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Posted: 5/13/2002 6:13:53 AM EDT
BenDover posted a link to a Democratic Underground article that turned out to be a very bad parody of a pro-gun-rights view of the 2nd amendment.  So I joined DU so I could post my comments on this POS article.

First, I discovered you have to respond to one or more threads before you can post one.  Then I discovered most of the threads were "protected".  Very "democratic" don't you think?  Is that site hosted in Nigeria by a bunch of "rich" people with money they wish to put in your bank account?

They are indeed underground.  I just wish somebody would shovel the dirt on top of them.
Link Posted: 5/13/2002 8:42:32 AM EDT
Actually the site is run by greens and communists who call it "Democratic" Underground to trick Dems into funding it.

And it's working.

Some Democrats are even falling for the Green/Communist agenda and embracing it as Democratic.
Link Posted: 5/13/2002 9:01:18 AM EDT
Actually the site is run by greens and communists who call it "Democratic" Underground to trick Dems into funding it.
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The Green/Reds have been doing that since the beginnning of Socialism.

* "German [red]Democratic[/red] Republic" aka East Germany.
* "[red]Democratic[/red] Republic of Vietnam" aka North Vietnam

Why do you think all the ex-Commies in Europe and Liberals here all march in lockstep behind the mantra that we should make the world safe for "democracy"?

"Democracy" is their codeword for Socialism (and Communism).
Link Posted: 5/13/2002 1:47:21 PM EDT
So marvl, you didn't find it to be a very inclusive place, accepting of diversity. Huh, imagine that.
Link Posted: 5/13/2002 1:52:10 PM EDT
We need to set up the AR15 hack squad [:)]  Do they do any picture hosting?  Put them under in bandwidth costs.s
Link Posted: 5/13/2002 2:11:26 PM EDT
I've known about that place for about a year.  Trust me on this.  It is for entertainment purposes only (i.e., OUR entertainment).

The people who post their seem totally divorced from reality, and their bitterness and hate of Bush is really funny to witness.  

DU is always good for a howl.

Like how Clinton was the best president ever, how he really worked for the poor and underprivileged.  How presidential he is compared to the idiotic and fumbling "Chimp" or "Smirk" or a hundred other names they have for Bush.  

You can't even disagree with them or they ban you, so just go there for a laugh.  Like how they think Saddam Hussein is a better ruler than Bush, because of free health care in Iraq [shock]

Israelis get no sympathy for being victims of suicide bombing, but if they fight back and actually try to stop it, they are genocidal Nazis.  

We can replace fossil fiuels with renewable energy sources, we only have to dump hundreds of billions of dollars into research and use government authority to force people to stop using non-renewable sources of energy [shock]

And they're 100% serious about all this.  It's too damn funny.
Link Posted: 5/13/2002 10:57:31 PM EDT
How do I get to this DU web site? I wanna have some fun!!!
Link Posted: 5/13/2002 11:07:21 PM EDT
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