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Posted: 5/6/2003 7:21:32 PM EDT
[url]http://www.9news.com/storyfull-newsroom.asp?id=14127 [/url]

The cop did everything right yet his car was still stolen.

Link Posted: 5/6/2003 7:38:13 PM EDT
.308 "Assault" rifle?
Link Posted: 5/6/2003 7:46:42 PM EDT
“It's a weapon that we don't want on the streets; it's a weapon that does not belong in the hands of someone that doesn't know how to use it,” said Sonny Jackson, Denver Police Department spokesman. “The bottom line is somebody stole it. It’s not theirs and we want it back.”
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It also does not belong to that idiot cop who didnt know how to secure it.  

And so......

It now belongs to the lowlife that took it.
Link Posted: 5/6/2003 7:48:38 PM EDT
Another one?

this happens about every 6 months
Link Posted: 5/6/2003 8:05:22 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/6/2003 8:16:32 PM EDT
That's nothing. We had a K-9 car stolen from right in front of the P.D. with the dog in it. Shotgun too. The K-9 handlers leave them running because the dogs need a controlled temp. The guy was caught several miles away but still in the same county. The dog was seperated from the drivers compartment but was going ballistic.
Link Posted: 5/6/2003 8:20:07 PM EDT
This is why I ALWAYS haul out all of the really sensitive stuff from the cop car every day and put it in the house. The punks can have the shotguns, if they can get them, but I am not going to write the "Dear Chief, here is how I got my machinegun stolen" letter.

Of course, many cops have kids, and to them, the "safest" way to keep the two separate is to lock their duty weapons in the car every night. I don't agree with that thinking, but that is the reality.

Another side note and bit of crime prevention advice; if you leave a car parked in the driveway overnight, do not leave the garage door opener in the car. Take it inside and keep it with your keys.
Link Posted: 5/6/2003 8:23:34 PM EDT
So with all the expensive gear in a cop car why can't they alarm the cars and or have the on-star system where the vehicle can be tracked and shut down.
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After adding the "basic" equipment and extended warranty, a Chevy Impala Police Package costs about $36,000. The city administrators (bean counters) don't want to pay the added expense of security equipment for an entire fleet of Police Cars. Our K-9 cars now have a covert security system though.
Link Posted: 5/6/2003 8:45:16 PM EDT
I am not going to write the "Dear Chief, here is how I got my [red]machinegun[/red] stolen" letter.
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Why the hell does a cop need a MACHINEGUN to protect us lowly citizens? More and more, cops are becoming like military and using military tactics against citizens. There is no need for cops to have access to military style weapons or use their tactics.
Link Posted: 5/6/2003 9:17:58 PM EDT
I am not going to write the "Dear Chief, here is how I got my [red]machinegun[/red] stolen" letter.
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Why the hell does a cop need a MACHINEGUN to protect us lowly citizens? More and more, cops are becoming like military and using military tactics against citizens. There is no need for cops to have access to military style weapons or use their tactics.
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Where have I heard that thinking before?

[red]Why the hell does a citizen need a MACHINEGUN to protect themselves? More and more, civilins are becoming like military and using military tactics against innocent people. There is no need for citizens to have access to military style weapons or use their tactics.[/red]

Now that you see the VERY slight word change, how does it feel to be spouting the same crap as the VPC?

Feel free to switch machine gun and assualt weapon, to see how that fits ya.

Link Posted: 5/7/2003 7:42:52 AM EDT
I am not going to write the "Dear Chief, here is how I got my [red]machinegun[/red] stolen" letter.
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Why the hell does a cop need a MACHINEGUN to protect us lowly citizens? More and more, cops are becoming like military and using military tactics against citizens. There is no need for cops to have access to military style weapons or use their tactics.
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I hope you were joking.

The MGs are an M4 carbine (has auto, only used at qualification), and an M14 (no FA parts, but technically an MG and registered on a Form 10). My employer thinks they are necessary and sees fit to issue them to me. There are valid tactical and doctrinal applications for each, as well as policy restrictions on the when and where I am allowed to use them. Given that I am far more likely to be tasked with dealing with heavily armed and dangerous bad guys than the average bear, and I don't dispute in any way the right any average citizen, including you, to own Title II weapons, why would you dispute my "need" when I actually have to use this stuff and it has probably never come up for you?

I'll support your RKBA if you support mine.
Link Posted: 5/7/2003 7:44:07 AM EDT
I'll support your RKBA if you support mine.
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Actually, I support yours anyway, even if you don't support mine, because it is the right thing to do.
Link Posted: 5/7/2003 3:59:49 PM EDT

I hope you were joking.
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Was it that hard to catch on? Yes...it was sarcasm.
Link Posted: 5/7/2003 4:15:02 PM EDT
Where have I heard that thinking before?

[red]Why the hell does a citizen need a MACHINEGUN to protect themselves? More and more, civilians are becoming like military and using military tactics against innocent people. There is no need for citizens to have access to military style weapons or use their tactics.[/red]

Now that you see the VERY slight word change, how does it feel to be spouting the same crap as the VPC?

Feel free to switch machine gun and assualt weapon, to see how that fits ya.

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IMO the above is a poor example. Explain how  civilians use military [b]weapons and tactics[/b] against other civilians? I am not sure what they would be doing. Civil war maybe? While I don't NEED a machinegun its kinda cool to have one. Is that why cops have them? More than likely. The cops have access to alot of weapons they don't need and the cost is usually not justified. Cops have NO right to weapons just because they are cops. They should however have access to the tools they need to get the job done in a affordable effective manner. Not these FULL BLOWN military style police units alot of cities have.


Its not the same CRAP the VPC spouts. Police are civilians and the difference between them and the military should be quite distinctive. If they keep getting their way this will soon be a police/paramilitary state. They need to be kept in check and reminded who they work for and what their job is.
Link Posted: 5/7/2003 4:15:15 PM EDT
One report says the rifle was $5000. A .308 for $5000?
The only thing I can think of costing that much is a PSG-1.

Maybe it is like the "street value" of drugs, times the correct price by 5.
Link Posted: 5/7/2003 4:28:37 PM EDT
Sorry, but that's got to be one of the most sorry unmarked cars I've ever seen.


Maybe it was the officer's personal ride.
Link Posted: 5/7/2003 4:57:37 PM EDT
I bounced at strip club when I was going to school and one night there a bar fight and the cops came and one of them left his door open a the engine running,the cops inside started kicking some wise guys ass (he deserved it) and his buddy runs outside and jumps in the cop car and off he goes,the cop who belonged to that car asked me (very angry) ,why didn't I stop him?
I looked at the cop and almost got arrested myself for laughing right in his face.
They caught the guy at the local diner,he was having breakfast,LOL
Link Posted: 5/7/2003 5:13:51 PM EDT
I am not going to write the "Dear Chief, here is how I got my [red]machinegun[/red] stolen" letter.
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Why the hell does a cop need a MACHINEGUN to protect us lowly citizens? More and more, cops are becoming like military and using military tactics against citizens. There is no need for cops to have access to military style weapons or use their tactics.
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Here we go again!!!  It's like a radio station that only owns one record.
Link Posted: 5/7/2003 6:01:56 PM EDT
I am not going to write the "Dear Chief, here is how I got my [red]machinegun[/red] stolen" letter.
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Why the hell does a cop need a MACHINEGUN to protect us lowly citizens? More and more, cops are becoming like military and using military tactics against citizens. There is no need for cops to have access to military style weapons or use their tactics.
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Here we go again!!!  It's like a radio station that only owns one record.
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Apparently they did not teach you to read at the academy!! LOL
Link Posted: 5/7/2003 6:09:22 PM EDT
The city administrators (bean counters) don't want to pay the added expense of security equipment for an entire fleet of Police Cars.
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This is sadly the truth. Instead of spending a little money that would definately be useful, they would rather pass some more feel good laws that only make otherwise law abiding people criminals.
Link Posted: 5/8/2003 6:45:51 AM EDT
Where have I heard that thinking before?

[red]Why the hell does a citizen need a MACHINEGUN to protect themselves? More and more, civilians are becoming like military and using military tactics against innocent people. There is no need for citizens to have access to military style weapons or use their tactics.[/red]

Now that you see the VERY slight word change, how does it feel to be spouting the same crap as the VPC?

Feel free to switch machine gun and assualt weapon, to see how that fits ya.

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IMO the above is a poor example. Explain how  civilians use military [b]weapons and tactics[/b] against other civilians? I am not sure what they would be doing. Civil war maybe? While I don't NEED a machinegun its kinda cool to have one. Is that why cops have them? More than likely. The cops have access to alot of weapons they don't need and the cost is usually not justified. Cops have NO right to weapons just because they are cops. They should however have access to the tools they need to get the job done in a affordable effective manner. Not these FULL BLOWN military style police units alot of cities have.


Its not the same CRAP the VPC spouts. Police are civilians and the difference between them and the military should be quite distinctive. If they keep getting their way this will soon be a police/paramilitary state. They need to be kept in check and reminded who they work for and what their job is.
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Exactly who are the customers at Thunder Ranch, or a whole host of other "shooting schools"? Think about that.

Nextly as far as pistol caliber MG's. Police, CHL's, or people defending their houses, when they get involved in "gunfights" are often at fistfight distance. Only the police though are going to be activley seeking out criminals.

The last police "shootout" around here took place inside a bathroom. And I mean a 1 staller.

At those ranges, do you think 1 9mm round from a carbine is gonna stop the aggressive acts? Isn't FA pretty controlalbe at those ranges?

Nextly as far a military tactics.

Your neighbor comes home, their house door is standing open, as they poke their head in they hear noises. The use there cell and call 911. The keep an eye on the house and nobody leaves. How would you prefer the police clear that house? Is the answer th tactically.................

Look, "back in the day" the police used to do a lot of rushing into places, banks, houses that were being burgled etc. Guess waht that tactic resulted in. That's right shoot-outs. Cops got killed, bystanders got killed, criminals got killed. Guess what people in general really don't want the police shooting people.

There were stategies devised, somewhat to keep police from shooting people. You see if the police don't give BG's a chance to get a "clear shot" at a cop they often won't shoot at all.

Things were good people were happy. The police stopped rushing into places, would negotiate, and only as a last resort send SWAT in. Everyone was happy. The cops, the bystanders, heck even criminals were less likely to do shooting or get shoot.

Then came the McDonalds massacre in CA. Then came Columbine. There was the N. Hollywood bank shoot out, and a chase/shoot out with similarly armed subjcts that went 150 miles.

Guess what those required a change in tactics too.

2 weeks ago my dept's. "team" had to go into a house. The ex-husband of the lady who lived there, came by, and killed her current boyfriend in front of her. Then retreated to the basement. Exactly how would you clear that house, including the basement?

FYI read my sig-line, it was made in jest. But the point is true. Also I have 2 duty handguns. Guess who paid for those?  
Link Posted: 5/8/2003 6:52:37 AM EDT
Cops can have whatever they want IMO.  I demand that same right for myself.

There's my non-cop-bashing opinion.
Link Posted: 5/8/2003 7:44:46 AM EDT
Cops can have whatever they want IMO.  I demand that same right for myself.
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The difference is, LEOs get that right, we don't, no matter what we demand.

I do think there are sometimes when LEOs would benifit from full auto. However, I do not like the militarization that is going on with the police today.
Link Posted: 5/8/2003 3:41:44 PM EDT
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Dude, you are rambling. Take a break and reread the posts. Nothing you said makes ANY sense.
Your trying to preach to the choir.
Link Posted: 5/8/2003 7:08:31 PM EDT
They found the car but didn't find the rifle. I would still like to know what model it was.

Most Denver PD I know have .223 AR's.
Link Posted: 5/8/2003 7:16:29 PM EDT
Answer that question Ripmeyer,

Your neighbor comes home, their house door is standing open, as they poke their head in they hear noises. The use there cell and call 911. The keep an eye on the house and nobody leaves. How would you prefer the police clear that house?

The last police "shootout" around here took place inside a bathroom. And I mean a 1 staller.

At those ranges, do you think 1 9mm round from a carbine is gonna stop the aggressive acts? Isn't FA pretty controlalbe at those ranges?

If you have to go into a bathroom to get an armed bank robber out, what would the proper weapon for that job be?
Link Posted: 5/8/2003 7:39:02 PM EDT
Not even the PD is immune from car theft. I was at the local indoor range one night, and I overheard that a shooter from the previous night was at the range, and he went home very late, and left his guns in the trunk, and his car was stolen along with his precious guns. When I go to the range, and when I stop by a resturant after a shooting session I ALWAYS try to park with my vehicle in plain sight. You never can be too careful.
Link Posted: 5/8/2003 7:46:41 PM EDT
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