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Posted: 5/19/2002 7:14:43 PM EDT
Since I did the recent update I have had some problems with the Half-Life Counter-Strike PC Game.  The first problem is the program stops responding when I attempt to close it.  The second problem, probably related to the first, is that when I restart the game  I receive the following error message

"The server data file favsvrs.dat apears to be corrupt".

I have uninstalled HL and CS and reinstalled CS using a commercial version.  I had also reinstalled the recent update for the commercial version.  Neither of these has solved the problem.

Anyone have any ideas?
Link Posted: 5/19/2002 7:23:52 PM EDT
Yeah, try the technical help forum at the CS web site.

Link Posted: 5/19/2002 7:47:11 PM EDT
Thanks, why did I think of that.

They had a thread tagged at the top of the board.
Link Posted: 5/19/2002 8:21:49 PM EDT
JB...forum probably wont help much....there are tons of people having the same problem...! I quit playing because of it. SOF2 demo is a semi adequate replacement. BTW...you can skip the hangs when you exit by typing "exit" in console instead of hitting your assigned exit key. However, you will still encounter the favserv errors. Good Luck and Happy shooting.
Link Posted: 5/19/2002 8:26:58 PM EDT
I only play TFC, haven't gotten around to learning CS yet, and after the last patch everything works but I can't get into ANY servers. Have tried a few things that didn't work.

Will try complete uninstall/reinstall and see if that helps.

What a pain.


Capitalist Stooge aka Colonel Batguano aka The Medic Outside the Respawn Door
Link Posted: 5/20/2002 5:14:40 PM EDT
Still having problems, this sucks.
Link Posted: 5/20/2002 5:26:15 PM EDT
This is the fix for, hanging when you close game. Find the favsvrs.dat, file in the CS directory folder, then right click to get props, then click the read only box. It will no longer save fav. servers, or log. Will fix prob when you quit game.
Link Posted: 5/20/2002 5:46:13 PM EDT
Be sure you updated the Half-life engine, not just the Counterstrike custom games. I had similar problems before specifically updating Half-life itself.
Link Posted: 5/20/2002 6:31:26 PM EDT
Be sure you updated the Half-life engine, not just the Counterstrike custom games. I had similar problems before specifically updating Half-life itself.
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I re-installed with a commercial revision of Counter-Strike so I shouldn't need to updated HL...right?

I tried changing the server file to read only but it still hangs-up when I exit.
Link Posted: 5/21/2002 8:32:08 AM EDT
Put it this way, I did the update to counterstrike to 1.4, and had the same problems you describe until I explicitly updated to the latest half-life engine.
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