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Posted: 4/27/2001 10:07:07 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/27/2001 10:11:07 AM EDT
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He makes a little sense.  It is one of the rules of war.  Appear weak, or soft in this matter, to your enemy.
Link Posted: 4/27/2001 10:29:38 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/27/2001 10:38:19 AM EDT
when I was a kid my family lived in Panama..my father posted to Gitmo often...
Castro is a communist...american tv carried the take over of Castro and the masses executions in the stadium...since Castro took over Santarea (satan worship) is the state religion...used to be Catholicism...the country is a ghetto...compared to what is was and what it could be..I agree that allowing Cuba to be giant whorehouse for organized crime was bad..what it is now is worse...you dont see anybody swimming from Miami to cuba do ya...they had to drag Elian back there...No Castro is our enemy he has been entertaining the chines pres Jiang...the Chinese have built the worlds largest container port 80 miles off our shore..taken over the panama canal (which effectively cuts our country in half in time of war) the chinese have also built the worlds longest runways at the container port a perfect way to sneak in short range nukes and gee think Castro would like some of those for his old north american friends...in Miami...for Powell to say this crap...remember Powell was the one who said he would work for Gore or Bush it didnt matter to him who won the election...
Yesterday Powell stated that drug users are responsible for the flood of drugs in america and the drug problem in central america....no word about gangs or organized crime...I urge you to do a google search [urlwww.google.com[/url]  
for the name Richard Armitage and read what you come up with ...this is Powells mentor...and woks with him directly as under sec.....check it out see what you think
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