Being relatively new to guns, but a quick study, I've gone from 0 to 13 in the span of 3 years. In that time, I have slowly become more aware of the problems around us, including the rights that we have already lost.
Personally, I can say that 3 years ago, I had no idea that the ARs up on the shelf were not full auto. I didn't know the whole deal behind limits on mag capacity. I found that there were a number of things that I didn't know. I thought we had more freedoms than we actually do. But I have changed, and I hope to change others before it's too late. I was raised not to talk religion or politics in public, but I have had to change that personal belief and tell those around me about these atrocities.
I personally have called up on SOME of the items, but not all. The reason for this is that I live in the PRK, and getting DiFi or Boxer to change their votes will be impossible. But I've worked on the education of those around me, those who know me to be a friendly nice man, to show them that guns are not to be feared any more than a pencil.
I do this because I feel that the day I stop, is the day we all lose. We are not powerless, as we can spread the information as much as the socialists spread the disinformation. Tell your friends, and take them to the range. They might enjoy it, and take their friends, and so forth. Somewhere down the line, you may have taken someone who took the future senator of New Jersey shooting, AND THEY LIKED IT!