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Posted: 2/27/2002 6:21:34 PM EDT
I'm just curious, simply as a result of all the press coverage on this subject, about this rather simple question.

[b]If it became available to you, would you want to watch the Daniel Pearl execution video?[/b]

I'd be interested in knowing why or why not if you feel like commenting.
Link Posted: 2/27/2002 6:29:39 PM EDT
I think this video and the twin towers video and any other like them should be played on a regular basis. Maybe all of the people who flew the flag for a couple of weeks and forgot about it should keep watching them. It's too bad that the sheeple need to be reminded about what went on already.
Link Posted: 2/27/2002 6:33:11 PM EDT
I just think it's curious that journalists don't show one of their own getting killed but they will readily show U.S. Servicemen getting dragged through the streets of Mog.  
Edited to add:  I voted no.  I know he was killed and how.  If I need to see that shit I'll watch Hollywood.
Link Posted: 2/27/2002 6:36:46 PM EDT
I think this video and the twin towers video and any other like them should be played on a regular basis. Maybe all of the people who flew the flag for a couple of weeks and forgot about it should keep watching them. It's too bad that the sheeple need to be reminded about what went on already.
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Then maybe they will be honest on their tax returns, and buy American cars with fuel efficient engines so that we are not a slave nation to the Japanese and the Saudi's?
Link Posted: 2/27/2002 6:38:24 PM EDT
I just think it's curious that journalists don't show one of their own getting killed but they will readily show U.S. Servicemen getting dragged through the streets of Mog.  
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That's a good point.
Link Posted: 2/27/2002 11:22:33 PM EDT
wow Bam, good one. i wont watch it. im sure it can be had on one of the P2P networks but i dont think its right. and i wont watch it
Link Posted: 2/27/2002 11:25:25 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/28/2002 3:17:44 AM EDT
There is something very interesting that takes place before they cut his throat.  They are talking about his wife and his unborn child.  

They ask him if he believes what the United States is doing in Afganistan is right and he says no.

They ask him if Israel has right to exist and he says no.

They ask him if his God is the true God of man and he says no.

They ask him who is the true God and he says Allah.

They slit his throat.
Link Posted: 2/28/2002 3:22:45 AM EDT
Post from Halfcocked -
They ask him if his God is the true God of man and he says no.

They ask him who is the true God and he says Allah.
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Under such circumstances, his God, Who is the True and Only God, will forgive him his denial.

The Lord forgave Peter his three denials in just such similiar circumstances.

The rest is just politics.

Eric The(WasAllahHappy?IDoubtIt!)Hun[>]:)]
Link Posted: 2/28/2002 3:30:06 AM EDT
Post from Halfcocked -
They ask him if his God is the true God of man and he says no.

They ask him who is the true God and he says Allah.
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Under such circumstances, his God, Who is the True and Only God, will forgive him his denial.

The Lord forgave Peter his three denials in just such similiar circumstances.

The rest is just politics.

Eric The(WasAllahHappy?IDoubtIt!)Hun[>]:)]
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I pray it is so.

Been having this discussion with some friends the last couple of weeks, what would you do if...you, your child/wife/brother were in this position and you were asked to renounce your God and Saviour.

I think (felt this way before) that I would rather have my loved one meet their maker knowing what awaits them than to have me cast any doubt in their last seconds of life, if there were no guarantees, and we all know there are never any guarantees.

I would just like to frustrate the bastards and not give them the satisfaction if it were my life.
Link Posted: 2/28/2002 3:40:09 AM EDT
I thnk that it should be played on every news broadcast for the next month. Just to keep the liberals mouths shut about peaceful islam and all that other BS.
Link Posted: 2/28/2002 3:47:34 AM EDT
I understand the guys here who say show it so that people will know that the Muslims are barbarians. However I will not watch it for the same reason I don't watch the Kennedy assasination film. It's not hollywood, it is the real death of a real person. He has family and friends. It would be just plain vulgar.
Link Posted: 2/28/2002 3:47:46 AM EDT
There is something very interesting that takes place before they cut his throat.  They are talking about his wife and his unborn child.  

They ask him if he believes what the United States is doing in Afganistan is right and he says no.

They ask him if Israel has right to exist and he says no.

They ask him if his God is the true God of man and he says no.

They ask him who is the true God and he says Allah.

They slit his throat.
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Just curious, did you see the video?

No, I would not watch it, like the other guy said, watched the Russian video of the Chechnyans, once is enough.
Link Posted: 2/28/2002 3:49:20 AM EDT
NO.....What for?....Let the man rest in peace.
Link Posted: 2/28/2002 4:05:30 AM EDT
No. Not yet.

I had it described to me in a phone conversation from someone who had.

Sounds about on par with the Russian soldiers execution.

I think that it should be required viewing for everyone.

Anyone who thinks that war and dying is painless and with out barbarism should see it.

Anyone who supports sending their fellow countrymen into war should see it.

Anyone who does not support sending their fellow countrymen into war should see it.

Anyone who objects to they themselves going into war should see it.

Anyone about to go into battle should see it.

Makes you know why some save that last round for themselves.
Link Posted: 2/28/2002 9:08:43 AM EDT
Why would I want to watch the poor dude's head get cut off?
I don't like reporters as a rule, but geezlouise.
Link Posted: 2/28/2002 9:22:55 AM EDT
There is something very interesting that takes place before they cut his throat.  They are talking about his wife and his unborn child.  

They ask him if he believes what the United States is doing in Afganistan is right and he says no.

They ask him if Israel has right to exist and he says no.

They ask him if his God is the true God of man and he says no.

They ask him who is the true God and he says Allah.

They slit his throat.
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According to my tally, he got 100% on those answers, but they just didn't believe him.

I would prefer to watch the clips of those responsible having their eyes gouged out...etc
Link Posted: 2/28/2002 9:37:31 AM EDT
Of course I believe it must be up to his family to decide. I do not want to view it out of curiosity - I have far too much respect for him. I do, however, feel that some of the sheeple do need to somehow "see" the reality of the true nature of the people we are fighting.

I could be wrong - it is just a thought.

Link Posted: 2/28/2002 9:42:06 AM EDT
I would not like to see it, but I almost think it is necessary to keep us all angry. . . if we lose the anger, we lose the war.

BTW, I think it is very ironic that most muslims don't understand the history of their religion and continue to ignore the fact that OUR God is the same as THEIR God.
Link Posted: 2/28/2002 9:46:57 AM EDT
I've seen the Russian death video.  Once is enough.
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seeing same here one horrible death is way more then enough
Link Posted: 2/28/2002 9:55:20 AM EDT
I see several responses stating that no one should want to watch it.  I absolutely agree with that statement, but I also feel that United States citizens who have never been witness to a brutal execution SHOULD watch it.  

Sheeple need to wake up and see the enemy that we as a free country are fighting, rather than being lulled back into complacency by the mainstream media.  We as a people should not let this incident drift into our memories when it is no longer deemed worthy of headlines.

In regard to my first statement, I think that anyone who WANTS to watch it for some kind of cheap thrill is no better than the animals in the video.
Link Posted: 2/28/2002 10:00:51 AM EDT
I've seen the Russian death video.  Once is enough.
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That's [i]exactly[/i] how I feel about it too.  I know what happened to him, and I already know what it looks like.  I'll never intentionally watch something like that again.  (Well, [b]maybe[/b] if it's OBL.)
Link Posted: 2/28/2002 10:14:34 AM EDT
I just think it's curious that journalists don't show one of their own getting killed but they will readily show U.S. Servicemen getting dragged through the streets of Mog.  
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Real good point.  But, that aside, I vote no.  How he was killed doesn't matter.  The fact remains that he WAS killed and that is the problem that must be addressed.  Seeing the video would just feed sick curiosities.
Link Posted: 2/28/2002 8:20:32 PM EDT
So there's some requirement that if you die Jewish, you have to be brought back for a ritual burial right away.

What exactly is required, and how do you deal with the departed in a situation like this?
(The family doesn't have the body and can't get it)
Link Posted: 2/28/2002 8:57:54 PM EDT
im with the guys that say once in enough.

that little Q and A session is pretty fukin sick. we should be doing the same thing at camp xray
Link Posted: 2/28/2002 9:09:53 PM EDT
Let's hope the unborn child never has to watch it.
Link Posted: 2/28/2002 9:13:01 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/28/2002 9:20:41 PM EDT
the fact is he is dead. thats sad and all, but i dont think we (the whole world ) should need to see it.  if you want to see what it looks like (liberals)  go get a knife and stand infront of a miror.  then you can see for yourself, by yourself.  plus that gives us less liberals. hehehe   [smash]
Link Posted: 2/28/2002 10:44:56 PM EDT
what is this russian video?
Link Posted: 3/1/2002 7:58:21 AM EDT
Anotherone who saw the Russian beheading. The thought of it still gives me a queezy feeling.  I voted no, and would like to think the media would have the conscience to have it availible for downloads from their with a few warning before it actually opens, instead of just blasting it on Cable TV.

I don't know about you, but I wouldn't want my death scene to be some news clip at 11:00.
Link Posted: 3/1/2002 8:33:42 AM EDT
I have absolutely no interest in watching it, but also don't feel he was simply an innocent civilian either!

[b]1)[/b] He went there with the sole intent of getting his "15 Minutes of Fame" via the interview with that ravenous warlord. He looked upon this as a career move! [blue]Since when does WSJ do Geraldo style reporting..?[/blue]

[b]2)[/b] He endangered his entire family by even having them in Pakistan while he was "on assignment"...  [blue]Since when does WSJ do Geraldo style reporting..?[/blue]

[b]3)[/b] In the end, knowing he was to be killed, he renounced God... The [u]only[/u] man who could have saved him!

I feel very sorrowful for his family and especially knowing that his unborn child will never know his father ([i]especially since the child will be told "Daddy died a hero", when in reality, he died a damned fool![/i]).  As for him... when you jump into a vipers den, expect to be bitten!

FWIW: Just is just another shinning example, of liberalism "creating" more unnecessary death. [pissed]
Link Posted: 3/1/2002 9:13:46 AM EDT
I want to see the video, not for sick thrills, but to get real angry and pissed at the paks and afgans in particular, and the arab world in general. I was in Vietnam, and I saw all the death & destruction anybody would ever want to see. The Sheepe also need to see this video, for the same reason.
I want to be shocked and angry! I want to drive thru Pakistan in an M1A1 and shoot everything that moves. Hell, it's just a shithole anyway, nobody would miss it.
Link Posted: 5/17/2002 8:24:25 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/17/2002 8:43:39 PM EDT
I can't put my feelings into words on this one.
Link Posted: 5/17/2002 8:54:35 PM EDT
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Well, i didn't really expect that to be real but it appears so. I wish I hadn't have clicked it. Its similar to the russian vid but it looks like Pearl was already dead before the beheading. Which is graphic, as the killers hold his head up in the air afterwards. The rest of the vid is just Muslim propoganda, it shows Palis getting picked off by israeli snipers, etc. Its pretty damn sick.
Link Posted: 5/17/2002 9:59:09 PM EDT
I think it is MORE important that all citizens watch Waco: The Rules of Engagement, Waco: A New Revelation, and The FLIR Project. The worst type of terrorism is terrorism carried out by your own government.
Link Posted: 5/17/2002 10:55:13 PM EDT
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Wow.  The people who run that site are completely psychotic.  Take their poll on the main page. . . .
Link Posted: 5/18/2002 12:01:28 AM EDT
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Um, just checked out the site. I wonder(hoping actually) if our "Alphabet Agencies" CIA, FBI, DEA, BATF, has seen that website by now and are doing something about it?
Link Posted: 5/18/2002 12:03:51 AM EDT
No, I already saw that video of that woman getting obliterated by the train in Champlain, IL.
Link Posted: 5/18/2002 12:36:39 AM EDT

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Link Posted: 5/18/2002 6:18:40 AM EDT
I think that to show this video is to assist the murderers in carrying out the full evil of their crime.

You should be charged as an accessory after the fact in Daniel Pearl's murder in you have any hand in seeing that this video is aired.

The very reason that this video was made was to further the assinine goals of these POSs who murdered an American citizen!

And I personally don't care to argue over whether Pearl was assinine or not in going to Pakistan under these conditions. Are we simply 'blaming the victim' again, hmmm?

If you really think that this video should be shown, then I think you should be agreeable to having the world see the videotaped autopsy of your father, mother, spouse or child, when and if they ever die.

Now [u]that[/u] wouldn't be pleasant, would it now?

Eric The(BeSensible!)Hun[>]:)]
Link Posted: 5/18/2002 7:07:22 AM EDT
If there was an inherently evil man on one side of a 20 foot high brick wall, and an inherently good man on the other side, and each had a hand grenade, and with each were 10 innocent babies, and the inherently evil man pulled the pin threw his hand grenade over the wall- what would the inherently good man do?
Link Posted: 5/18/2002 7:19:05 AM EDT

Don't have much use for a free press?

How ironic.
Link Posted: 5/18/2002 7:19:39 AM EDT
If there was an inherently evil man on one side of a 20 foot high brick wall, and an inherently good man on the other side, and each had a hand grenade, and with each were 10 innocent babies, and the inherently evil man pulled the pin threw his hand grenade over the wall- what would the inherently good man do?
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Throw it back over.
Link Posted: 5/18/2002 7:58:58 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/18/2002 8:08:06 AM EDT
If there was an inherently evil man on one side of a 20 foot high brick wall, and an inherently good man on the other side, and each had a hand grenade, and with each were 10 innocent babies, and the inherently evil man pulled the pin threw his hand grenade over the wall- what would the inherently good man do?
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Throw it back over.
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And kill the 10 babies on the other side?
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For arguement's sake, basically yes.  He would be responsible for their deaths, and I would grieve their loss.

Interesting hypothetical. What's your choice?
Link Posted: 5/18/2002 8:21:59 AM EDT
interesting question

"throw yourself on the grenade" sounds (and is) heroic and honorable - but is it pratical?

too many "what if" outcomes

so, the evil man on the other side would live, free to raise/brainwash the other 10 innocent babies to become just as evil as he is... so they can throw more grenades at more "innocent" babies?

this is a lose/lose situation... and subject to too many other variables

Link Posted: 5/18/2002 8:22:44 AM EDT
Throw your own body on the grenade, save everyone!

Eric The(EasyDoesIt)Hun[>]:)]
Link Posted: 5/18/2002 8:37:15 AM EDT
ditto what Eric said- he has the correct answer
Link Posted: 5/18/2002 8:39:41 AM EDT
I just emailed the little moron that runs the site...
not fit for printing here, but it's basically an invitation for him to come over and get his head bashed in by your's truly

Damn, that website has me fuming!

Thanks 71-hour achmed- good info!
Link Posted: 5/18/2002 9:52:29 AM EDT
from the site for those that dont wish to go....
The life of Daniel Pearl, a [b]Mossad agent[/b] stemming from a family of Zionists, was taken in revenge for the American and Zionist terror orgies claiming the innocent lives of thousands of Muslims.

The Pentagon sentenced agent Pearl to death after refusing to meet the demands of the agent's captors. The group demanded basic human rights from a nation which recently refused to comply in setting up the international criminal justice court for fear that they themselves would be charged.
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This is the mentality we are up against..

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