approach should be [b]the last resort[/b] in the fight to preserve our rights. Until then, let's work with the system.
Link Posted: 3/25/2001 7:07:20 AM EDT
I agree. Use the system to all extents possible. Nor do I advocate violence presently. However, history of this and other nations leads me to believe that reinstatement of any rights or freedoms is nearly impossible to achieve. It becomes far less likely as the size of government increases.
Link Posted: 3/25/2001 6:07:11 PM EDT
Why don't you study the history of places like "Bloody Kansas" and Missouri during the Civil War before you start spouting this kind of drek?  Insurrection is a horror to be avoided until there is NO OTHER ALTERNATIVE.
You, sirrah, are the weenie.  You are too caught up in your adolescent revolutionary fantasies.
Link Posted: 3/25/2001 7:34:00 PM EDT
I'm guessing that andreusan is a bored college student with a large case of penis envy.  Dude, you need to stop reading all those milita tracts.
Link Posted: 3/26/2001 12:24:16 AM EDT
Why don't you study the history of places like "Bloody Kansas" and Missouri during the Civil War before you start spouting this kind of drek?  Insurrection is a horror to be avoided until there is NO OTHER ALTERNATIVE.
You, sirrah, are the weenie.  You are too caught up in your adolescent revolutionary fantasies.
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Hey, IDIOT, did you even understand the questions?
Insurrection, revolution? Where?
Link Posted: 3/26/2001 12:29:10 AM EDT
I'm guessing that andreusan is a bored college student with a large case of penis envy.  Dude, you need to stop reading all those milita tracts.
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Since you mentioned penis, do you have some uncontrollable fetish for em?

The guys are waiting for your answer!
Link Posted: 3/26/2001 8:02:21 PM EDT
I don't think I'm the one with the 'uncontrollable fetish'.  Throw away the milita pamphlets and the blow-up dolls and get a life.

And weren't you the one wondering where all the 'real American men' were in an earlier post????
Link Posted: 3/27/2001 1:17:01 AM EDT
I don't think I'm the one with the 'uncontrollable fetish'.  Throw away the milita pamphlets and the blow-up dolls and get a life.

What do YOU suggest one read the 10 planks of communism?

As for the dolls, I've never played with them, for I am a man, a realman!

And weren't you the one wondering where all the 'real American men' were in an earlier post????
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Surely, your not one, I guess though, you inhaled for Bill, didn't you raaaadiiiiiooooooman!
Link Posted: 3/27/2001 3:47:23 AM EDT
Later, freak- you're not even worth talking to.  I'll leave you to your own private hell.  Enjoy!
Link Posted: 3/27/2001 4:27:23 AM EDT
After being nicked by the IRS for last years unintentional underpayment of income taxes I could understand the contempt for Govt as a whole.

All I do is pay maximum just for the income, then taxed on every non-grocery item I buy in stores, then excised on every gallon of gas, excised for my yearly tabs on the vehicle I need to get to work...etc tax etc tax etc....

I would like to save evey receipt from every purchase for an entire year and tabulate the exact amount of tax I am forced to give back to the state and fed govt. I would assume that at that point the actual cash that I would wind up with for just me wouldn't amount to the yearly income of some poor third world college educated  professional who earns woefully less than a US counterpart.

Just that issue is enough to revolt...hell if it weren't for the good roads and such that really shows representation for the taxation.

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