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Posted: 3/4/2001 6:13:48 AM EDT
I work at Barrett Mfg, Dateline for whatever reason decided a 50 BMG story would be nice.

I couldn't believe the boss actually let them in the door! They filmed all day, did a few interviews, for the most part it went well. We will see after "editing". They couldn't trip anyone up. The guy doing the interviews was getting a bit ticked when he couldn't trip anyone up. The boss finally asked him if he wanted one of us to give the answer he wanted so he could say he won one! It was pretty funny!

Show airs last week of this month. I will be the goofball building the M82A1's.
Link Posted: 3/4/2001 6:20:42 AM EDT
Where do they build the rifles? How many per day?  Any idea what the purpose of the story/interview/filming was about? just interested......don't think any good for the company would be gained by having news media edit the heck out of a story...most likely will make you guys look  BAD. [:(]
Link Posted: 3/4/2001 6:31:55 AM EDT
50cal..I need to come down there and pick up that rifle Monday. Please e-mail me and tell me how to get there. Fred762
Link Posted: 3/4/2001 6:51:47 AM EDT
You know the whole gist of the story is going to be "Scary gun we need to ban ASAP, because civilians have no business owning one."
Link Posted: 3/4/2001 7:13:01 AM EDT
I hope it will come out ok BUT,
Most likely they will cut and paste every answer to make it sound like you all are a bunch of Super Violent, Racist, Cop and Baby Killers.

I will be totally shocked if it comes out otherwise.

BTW, are you guy's hiring?
Link Posted: 3/4/2001 7:13:07 AM EDT
"I couldn't believe the boss actually let them in the door!"

I can't either.  Nothing good will come from this, you can be sure.  

They are driven by an agenda and nothing will sway them from it. Fifty cal is the next "evil" aspect of guns the Liberal Elites have decided to focus on.

As to accuracy, remember the rigged tests of the pickup gas tanks this crowd was caught doing.

Accuracy in Media-an oxymoron

Link Posted: 3/4/2001 7:22:41 AM EDT
Well, I was just thinking maybe the 50 cal will get a fair shake from Dateline.  Did anyone read that article on the 50 cal in the New York Times Sunday magazine?  I expected the worst from the Times, which basically reports the editors' Liberal bias as objective fact; especially their unflappable support and defense of the Clintons over the last 8 long years.  

Anyway, I was pleasantly surprised that the piece in the magazine was pretty fair and well balanced, and aside from the guy who hunted deer with the incendiary round, the owners seemed like ordinary and normal folks. The reporter got to shoot the gun and hit a target 2 miles away, which he enjoyed.  
Link Posted: 3/4/2001 7:33:13 AM EDT
i wouldn't be a bit surprised to find that all the "answers" are fake.  however, isn't there something that journalists have to worry about called libel when they do something like that?  just wondering.

to clarify:  is this show on TONIGHT or later in the month?
Link Posted: 3/4/2001 8:44:59 AM EDT
Watch Fox News!
If we don't watch the liberal media, they will lose advertizers and then they can't afford Dan Rather.
Look at CNN, many of their more liberal talking heads have been given 'early retirement'.
Soon other media corporations will follow the FOX lead, and hire more objective anchors.
Link Posted: 3/4/2001 8:57:10 AM EDT
Fair reporting            Dateline news
Link Posted: 3/4/2001 10:33:48 AM EDT
Watch Fox News!
If we don't watch the liberal media, they will lose advertizers and then they can't afford Dan Rather.[smoke]
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Unless your a nielsen family or honest on any tv surveys, they have no way of knowing. It's more fun to me anyway to watch the enemy's propoganda machine than it is to watch a buncha guys on our side, unless it's O'reilly, he can tear those socialist idiots up one side and down the other.
Link Posted: 3/5/2001 5:03:18 AM EDT
I hate to piss in your coffee but Oreilly thinks guns should be registered. Ussually I agree with his ideas but not that one. I think I stopped watching him for over 3 months when he said that.
Link Posted: 3/5/2001 5:27:42 AM EDT
Doesn't Oreilly realize that every new firearm is?  Every handgun in this state is required to be also.
Link Posted: 3/5/2001 7:54:16 AM EDT
50cal, I'm afraid your 'boss' is about to learn a lesson that he should have already known.

Link Posted: 3/5/2001 8:07:42 AM EDT
I think those folks are gathering stock footage for year at some later time, a year or two ago, there was a lot of hubbub about .50Cal sniper rifles used to "take out tanks," that are owned by civilians.  I believe at some point there will be a concerted push by the anti-gunners to ban and/or highly regulate them.  At moment, the anti-gunners and general news media is pushing for background checks at gun shows.
Link Posted: 3/5/2001 11:32:12 AM EDT
Dateline appears to be on a mission. Last night's puke fest was an appeal to emotional soccer moms: "Look at all the bad things guns do! We must save the children! We must do whatever it takes to feel safe!" Now they'll start enumerating ways to end gun violence, which of course, must end in a gun ban as that's the only "common-sense" solution. I wonder how many of those poor little ones were killed by a 50 BMG?

Ann Coulter's my hero. She says women are too stupid to vote because they're willing to give up their rights, and ours, to feel safe.
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