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Posted: 3/13/2001 10:35:19 AM EDT
The CONN legislature is now considering a bill to ban all assult rifle look-alikes.  That means no more AR's of any make or configuration.
No more Colt sporters, no more Bushmasters, no more Oly's, Armalites, or DPMS.  No more SKS, nor AK's.

Is your state next!
Link Posted: 3/13/2001 11:01:36 AM EDT
Here's the link:
Link Posted: 3/13/2001 11:13:48 AM EDT
ALSO :  ONE handgun purchase per month. . . .
Link Posted: 3/13/2001 11:31:38 AM EDT
Disobey. That's my plan.
Link Posted: 3/13/2001 11:35:49 AM EDT
There's nothing to disobey....There will be nothing for sale in the stores!
Link Posted: 3/13/2001 11:35:50 AM EDT
Come on , I know ya can !!!!!!!

Someone is really droping the ball hear ![grenade]


  [pyro][size=5]Damn Liberals[/size=5][rocket]

Makes me sick ! [puke]

And to any of you little trolls that may be reading this [-!-!-][-!-][-!-!-]

Link Posted: 3/13/2001 11:36:20 AM EDT
The CONN legislature is now considering a bill to ban all assult rifle look-alikes.  That means no more AR's of any make or configuration.
No more Colt sporters, no more Bushmasters, no more Oly's, Armalites, or DPMS.  No more SKS, nor AK's.

Is your state next!
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Thanks for your e-mail ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZog

I sent your link to Wobblin Gobblin, another CT-ite who stands to lose in this battle.

The winters, the taxes, the gun laws, the socialist republicans - remind me again - WHY do you live there???

One ex-patriated CT-ite,
Link Posted: 3/13/2001 11:44:41 AM EDT
I once heard there two ways to change the government in this country...

1) The Ballot Box.

2) The Cartridge Box.

Guess which one is closer than ever before.

Link Posted: 3/13/2001 11:46:43 AM EDT
There's nothing to disobey....There will be nothing for sale in the stores!
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You mean you still buy from stores? :)
Link Posted: 3/13/2001 11:52:18 AM EDT
MORE IMPORTANT:  Some one please post contact information.  Need to know how to get a hold of my state legislators.  
Link Posted: 3/13/2001 12:43:44 PM EDT
Don't forget state reps. Work on these folks.  Inside info says that even some D's think Jepsen has lost his mind. Convince them that following his lead will be political suicide in your district.
Link Posted: 3/13/2001 12:54:07 PM EDT
I once heard there two ways to change the government in this country...

1) The Ballot Box.

2) The Cartridge Box.

Guess which one is closer than ever before.

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Well, actually it is 4 ways in this order:

1) Soap Box- You can yell all you want but ultimately the mass media and hollywood will drown out your message.

2) Ballot Box- This hasn't worked so well, too many broken promises and the elected continue to pass unconstitutional laws.

3) Jury Box- No much good here anymore either. Horichi walks, yet the surviving Davidians remain in jail. Judges refuse to inform juries of their right to jury nullification.

4) Cartridge Box- The final resort when the first 3 no longer work. This is why the socialists want to take this option away and have a monopoly on coercive force.
Link Posted: 3/13/2001 12:59:28 PM EDT
To those that say "I will disobey," this is the moment where you decide to choose liberty over slavery; you have chosen to take a chance and remain free. To those that say "I do not want to become a criminal," this is the moment where fear and cowardice compels you to choose slavery over any possible conflict.

You can take a chance, possibly go to jail, and POSSIBLY lose everything. On the other hand, you can play it safe, but you will CERTAINLY lose everything in the process, piece by piece.

To those that would register:
Register your rifle and surrender your rights, it's all going to be okay. You can still keep your rifle, go to the range, shoot bottles and cans and have a good old time. But keep in mind that registration is just the tip of the iceberg. Your children will not bear these arms.

You only get one life, take a chance and remain free. America would not exist as it is today if it were not for rebellion.

Link Posted: 3/13/2001 1:00:14 PM EDT
Taken from the link, "We have a ban on these military-style weapons, and there is good reason for it. People are safer with this ban in place."

ROTFLMAO!!! I would like to see one of these buttheads go and explain to the surivors of those who were gunned down in that Illinois plant outside Chicago or in that Massachusetts internet office that they were somehow safer from any type of assualt weapon ban.

I truly wonder how anyone can be so f#cking stupid! Is Washington D.C. any safer from their ban on handguns, DUH!

Link Posted: 3/13/2001 1:15:29 PM EDT
The Ct. bill looks like a combination of
the Finstein Bill in the US Senate and the
RI Bill.
If you can't get what you want in the US Congress you go to each State Legislature and
get it there.
Link Posted: 3/13/2001 1:33:11 PM EDT
Originally Posted By garden weasel:
Don't forget state reps. Work on these folks.  Inside info says that even some D's think Jepsen has lost his mind. Convince them that following his lead will be political suicide in your district.
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I was engaged in a debate last night with the president of the NW CT sportsman's council. He/they are prepared to endorse a form of registration instead of a ban, that would be retroactive back to guns banned with the first ban. This scares me. When a group that has a membership of 6,000, in a sparsely populated area like the NW corner wants to fold like a wet noodle, we're in trouble.

I am urging this guy to put our reps' feet to the fire. If they want to keep their seat, we should let them know that they had better do anything short of dousing themselves with gasoline and burning themselves on the house floor, to keep this bill from going anywhere. 6000 votes in these state rep elections can easily be the difference between returning for another term, and going home. We have to use our power!

I'm going to point out a little known fact. The "turn in your neighbor" bill may never have passed if not for the Coaliton of CT Sportsman's nod of approval. These sportsmans' groups are concerned with one thing and one thing only. They want to keep their bolt action  30.06s. If you're a member, do what I did. I told the president that I will not renew my membership in that organization, and in the two gun clubs that I belong to, and which also participate in the alliance, if they endorse anything but a big fat "NO WAY!" vote.

It doesn't hurt that I'm moving in August to a 25 acre parcel where I can have my own range. :)

Anyone who leaves a club in protest over their endorsement of a AW Ban Lite, is welcome to come and use mine when I get it set up.

Edited because I can't spell when I'm pissed off. :)
Link Posted: 3/13/2001 1:43:54 PM EDT

[i]"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen." [/i]

-- Samuel Adams, speech at the Philadelphia State House, August 1, 1776

I believe SOON we will see how many of us REALLY believe those fateful words.

Link Posted: 3/13/2001 2:04:53 PM EDT
From the CT Constitution:

[b]SEC. 15. Every citizen has a right to bear arms in defense of himself and the state.[/b]

How are we to defend the state with .22 caliber bolt action, single shot, Marlin Little Buckeroos?

I rest my case.

Link Posted: 3/13/2001 2:49:12 PM EDT
I once heard there two ways to change the government in this country...

1) The Ballot Box.

2) The Cartridge Box.

Guess which one is closer than ever before.

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This is looking more and more realistic every day.


We have:
New York
New Jersey

And others, not to mention all the states with class III bans...we do NOT have a good future ahead.
Link Posted: 3/13/2001 3:08:35 PM EDT
critter, could you please elaborate on the "turn in your neighbor bill"? The sound of that makes my blood run cold.
Link Posted: 3/13/2001 3:17:56 PM EDT
Hey Criitter, when you get those 25 acres would you be willing to host a CT AR15.com shoot?

fullclip:  I'm not sure exactly sure what the "turn in you neighbor bill" states, but it's something like if your neighbors feel threatened by your guns (not sure what has to be done on your part to threaten), they can call the police, place a complaint about your guns, and they get confiscated.  In other words, an AD or test shot in the back yard could be the end of your gun collection.  To the best of my knowledge it has been used twice since implemented, once in Greenwich, and once up around New Britain I think.
Link Posted: 3/13/2001 4:23:12 PM EDT
Looks like you folks are finally catching up with us Canucks!!!
Link Posted: 3/13/2001 4:52:13 PM EDT

I don't see why we couldn't get something going over the summer. I'd probably want to let the local LEO know what we were doing. When they hear rapid fire from a few dozen guns blazing, we might end up with a SWAT team coming for us. :)


I could write a book on all that's wrong with the "TIYNB" but to keep it short, if you have a neighbor, ex-wife, or anyone for that matter, that claims you may be a danger to yourself or others, the cops are coming and they are taking your firearms.

They say you get a hearing within two weeks, but having been through CT's judicial system once, for my divorce, it's a non hearing kinda hearing. They'll keep you coming back and coming back, until you give in somehow, to whatever their demands are going to be. It's a farce, designed to make lawyers rich, you poor, and turn your guns into scrap metal.

Link Posted: 3/13/2001 5:09:59 PM EDT
And you thought the prk was bad.It wiil om=nly get worse but at least you can still purchase more than one gun a month.
Link Posted: 3/13/2001 6:16:16 PM EDT
critter & slt223--- Thanks for the info. Makes me love Texas even more, if that is possible.
Link Posted: 3/13/2001 6:55:52 PM EDT

I live in Illinois and there is no assault weapon ban (like Kalifornia, et al).  The only ban we have is the federal ban.  Chicago, however,  does have a complete ban on AR's and military style rifles. The mere possession of such weapons within the Chicago city limits is illegal.
Link Posted: 3/16/2001 6:58:47 AM EDT
Link Posted: 3/16/2001 7:50:30 AM EDT
Welcome to Konnektifukt.  Get used to people misspelling your state's name.
Link Posted: 3/16/2001 7:54:12 AM EDT
i just emailed the reps in the towm i own a business in and live in, an di encourage you all to do the same, more if you have time
Link Posted: 3/16/2001 7:58:11 AM EDT
I left N.J. ten years ago for CT and now CT is becoming a police state.[:(]
Link Posted: 3/16/2001 8:28:36 AM EDT
Anybody going to the public hearing on the 20th?

Don't roll over and play dead yet!

This is some scary shit. '93 passed. How can '01 not?

This sucks.
Link Posted: 3/16/2001 8:31:38 AM EDT
What exactly are you looking at in Conn. guys?

The way I read it, it said banned, not the sale of is banned, just banned.  Are the people that possessed a AR 15 type firearm before the passing (if passed) going to immediately become criminals?  I saw nothing that said anything about registering said weapons.  If so then maybe the Shit has hit the fan and the time for some long hard thought is upon you.
Link Posted: 3/16/2001 8:35:30 AM EDT
I read the text of the bill (it is quite lengthy) and I believe there is a provision for the registration of existing AWs.

Big deal. Those dumbfuks.
Link Posted: 3/16/2001 8:44:21 AM EDT
Stubbs - no long arms are currently 'banned' in Mass., only handguns.  You do however, need to have the correct license in order to possess 'high-capacity' long arms (You need a license to posess _any_ long arm in this state).
Link Posted: 3/16/2001 10:30:43 AM EDT
Come on all you CT guys - hook up with Wobblin and go to the hearing.

I left CT 5 years ago, cuz I saw this coming. Also, the winters suck, the taxes are too high, jobs were scarce, and I was tired of the political crap generally.

DON'T roll over on this one - make a stand. it ain't law yet. Speak up and be heard.
Link Posted: 3/16/2001 10:46:07 AM EDT
Looks like there may be a bunch of Ex-Conn's in the near future!
Lynn [uzi]
Link Posted: 3/16/2001 11:57:24 AM EDT
i'll go to the hearing, i need to know when and where
Link Posted: 3/16/2001 12:05:16 PM EDT
Do yourself a favor and email this guy.  His address is on the webpage of the news release.  I dont even live in Conn but I emailed anyhow.  Keep it civil and actually sign with your real name.  Overwhelm these people with emails and calls and maybe they'll see the public does not support their views of what is safety.  Point out that they cannot name one single incident where the .50 "sniper" rifles have been used in a crime.  Make intelligent points and drive it home.
Link Posted: 3/16/2001 12:55:53 PM EDT
In massachusetts in 1998 on my birthday both my pistol permit and firearms I.D.card expired,even though I.D card had no experation date some new law.Moved a month later to a state that really has no gun laws ,as long as your 18 you're good to go.Our city for the year 2000 had not 1 murder ,from what I've been reading massachusetts murder rate up 40% for 2001 and it's only march.
Link Posted: 3/16/2001 3:29:21 PM EDT
The Public Safety public hearing is on Tuesday, March 20th, at 11:00 am.

Sign-up for speaking order begins at 9:00 am.

If I can make it, I will be there earlier than that.

If you speak, you must have 65 copies of your testimony ready at sign-up.
Link Posted: 3/17/2001 7:20:32 AM EDT
Well Surprise  Surprise...
Senator Alvin W. Penn =
Negros Allied with the American Communist Party.

He'll keep "guns out of the hands of potentially dangerous individuals," but as usual leave the dangerous individual at large because removing them would eat into his voting block.
I bet there are more guns up here in the N.W. corner than in Bridgeport, but no murders, muggings, or gangs. So how is it that the number of guns continues to be cited as the number one cause of crime? This is the guy who was allowed to write up the law against racial profiling after he was stopped questioned by police for being black. Good for him. But then he turns around and says that it's OK for the legislature to suspect all gun owners of being criminals and that all our guns should be registered.
Link Posted: 3/17/2001 8:59:25 AM EDT

That's a very valid point Garden Weasel.  Same deal for me in Fairfield County.  Lots of guns, and very little crime.  I'm willing to bet there are some big campaign contributors down here that will object strongly.  Hopefully they will be heard if others aren't.
Link Posted: 3/17/2001 10:44:39 AM EDT
AR brothers, why dont ya'll consider moving down here to GA where the weather's nize, the peaches are sweet, and taxes are red dirt cheap.  If you live in Kennesaw its a law: you have to own a gun!  Gotta love it

Link Posted: 3/17/2001 10:51:53 AM EDT
AR brothers, why dont ya'll consider moving down here to GA where the weather's nize, the peaches are sweet, and taxes are red dirt cheap.  If you live in Kennesaw its a law: you have to own a gun!  Gotta love it

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Be careful what you wish for.
Link Posted: 3/17/2001 12:41:43 PM EDT
I wonder how much money Conneticut has made off Colt arms, how many citizens it has employed?
Nothing like biting the hand that feeds you.
Good luck Yankees!
Remember with the Republicans ruling nationally, HCI is going local and state wise.
Link Posted: 3/17/2001 1:19:18 PM EDT
will there be any grandfatering in of AR's?
Link Posted: 3/17/2001 9:08:10 PM EDT
Room 2E of the LOB March 20,2001 @ 1100

Link Posted: 3/17/2001 10:05:38 PM EDT
I was born and raised in CT. A meca of firearms history and manufacturing. I actually shot on my high school rifle team in the 70's. I've never been sorry for moving west and will move again if need be. It is nice being this close to Camp Perry.
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