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Posted: 5/21/2002 6:47:30 PM EDT
Our former gun manufacterors suing mayor is winning the primary. Now he will be running for governor.
Link Posted: 5/21/2002 6:59:43 PM EDT
Don't get too terribly worried, I doubt he'll win the main election. Do vote though.
Link Posted: 5/21/2002 7:19:10 PM EDT
It would make for any easier Republican win if Casey got the Dem nod. I don't really trust Fisher but he is a million times better than that Clintonesque scumbag Rendell.

Vote early and vote often.
Link Posted: 5/21/2002 7:28:35 PM EDT
Tell me you're not really that surprised by this news?........
Do you think that a Democrat in Pennsylvania
would even have a chance at office if it weren't for Philadelphia and Pittsburgh?
I doubt it!
Pennsylvania is a conservative state and where I live Liberals and Leftist hide.

Thank the Unions and teamsters for
Mr.Rendell! Pardon me but......
Isn't the state presently taking over the schools in Philly? Wonder why?

The Democrats and Liberals love "BIG"
government. As long as they're not paying for it! Pass that bill onto Bill Gates and associates.

Go ahead and flame me but, after 14 years of dealing with union workers I am ready to

Our former gun manufacterors suing mayor is winning the primary. Now he will be running for governor.
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Link Posted: 5/21/2002 8:27:29 PM EDT
Unfortunately, I think Fast Eddie has a good chance of winning. I sincerely hope I'm wrong, but I doubt it.  Of course, right now, he's the darling of the democrat party.  If he wins in the fall, he may try to capitalize on it and try to move on to higher office in 2004 (senator, VP, prez.)

Get on the ball and start mobilizing anti-Rendell support for the general election in the fall.  If you're not registered, get registered to vote.  Make sure your family and friends are too.
Link Posted: 5/21/2002 8:41:43 PM EDT
One of the local tv stations said that rendell would win in the general election in the fall according to their poll.

We can thank our unions for rendell winning the primary. I think Fisher would of had a better chance against casey.
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