I've known about that place for about a year. Trust me on this. It is for entertainment purposes only (i.e., OUR entertainment).
The people who post their seem totally divorced from reality, and their bitterness and hate of Bush is really funny to witness.
DU is always good for a howl.
Like how Clinton was the best president ever, how he really worked for the poor and underprivileged. How presidential he is compared to the idiotic and fumbling "Chimp" or "Smirk" or a hundred other names they have for Bush.
You can't even disagree with them or they ban you, so just go there for a laugh. Like how they think Saddam Hussein is a better ruler than Bush, because of free health care in Iraq [shock]
Israelis get no sympathy for being victims of suicide bombing, but if they fight back and actually try to stop it, they are genocidal Nazis.
We can replace fossil fiuels with renewable energy sources, we only have to dump hundreds of billions of dollars into research and use government authority to force people to stop using non-renewable sources of energy [shock]
And they're 100% serious about all this. It's too damn funny.