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Posted: 1/26/2002 8:47:50 AM EDT
Did anyone watch Utah's Attorney General try to reason with that idiot young lady and assinine Bill Press regarding CCW laws?
Link Posted: 1/26/2002 8:54:01 AM EDT
Damn!  I missed that!  I wonder if there's a transcript available.

Edited to add:  Yes there is - [url]http://www.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0201/25/cf.00.html[/url]
PRESS: Why would anybody need a gun in a classroom?

SHURTLEFF: I agree. Again, people -- I want to uphold the law. That's my job is to make people follow the law. The university is not beyond the law. Nobody is beyond the law. And but I would agree with you. I don't think guns ought to be in schools or churches. The problem is with your current law, you're letting the criminals carry weapons on campus because they don't obey the rules.

That's what they do for a living is they disobey laws and policies. So the only people obeying it are the law abiding good citizens, who have never been a problem. The perfect example of this is what happened in the Appalachian School of Law just a few weeks ago, where you had a criminal shoot and kill people.

The only reason why he was stopped is because the student who had a gun unfortunately out in their car, they had to go out and get it. And by the time they got it, he came out, ordered him to drop his weapon. Now maybe she could have saved lives had she had the gun in the classroom. So the problem is not with law abiding students. It's with the criminals.
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Link Posted: 1/26/2002 9:01:55 AM EDT
I did, and thought the Utah AG did a fine job.  Sounds like it might be a nice place to visit once the Olympics are over.
Link Posted: 1/26/2002 9:07:55 AM EDT
It's a good thing to have Bill Press on there rather than someone like Sarah Brady who might get some sympathy using the same arguments.  A stupid white guy is a good foil.

The fact that you even see this debated is good news.  The old tactic was to keep it hidden like it was "taboo" sort of like pedophilia.  The public appetite for debate on guns, abortion, and hopefully the drug war will be a good thing IMO
Link Posted: 1/26/2002 9:08:15 AM EDT
There was the ususal "Why don't you want to keep guns out of schools", etc.  Shurtleff was trying to impress upon them that criminals make it a habit of disobeying laws.
The upcoming 2002 Winter Games where GUNSRBAD was the main focus of the show, I think, I missed the first ten minutes or so.
Link Posted: 1/26/2002 9:22:44 AM EDT
Saw it- made me mad as heck. The bimbo had no concept of what she spoke, and made a fool out of herself. She thought gun ownership/carry required no background check and was available to criminals!! The AG did well, kept to the facts, like pointing out that 2 recent school shootings were STOPPED by owners of concealed handguns. He was continually interrupted by the ignorant fear mongering comments of the moron Press, who had completly misconstrued the facts of the Utah Olymipc games. We all know how safe the cities are that ban carry- just look up the top 10 murder rates to find them...
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