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Posted: 10/27/2004 8:32:02 PM EDT
For the last couple of weeks I have been confident that Pres. Bush would win by at least several percentage points but now I am starting to wonder. MTV, PAX TV, and a bunch of the hip hop thugs have been going around trying to inspire the "kids" to vote. The "Rock the vote" and "Vote or Die" campaigns have me very concerned.

If the 18 to 25 year olds do come out in big numbers we could lose big. That age group almost never votes. I'm not sure they have been included in any of the polls.

I saw Terry McAuliffe on C-Span saying that he was going to be spaking to several colleges. Asked the question on whether he would be warning about a draft, he said that he would mention it as a possiblity. The DJ asked if he was going to mention that congress voted it down last week he said no.

The democrats don't even care right now if most of the country knows that they are lying about the issues because they know that the networks aren't going to report about it anyway. Deceit has always been the democrats best ploy but this is getting ridiculous!!!!

Tell me where I'm wrong about this. Ease my mind.
Link Posted: 10/27/2004 8:33:01 PM EDT
Your wrong.


Didn't Kerry's daughters get booed at some MTV show?
Link Posted: 10/27/2004 8:33:22 PM EDT
I wonder how I knew before even opening this topic that it would be someone with <100 posts.
Link Posted: 10/27/2004 8:34:15 PM EDT
you're wrong.  President Bush will win the popular vote and take at least 300 EVs
Link Posted: 10/27/2004 8:34:27 PM EDT
You are right that young folks don't vote.  They aren't going to vote this time either.  They just want to hear mooooosic.
Link Posted: 10/27/2004 8:35:03 PM EDT
I MIGHT find a sack full of money tomorrow. Anything can happen. I for sure hope Bush wins.
Link Posted: 10/27/2004 8:35:16 PM EDT
I think some might get out, but most the people my age I know of arent voting or even registered.  The few that are regiestered are for Bush.

Alot of people are slack bastards, hope they stay slack and at home.
Link Posted: 10/27/2004 8:35:54 PM EDT
LSU in Shreveport had a mock election the other day. Bush won with 53% of the vote while kerry only had 43%. I wouldn't count the younger folks out just yet.
Link Posted: 10/27/2004 8:38:59 PM EDT
Nope, not enought of those people are not going to vote to make a difference.  Most of them are not interested because it is not their priority. Most have no house payments to make, no kids, and only car payments. Many don't care about gun control because they can't own a gun, and they don't enough pay taxes to be overly concerned about things one way or the other.
Link Posted: 10/27/2004 8:39:06 PM EDT
No one did this yet? 16 posts means he is a
Link Posted: 10/27/2004 8:39:37 PM EDT

I wonder how I knew before even opening this topic that it would be someone with <100 posts.


13 posts.  Account created one year ago.

Can we say, "sleeper troll"?
Link Posted: 10/27/2004 8:39:52 PM EDT

For the last couple of weeks I have been confident that Pres. Bush would win by at least several percentage points but now I am starting to wonder. MTV, PAX TV, and a bunch of the hip hop thugs have been going around trying to inspire the "kids" to vote. The "Rock the vote" and "Vote or Die" campaigns have me very concerned.

If the 18 to 25 year olds do come out in big numbers we could lose big. That age group almost never votes. I'm not sure they have been included in any of the polls.

I saw Terry McAuliffe on C-Span saying that he was going to be spaking to several colleges. Asked the question on whether he would be warning about a draft, he said that he would mention it as a possiblity. The DJ asked if he was going to mention that congress voted it down last week he said no.

The democrats don't even care right now if most of the country knows that they are lying about the issues because they know that the networks aren't going to report about it anyway. Deceit has always been the democrats best ploy but this is getting ridiculous!!!!

Tell me where I'm wrong about this. Ease my mind.

The Christian Evangelicals are going to turn out in record numbers this year and seal a Bush victory...you haven't heard too much about them recently, but they're ready to rock...
Link Posted: 10/27/2004 8:40:07 PM EDT
I have heard reports that Bush has increased his share of the Jewish vote and doubled his share of the black vote (from 10 - 20%). That would be all he needs if the young kids don't show up.

Rayra, not that it matters but I have been coming to this site for 3 or 4 years. I just don't post much. This election has me riled up.
Link Posted: 10/27/2004 8:40:51 PM EDT

you're wrong.  President Bush will win the popular vote and take at least 300 EVs

Yup...45 states, and maybe California...
Link Posted: 10/27/2004 8:41:34 PM EDT
I voted for President twice between the ages of 18 and 25, and they were both Republicans! Young people have strong moral convictions as well. Hell, the median age of the soldiers in Iraq is like 23!
Link Posted: 10/27/2004 8:42:38 PM EDT
Yes, I'm sick to death of these goddamn "Rock the Vote" "Choose or Lose" assholes trying to push people into voting for someone when 90% of them don't know shit about politics or anything related to it.  Just today, some ****** wearing a t-shirt with a picture of Charles Manson came on with this BS message about voting.  Hey moron, you're wearing a shirt with a murdering cultist and we're supposed to listen to you?  Jesus Christ.

You can just see these low-life celebrities and other tools out signing up dozens of kids and telling them "remember vote for Kerry".
Link Posted: 10/27/2004 8:42:44 PM EDT
I wouldn't be worried over an age group that lost their drinking privilages because they failed to vote.   Besides, if adults had a hard time voting last election think about how hard it would be for a bunch of hip hop morons this year.  "YO! P-Diddy, how do I work dis machine, homey?"

Hell they can't even hold a handgun right.
Link Posted: 10/27/2004 8:43:14 PM EDT
Don't kid yourselves, there's as much chance he'll lose as win.
I hope he wins, but I'm not optimistic.
To many dunb fucking losers who believe all the democRATS bullshit. People TO FUCKING STUPID TO USE WHAT LITTLE BRAINS THEY HAVE AND VOTE WHATS BEST FOR AMERICA !!
Their biggest concerns are "whats in it for me" the selfish fucks.
Link Posted: 10/27/2004 8:46:13 PM EDT
Oh that was funny... (inside joke)...

Grow a pair and vote.  Deal with the aftermath as it happens.
Link Posted: 10/27/2004 8:47:12 PM EDT

...Rayra, not that it matters but I have been coming to this site for 3 or 4 years. I just don't post much. This election has me riled up.

(shrug) - See so many new faces on so many different boards popping up the last few weeks posting just what you did, or endless variations of 'I'm a Republican but I can't vote for Bush this time...'.  And I've given too much time and energy spoon-feeding thousands of supporting links and poll / historical data to folks that legitimately needed hand-holding that I have no patience left for it any more.

All I can say is take a look around the Internet, plenty of Positive information out there - I'm done leading horses to water.
Link Posted: 10/27/2004 8:50:22 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/27/2004 8:50:29 PM EDT


If the 18 to 25 year olds do come out in big numbers we could lose big. That age group almost never votes. I'm not sure they have been included in any of the polls.

That's because they don't vote!  They talk the talk but don't walk the walk.  They are a waste of tiem and polling efforts.  PERIOD!

Tell me where I'm wrong about this. Ease my mind.

You're wrong  

Link Posted: 10/27/2004 8:50:37 PM EDT
Remember people of all ages can be dumbasses.  Not just the young ones
Link Posted: 10/27/2004 8:53:26 PM EDT
i think liberal college students are not a big threat. even though they may feel very strongly, they are living away from their home district and don't know how to get an absentee ballot. they just figure since there seem to be so many college students with strong feelings, missing their one vote won't be a big deal. but when most of them think that....
Link Posted: 10/27/2004 8:56:07 PM EDT
I have been voting since I was of legal age.  I missed one because of out of town, and could not get an absentee ballot, but it went the way I would have voted anyway.  Most young people do not vote, but I think that most young people support Bush anyway.  Bush will win big.  Just watch and see.
Link Posted: 10/27/2004 9:01:10 PM EDT
I am a Bush supporter by default, I am starting to think a court will decide are next president.  GWB can win the popular vote handly and still lose the electoral college.  Not to mention the Lib's somewhere will make accusations of voter fraud or some type of illegal activity!!!!!!!!
Link Posted: 10/27/2004 9:19:41 PM EDT
The "vote or die" generation will have little impact on the election.
All talk - no action

Like most conervatives....I vote every day of every year....with my dollar.
The haves will always shape the destiny of the have nots....its just the way it works.

Bush will win.
Kerry will suck the big one.
Link Posted: 10/27/2004 9:24:43 PM EDT
I can't bring myself to believe the people of the United States would be stupid enough to elect such an utter waste of flesh as Kerry. If they do, the people and I are parting ways.
Link Posted: 10/27/2004 9:25:00 PM EDT
I'm part of the "kid vote" at 19 and I allready turned in my absentee for Bush.  All of my friends down here at college and back home are voting for Bush too. I think some of the liberals would be supprised to see how many college students support W. But then again, I'm from the south where pretty much everyone supports GWB.
Link Posted: 10/27/2004 9:32:38 PM EDT
I was ultra conservative out of high school and voted whenever they would open the polls. Yeah, the dems got tons of dope head kids to sign up in front of their dorms but will they stand in the rain for two hours on Tuesday morning just to punch a hole in a ballot? Few will. I am confident that this is going to break hard for one candidate or the other. I am inclined to think the President will come out with many more states than first thought. Planerench out.
Link Posted: 10/27/2004 9:38:14 PM EDT

The percentage of kids in their upper teens and early 20s who are conserative hasn't been higher in 20 years.  Liberals are freaking out that a big chunk of the current generation is rebelling against their liberal philosophies.

And remember that kids resent being told what to do, just like you do, and many of them are rejecting those liberal Hollywood stars and recording artists.


Troy has it right. Add to this two things:

1. The rise of the internet as a news source - which has been dominated by the right .

2. South park.

I kid you not about south park. Kids start watching for the (sometimes crude) humor. Every week they see the sacred cows of the left eviscerated, and the philosphy behind it torn to shreds. It's getting to the point where the people that used to hold sway (celebrities) are now an object of ridicule when they tell people how to think and vote.

This coming generation is more conservative at a younger age than any similar generation in over 40 years. It's rebeling against what is now the mainstream - liberalism. And they'll only get more conservative with age.
Link Posted: 10/27/2004 9:40:30 PM EDT


The percentage of kids in their upper teens and early 20s who are conserative hasn't been higher in 20 years.  Liberals are freaking out that a big chunk of the current generation is rebelling against their liberal philosophies.

And remember that kids resent being told what to do, just like you do, and many of them are rejecting those liberal Hollywood stars and recording artists.


Troy has it right. Add to this two things:

1. The rise of the internet as a news source - which has been dominated by the right .

2. South park.

I kid you not about south park. Kids start watching for the (sometimes crude) humor. Every week they see the sacred cows of the left eviscerated, and the philosphy behind it torn to shreds. It's getting to the point where the people that used to hold sway (celebrities) are now an object of ridicule when they tell people how to think and vote.

This coming generation is more conservative at a younger age than any similar generation in over 40 years. It's rebeling against what is now the mainstream - liberalism. And they'll only get more conservative with age.

Well put.
Link Posted: 10/27/2004 9:40:35 PM EDT
Good point there Bastiat.

I also think that sitting for years in school being forec to listen/read all kinda of Liberal BS will turn some people against it.
Link Posted: 10/27/2004 9:44:50 PM EDT
Isn't that a shame.  The hippies tell their kids and grandkids to think for themselves.  When they do think for themselves... they realize that hippies and the things hippies believe in,... suck.  

I've grown cynical in a lot of things, but I believe that if we give the kids the right tools, they'll figure it all out eventually.

Well, as soon as they get laid regularly enough to be able to give thought to politics that is.
Link Posted: 10/27/2004 10:00:44 PM EDT
Whaddya expect when their most intelligent source of info is Beavis and Butthead.

Let's hope the MTV crowd OD's before Election Day....
Link Posted: 10/27/2004 10:10:18 PM EDT
people would be surprised how many 18-25 year olds vote for bush.  I'm in that range and will vote for bush AGAIN along with my gf in the same age range.
Link Posted: 10/27/2004 10:11:28 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/27/2004 10:12:38 PM EDT


Link Posted: 10/27/2004 10:12:39 PM EDT



The percentage of kids in their upper teens and early 20s who are conserative hasn't been higher in 20 years.  Liberals are freaking out that a big chunk of the current generation is rebelling against their liberal philosophies.

And remember that kids resent being told what to do, just like you do, and many of them are rejecting those liberal Hollywood stars and recording artists.


Troy has it right. Add to this two things:

1. The rise of the internet as a news source - which has been dominated by the right .

2. South park.

I kid you not about south park. Kids start watching for the (sometimes crude) humor. Every week they see the sacred cows of the left eviscerated, and the philosphy behind it torn to shreds. It's getting to the point where the people that used to hold sway (celebrities) are now an object of ridicule when they tell people how to think and vote.

This coming generation is more conservative at a younger age than any similar generation in over 40 years. It's rebeling against what is now the mainstream - liberalism. And they'll only get more conservative with age.

Well put.


I forgot to expand on point #1. The current generation is being raised on the internet. Newspapers (dominated by the left) and network news (dominated by the left) will be ignored. They will either get their news from mtv or 'the daily show' (Gawd forbid) or they will get it on the Internet. More likely, it will be the internet. The continual ratings decline of network newscasts and the dwindling circulation of major newspapers reflect this.
Link Posted: 10/28/2004 6:14:25 AM EDT
As far as young voters go, lots of surveys show they are more conservative than boomers.  Remember Rock the Vote was real big in 1992 and while Clinton won there was not a significantly larger turnout in that age group even though he was supposed to be "the first rock and roll President".

Link Posted: 10/28/2004 6:23:11 AM EDT

I wonder how I knew before even opening this topic that it would be someone with <100 posts.

My eyes went STRAIGHT to the post count!

Hi, !!!!

Link Posted: 10/28/2004 6:25:34 AM EDT
Bush will win with 50+% of the popular vote, besides the electoral vote
Link Posted: 10/28/2004 6:26:25 AM EDT


I wonder how I knew before even opening this topic that it would be someone with <100 posts.

My eyes went STRAIGHT to the post count!

Hi, !!!!

Bush will win
Link Posted: 10/28/2004 7:59:09 AM EDT


I wonder how I knew before even opening this topic that it would be someone with <100 posts.


13 posts.  Account created one year ago.

Can we say, "sleeper troll"?

+1 got us another

¿Why is it that I now check the post counts first?


Link Posted: 10/28/2004 8:10:30 AM EDT
Well I'm not a and I'm voting for Bush, but I think that he will lose too...hope I'm wrong..but I don't think so..
Link Posted: 10/28/2004 8:20:38 AM EDT

For the last couple of weeks I have been confident that Pres. Bush would win by at least several percentage points but now I am starting to wonder. MTV, PAX TV, and a bunch of the hip hop thugs have been going around trying to inspire the "kids" to vote. The "Rock the vote" and "Vote or Die" campaigns have me very concerned.

If the 18 to 25 year olds do come out in big numbers we could lose big. That age group almost never votes. I'm not sure they have been included in any of the polls.

I saw Terry McAuliffe on C-Span saying that he was going to be spaking to several colleges. Asked the question on whether he would be warning about a draft, he said that he would mention it as a possiblity. The DJ asked if he was going to mention that congress voted it down last week he said no.

The democrats don't even care right now if most of the country knows that they are lying about the issues because they know that the networks aren't going to report about it anyway. Deceit has always been the democrats best ploy but this is getting ridiculous!!!!

Tell me where I'm wrong about this. Ease my mind.

Don't you worry your pretty little head, missy.  Everything's gonna be all right.
Link Posted: 10/28/2004 8:25:52 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/28/2004 9:00:52 AM EDT
I'm 20 years old and this is my first time voting in a presidential election, although I did get to vote for JEB against Janet Rhino in 2002. You'd be surprised how many young conservatives there are out there. I'm an active member of FL International Univ. College Republicans and I have to admit that there are more college dems than there are Repubs, but I would honestly say that half of them aren't even eligable voters (latin immigrants). Sure, they yell louder than us and post more bullshit fliers around school, but we get more actual support around campus from people who are actualy registered, likely voters. College Republicans are just a higher caliber of people than the dems are from what I've seen. A buddy of mine is running the campaigns for many local Republicans, just an example of how much more we actualy contribute.

Even in classes with extreme liberal professors I always speak up and a lot of students have come up to me after class to thank me for having the courage to stand up for what they also believe in but were too shy to stand up for. You'd be surprised, there are more young conservatives than you'd think...but we're just not nearly as loud as the liberals.
Link Posted: 10/28/2004 9:09:39 AM EDT
The new Grand Theft Auto came out this week.

Most of them will be far too busy with important shit like that to vote.

Link Posted: 10/28/2004 9:11:05 AM EDT
Bush will win.  Nice try.
Link Posted: 10/28/2004 9:13:41 AM EDT
Yer a scumbag

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