Being in Cleveland we are blessed with multiple Dick's and Gander Mountain locations in the metro area. I have found Gander mountain to be a bit on the pricy side but buy all my .22, and .45 ammo from Dicks, They frequesntly run sales and I seldom pay more than $10 a box for .45 or $9 a brick for Remington GOlden bullet or Thunderbolt. For some reason my AR .22 conversion only feeds reliably with thunderbolt. At any rate, these large chain retainlers are often able to buy in such great quantity that they offer great prices. As to shotgun ammo, again check the sale flyers in the sunday paper and you should do ok. Gander mountain certainly has a more extensive inventory of ammo, as well as selling relaosing supplies and pistols so they would be the well stocked choice however with fewer discounts from what I have seen.