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Posted: 5/11/2002 3:16:41 PM EDT
http://[url]http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/nationworld/134452661_ndig11.html[/url] (third item)
[b]State insurance officials to sue Vatican over fraud[/b]

JACKSON, Miss. — Insurance commissioners of five states are suing the Vatican, alleging the church was involved in a $200 million-plus insurance fraud scheme run by now-jailed financier Martin Frankel.

The federal lawsuit, filed Thursday by commissioners of Mississippi, Tennessee, Missouri, Oklahoma and Arkansas, says that Frankel in 1998 tried to use the church as a front to purchase insurance companies.

The Vatican said it had no immediate comment.
Link Posted: 5/11/2002 3:19:58 PM EDT
So I guess this is gonna turn into another Lets bash the Catholic church thread. Great.
Link Posted: 5/11/2002 3:21:52 PM EDT
Hey, if they're doing the stuff...
Link Posted: 5/11/2002 6:01:03 PM EDT
So I guess this is gonna turn into another Lets bash the Catholic church thread. Great.
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need not be that kind of thread....the catholic church does a fine friggin job of bashing themselves. f'n bunch of hypocrites!!!
Link Posted: 5/11/2002 6:30:53 PM EDT
This would be news? Seriously, Frankel went through one priest in NY who believed the lies he was selling about the charitable benefits. People get taken in by con men. There are many better examples of church chicanery then this.
Link Posted: 5/11/2002 7:23:42 PM EDT
So I guess this is gonna turn into another Lets bash the Catholic church thread. Great.
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No one has to say a word, the Catholic church does a fine job revealing it's true nature.  You'll see the corruption all the way from the bottom up.
Maybe it's time for some change in dogma, eh?
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