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Posted: 4/16/2017 1:25:36 PM EDT
I am not intelligent enough to create a poll.

Like them or hate them, can you tie one?

I finally mastered it.
Link Posted: 4/16/2017 1:26:34 PM EDT
nope. never worn one so I have no earthly idea how to tie one
ETA  I actually have worn them but they were the pre-tied style with a tuxedo but I have no clue how to actually tie a no-shit real one
Link Posted: 4/16/2017 1:27:16 PM EDT
click edit and add poll
Link Posted: 4/16/2017 1:27:43 PM EDT
never tried
Link Posted: 4/16/2017 1:44:39 PM EDT
It's one of the essential skills than a man must master.

Particularly if one rubs shoulders with James Bond types and/or want to impress the ladies. How can you properly dress for the evening if you can't knot the tie?
Link Posted: 4/16/2017 1:53:40 PM EDT
Yes. It's much easier than tying a straight tie
Link Posted: 4/16/2017 1:54:10 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/16/2017 1:58:44 PM EDT
Here's a recent one. The bowtie? Fake as shit.

Link Posted: 4/16/2017 2:01:00 PM EDT
After church this morning, two people came up to me and asked if I tied my bow tie myself or was it a clip-on? I wanted to reply with:

1) do I not look capable of tying a bow tie?
2) it's no harder than lacing your shoes.
3) and, if you cant tie one, don't even bother with the clip-on!

Instead, I just said "tied it myself".

ETA: note the self: show Lorax how to tie a bow tie.
Link Posted: 4/16/2017 2:03:12 PM EDT
don't wear bowties.

I do tie a Windsor knot, however.
a surprising number of people can't do that.
Link Posted: 4/16/2017 2:07:29 PM EDT
Never have worn one, hopefully never will.
Link Posted: 4/16/2017 2:08:44 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/16/2017 2:08:59 PM EDT
Just last night. I had a symphony concert to perform and broke out the fake-ass tie again.
Even up on stage, blending in, I still feel like I should really learn how.

Especially since I wear one a few times a year
Link Posted: 4/16/2017 3:40:57 PM EDT
Bow ties are so gay.
Link Posted: 4/16/2017 3:45:48 PM EDT
I don't have the habit of wearing tuxedos on a regular basis, so no.
Link Posted: 4/16/2017 3:47:45 PM EDT
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It's one of the essential skills than a man must master.

Particularly if one rubs shoulders with James Bond types and/or want to impress the ladies. How can you properly dress for the evening if you can't knot the tie?
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This.  (Except for the James Bond part)
Link Posted: 4/16/2017 3:48:47 PM EDT
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Bow ties are so gay.
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No, a guy sucking another guys cock is gay.  Bow ties are the hallmark of a well dressed man.
Link Posted: 4/16/2017 3:53:13 PM EDT
Yes, bow ties as well as three different knots for regular ties.  Somewhere in the night/early morning it will be time to take the tie off.  Don't be the guy with a clip-on hanging off his collar.  It screams "My mother dresses me because I do not know how to dress myself" a message that the ladies find unappealing.
Link Posted: 4/16/2017 3:58:14 PM EDT
I'd have to review the procedure, but I could do it when I used to work catered events.
Link Posted: 4/16/2017 3:59:21 PM EDT
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Just last night. I had a symphony concert to perform and broke out the fake-ass tie again.
Even up on stage, blending in, I still feel like I should really learn how.

Especially since I wear one a few times a year
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A gentleman dressed well in an evening suit with a self tied bow tie distinguishes himself and stands heads and  shoulders above the rest.  May I suggest that in your situation that you dress as if you were a member of the Philadelphia Orchestra. Who knows, someday ........

It's easy to learn. After all it's only a knot. Well executed but still a knot.

I know a nice tie shop in Chicago, with internet sales. Just ask me.
Link Posted: 4/16/2017 4:00:44 PM EDT
i only wear bowties.
i can not tie a regular tie.
bowties are my protest to dressing up
but everyone always likes it
Link Posted: 4/16/2017 4:01:47 PM EDT
Yes. I have to watch a refresher video if it's been a while though.
Link Posted: 4/16/2017 4:02:14 PM EDT
No and I'm not hip enough to want to know how.
Link Posted: 4/16/2017 4:08:39 PM EDT
Yes and i was super proud of it until I saw the eagle scout level shit my wife does with baby carriers.
Link Posted: 4/16/2017 4:09:30 PM EDT
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A gentleman dressed well in an evening suit with a self tied bow tie distinguishes himself and stands heads and  shoulders above the rest.  May I suggest that in your situation that you dress as if you were a member of the Philadelphia Orchestra. Who knows, someday ........

It's easy to learn. After all it's only a knot. Well executed but still a knot.

I know a nice tie shop in Chicago, with internet sales. Just ask me.
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Funny thing is....I'm a guy with solid hillbilly roots, but when I take wife out or do something special, I dress well, dress nice and wear a fine watch. I got that from my dad, a rough and tumble high steel iron worker.
I used to work in a high pressure environment, where all the managers had a code to look professional. The rule was, if you were caught in a clip on tie or a short sleeved short with a tie, aka "a McManager". It was perfectly ok to sneak up behind you and kick you in the taint.
And here I am, wearing a fake bowtie when, between the symphony, Yacht Club and other events, I need to wear one.
My whole life is a scam.
Thank you for the offer. I think I will buy one or two and watch a YouTube on tying one
Link Posted: 4/16/2017 4:14:01 PM EDT
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No, a guy sucking another guys cock is gay.  Bow ties are the hallmark of a well dressed man.
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Bow ties are so gay.
No, a guy sucking another guys cock is gay.  Bow ties are the hallmark of a well dressed man.
Fitted tux, proper bow tie, French cuffs+links and pocket square.  It is in indeed the hallmark
of men's dress attire.  

However, a work suit + bow tie, especially on lawyers looks dated, laughable,and pompous.
Unless you're good with fabrics it always comes off looking like Pee Wee Herman's brother.
Link Posted: 4/16/2017 4:43:50 PM EDT
Of course. 
Link Posted: 4/16/2017 4:58:14 PM EDT

Clown shoe horseshit
Link Posted: 4/16/2017 5:03:13 PM EDT
Why would you tie it together?  There's a clip and this tightening thingy.

Link Posted: 4/16/2017 5:06:18 PM EDT
Seldom wear one but I can tie it if need be. I regard the clip on bow ties like buying a Hesse rifle. To be avoided if at possible
Link Posted: 4/16/2017 5:10:25 PM EDT
I am not intelligent enough to create a poll.

Like them or hate them, can you tie one?

I finally mastered it.
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Nope. Never worn one, never plan to. A wise man once said, "Never trust a man who wears a bow tie" and I have lived by those words ever since.
Link Posted: 4/16/2017 5:17:42 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/16/2017 8:45:51 PM EDT
Yes I can.
Link Posted: 4/16/2017 8:58:14 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/16/2017 9:03:20 PM EDT
Tied one this morning before church. I prefer them to the straight ones beside they stay out of the way and don't hang down into shit.
Link Posted: 4/16/2017 9:05:56 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/16/2017 11:11:10 PM EDT
never worn one or tied one
Link Posted: 4/17/2017 12:47:44 AM EDT
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I have on OB/GYN friend who only wears them for that very reason.
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Tied one this morning before church. I prefer them to the straight ones beside they stay out of the way and don't hang down into shit.
I have on OB/GYN friend who only wears them for that very reason.
This a very underrated post.
Link Posted: 4/17/2017 12:56:13 AM EDT
Bow ties are for high school boys and cock gobblers.
Link Posted: 4/17/2017 12:57:48 AM EDT
They go well with your fedora I'm sure
Link Posted: 4/17/2017 1:05:46 AM EDT
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I have on OB/GYN friend who only wears them for that very reason.
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Tied one this morning before church. I prefer them to the straight ones beside they stay out of the way and don't hang down into shit.
I have on OB/GYN friend who only wears them for that very reason.
Here you go................

Link Posted: 4/17/2017 6:25:02 AM EDT
Quite honestly I don't know how to tie a bow tie, but I know how to do cool shit like operate heavy weapons such as 81 mm mortars, MK-19 grenade launchers, and M-2 machine guns.  I can do cartwheels too.  

I revile bow ties for the simple fact all I've seen wear them outside of a tuxedo are faggy liberal men who have never gotten piss on a toilet seat or women who have pee holes in their underwear.  I don't wish to emulate effiminate men, therefore I forgo them for routine wear.
Link Posted: 4/17/2017 6:28:51 AM EDT
Outside of a tux, bow ties are for assholes.
Link Posted: 4/17/2017 6:30:37 AM EDT
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i only wear bowties.
i can not tie a regular tie.
bowties are my protest to dressing up
but everyone always likes it
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No, actually they don't.
Link Posted: 4/17/2017 6:30:39 AM EDT
I live in SC. Mi had to tie one to get my drivers license.

But, yes.  I do.
Link Posted: 4/17/2017 6:45:39 AM EDT
No. Nor a regular tie. And I don't give a fuck.
Link Posted: 4/17/2017 6:52:14 AM EDT
No, because I am not a member of the Nation of Islam
Link Posted: 4/17/2017 7:01:19 AM EDT
Yep.  Required of a Southern Gentleman.
Link Posted: 4/17/2017 7:04:19 AM EDT
As far as evening wear goes, nothing screams "Rental" like a pre-tied bow ties or patent leather shoes.

I struggle to tie a bow tie and always need to allow extra time to get dressed when I wear a tuxedo.  And I keep a pre-tied bow tie in the kit in case of failure.  But so far I have managed to avoid that humiliation.  I wear long ties every day and can tie them in my sleep.  The problem with the bow tie is that I only wear one every year or two.
Link Posted: 4/17/2017 7:22:49 AM EDT
I am not intelligent enough to create a poll.

Like them or hate them, can you tie one?

I finally mastered it.
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It's a nice skill to have, though a little less used now that black tie has been bumped up from semi-formal to formal.

Matching it with non-black tie is very much an exercise in careful fabric choice.
Link Posted: 4/17/2017 7:44:41 AM EDT
I am not intelligent enough to create a poll.

Like them or hate them, can you tie one?

I finally mastered it.
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Ah.. the ladies love some bow ties. There is just something very put together about it all.
Well done!
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