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Posted: 4/4/2001 6:31:50 AM EDT
Denver mayor Wellington Webb, a liberal who backs typical liberal things like gun control and high crime, has opened up a trade office in China for Denver!  Denver is the only US city to have a trade office in China.  WTF?  He's over there right now negotiating trade agreements with the Chinese while they hold Americans hostage!  Talk about a slap in the face to the American people!
Link Posted: 4/4/2001 6:37:06 AM EDT
What do you expect from that corrupt POS. [puke]
Link Posted: 4/4/2001 6:46:09 AM EDT
Theres battle lines being drawn....
Link Posted: 4/4/2001 6:46:40 AM EDT
I know.  He already ruined Denver - maybe he will destroy China, too.[:D]
Hopefully the people of Denver (if there are enough decent ones left) will elect someone else for mayor!
Link Posted: 4/4/2001 8:01:20 AM EDT
Its a wierd time right now.  All of the big businesses want relations with China because they see lots of profit.   This is at a time when the stock market is tanking every day.  If Bush was to close off relations with China or even make them mad, our market could stumble even more.  $ spent over there would have been wasted and the companies would have more layoffs. etc.. spiraling out of control.   Some Congressmen and or Senators who voted or supported Bush have reminded him of the above.  

Its a crappy situation.  
Link Posted: 4/4/2001 8:07:38 AM EDT
Greenspam was just on the bubble tube crying about not limiting imports (he is trying to head of Bush doing so) I figure he must have an interest in Wallmart ...like you said stock market fears rampant...four years isnt far away and if the economy tanks (when the economy tanks) Bush will be blamed and not the clowntowns (bill and hilly) I hope Bush sticks it to the Chinese and makes them back down
Link Posted: 4/4/2001 9:38:01 AM EDT
The best thing to come out of Denver was Roy Romer.

The next best would be Webb.

And how long did it take you to decide he was a traitor? [;)]

Of course, (Gov.) Bill Owens isn't a  heck of a lot better than Romer. And he's suppos' to be a Republican! [puke]
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