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Posted: 5/15/2003 7:40:53 PM EDT
Dave Kopel, a strident 2nd amendment advocate, wrote [url=http://www.nationalreview.com/kopel/kopel051403.asp]this article[/url] about gun control in Britain recently. This is some feedback he received about the article:

"I'm an alumna of Pepperdine University, a school which proudly owns a house/campus on Exhibition Road, literally across the street from the Imperial University, in the middle of South Kensington, right near Harrods, Hyde Park, the Albert Hall. Within two days of arriving for our first semester in London, our relatively small [American] class (37 students, 10 men, 27 women) was visited by a local police officer to instruct us on living in London. Her first question was to the women, 'How many of you brought mace?' Three girls raised their hands. She told us we couldn't use it, shouldn't even carry it, it was illegal.

"Had any of us brought any other type of weapon, such as a knife? Several of the men in our group indicated that they carried pocket knives. She told us to leave them at home too.

"Then she instructed us on how to properly be a victim. If we were attacked, we were to assume a defensive posture, such as raising our hands to block an attack. The reason was (and she spelled it out in no uncertain terms) that if a witness saw the incident and we were to attempt to defend ourselves by fighting back, the witness would be unable to tell who the agressor was. However, if we rolled up in a ball, it would be quite clear who the victim was.

"The feeling I got was, in London, it is not permissable to defend oneself. I also understood that this police officer thought Americans were more likely to be agressive and/or cause more damage to a potential attacker. She was warning us for our own good. I have to admit, she did not make me feel particularly safe."
Link Posted: 5/15/2003 8:13:55 PM EDT
Do you have a link to that?
Link Posted: 5/15/2003 8:17:30 PM EDT
Figures. Fuck England, we should send the liberals there they ought to like it.
Link Posted: 5/15/2003 8:21:57 PM EDT
Do you have a link to that?
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The link is in the first line.
Link Posted: 5/15/2003 8:23:06 PM EDT
Do you have a link to that?
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What?  You dont believe me?

Link Posted: 5/15/2003 8:32:00 PM EDT
That's simply disgusting. I've been thinking long and hard about trying for one of those study in England scholarships, but I'm coming to the realization that spending much time over there might be hazardous to my health (to say nothing of my sanity).

Damn cowards.
Link Posted: 5/15/2003 10:04:52 PM EDT
The inmates are running the asylum.
Link Posted: 5/15/2003 10:59:59 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/15/2003 11:06:22 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/16/2003 3:22:43 AM EDT
Read the essay "A Nation of Cowards."  It puts things into perspective.

Link Posted: 5/16/2003 3:44:32 AM EDT
That sounds like the same briefing we got from the magistrate when I was stationed there! Pathetic!!

Link Posted: 5/16/2003 4:02:17 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/16/2003 4:33:36 AM EDT
I remember hearing of an incident a couple of years ago in London where someone tried to rob a man who was using a walking stick in a subway station. The victim used his walking stick to defend himself and was eventually charged with assault for attacking the robber with the walking stick (I don't know if he was convicted, but he was charged).
Link Posted: 5/16/2003 4:35:37 AM EDT
> The feeling I got was, in London, it is not
> permissable to defend oneself

That's not entirely true, but we do get encouraged to just take our kicking and pray the police turn up.

Self defence is fine, but only with "reasonable force", which never seems to involve a weapon.
Somebody takes a pop at you and you try grabbing a handy "improvised weapon" for defence and see how much hot water you land in...

Its not good.

I figure this advice:
> beat the f%ck out of your assailant, then run.

Is the best I could give any of y'all if yer visiting. Failing that:
    "I was in fear for my life"
    "Look out, he's charging straight for us"
tend to help.

Do expect to get cuffed when the police turn up if you in the thick of things.

I believe the law is knives with a folding blade of longer than 3" are illegal to carry without a professional reason, ie you're a carpenter on the way to a job. Counts most tourists out straight away.

Personally I vote for hitting somebody till they cease to be a threat and legging it, legging it first, if possible.

Link Posted: 5/16/2003 4:42:23 AM EDT
That may be good advice Phil.  OTOH, I vote for not going to GBR for ANY reason until they wake up.  ZERO tourist dollars (pounds?) is the only weapon reasonable people have against such morons.

I have no problem with Brits as individuals.  Their government is totally fucked up however.  Have an Aussie friend and their's suffers from the same insanity.  He gave up and moved here.
Link Posted: 5/16/2003 6:46:37 AM EDT
Well...that settles it.  I ain't traveling there any time soon.

That is just wrong...letting the crooks do as they wish.   [whacko]

Link Posted: 5/16/2003 7:05:30 AM EDT
Wouldn't they be able to ID the attacher based on his criminal record.  One guy is a tourist the other is a unemployeed drug addicted mugger.  I wonder which one started the fight?
Link Posted: 5/16/2003 7:07:19 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/16/2003 7:07:52 AM EDT
Welcome to the land of walking ATM machines.
Link Posted: 5/16/2003 7:12:45 AM EDT
The solution is simple.  Just become a criminal.  They have more rights.
Link Posted: 5/16/2003 9:31:26 AM EDT
Hey Equin0x-

I was working with some guys in the RAF who were over here in the States on business.  I remember a couple of them sadly wishing they were allowed to have a gun for self defence (See that?  They taught me to spell, too!).  One of them commented that it was the English who coined the phrase of a man's home being his castle, and then eventually took away his right to defend it.

Do you think that there is any chance that Parliament will wake up to the corelation between tighter gun restrictions and higher crime?  That the problem is the criminals and not the amoral mechanical devices?  That a person defending himself from an attacker is not a vigilante taking the law into his own hands, but rather just an ordinary bloke trying to survive an illegal assault?

I spent some time in the UK and love the people.  I see you folks as being rare friends in this dangerous world.  
Link Posted: 5/16/2003 10:23:20 AM EDT
Do you have a link to that?
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What?  You dont believe me?

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Oh no!  I believe you, but the link was to Kopel's column, not the feedback.

I archive this stuff, and I like to archive the source material, so when you quoted the feedback, I wanted the original source for my archive.
Link Posted: 5/16/2003 10:37:24 AM EDT
you people just need to learn to think like a liberal and you could easily solve this problem

you see, what you do is require everyone to affix all valuables to the outside of their clothes via velcro, in this way the poor bad guys can get all your shit with minimal interaction

hmmmmm, but what are we gonna do about sexual assaults?  crotchless panties and mandatory KY carry?

the people that come up with laws like this are quite simply:  fucked up like a baseball bat

Link Posted: 5/16/2003 10:44:37 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/16/2003 12:03:15 PM EDT
I always heard left handed football bat, or if not that, then a soup sandwich. [:D]
Link Posted: 5/16/2003 2:50:48 PM EDT
it is, indeed, a football bat

brain fart [:E]
Link Posted: 5/16/2003 2:59:06 PM EDT
Let me guess, they want every man to carry a jar of vaseline so they can take it up the ass easier too, right?
Link Posted: 5/16/2003 3:59:05 PM EDT
If you want to beat the living crap out of a criminal in the UK for trying to rob, harm you, do it in an area where the cameras can't see. They got CCTV cameras all over the place.
Link Posted: 5/16/2003 4:12:50 PM EDT
Well, that's just what is in store for us. The AWB is a restriction on precisely the type of weapon citizens would use to defend their freedom from tyranny. The tyranny begins, when they start banning "classes" of weapons. BUT, it's only the beginning. Already our govt. "schools", are turning out graduates just like the british... Ignorant sheep ready to be shorn. Soon, Americans won't WANT to defend themselves. We have some members here who are like that..."I'll still vote rebub even if the AWB is made permanent"....Just goes to show you. Human nature never changes, people WILL VOTE FOR those who enslave them......
Link Posted: 5/16/2003 4:31:53 PM EDT
"Then she instructed us on how to properly be a victim. If we were attacked, we were to assume a defensive posture, such as raising our hands to block an attack. The reason was (and she spelled it out in no uncertain terms) that if a witness saw the incident and we were to attempt to defend ourselves by fighting back, the witness would be unable to tell who the agressor was. However, if we rolled up in a ball, it would be quite clear who the victim was.
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Honestly, If I'm attacked, I'd like to make sure that i'm in front of camera (In britain, in the cities, EVERYTHING is wired- especially in public)- to make sure its recorded that I am the victim... Then, I'll have my way with the criminal (Unless of course he's 7 feet tall, weighs 400lbs, and is named Bubba; in which case, I can hopefully out-run him [;D] )

As far as public awareness goes in relation to firearm ownership, I would be all-for having gun-shops in school like many here in NYC had until the late 1980's
(My highschool for example, used to have a small-scale weapons production facility, a machineshop, all the works & trimmings- until last year, it made robots for competitions, this year, its used to teach CAD; Otherwise, Guns have been replaced by Cisco and computer shops- Usefull, but the way the economy is headed, worthless).
Link Posted: 5/16/2003 4:42:48 PM EDT
Eventually,  even sheep get tired of being fucked, and will fight back to the best of their ability.

The gun control experiment is a monumental failure, and the backlash is coming...everywhere.

The Brits and the Aussies and the Americans, and everybody else, will eventually make gun ownership and carrying for defensive purposes legal by default, even over the unheard screams of an impotent MP, senator, or cop.


Link Posted: 5/16/2003 4:48:21 PM EDT
I believe folding knives are suposed to be non-locking ones in addition to the blade size limitation... [:(]

Link Posted: 5/16/2003 5:27:07 PM EDT
Its all part of the plan. [}:D]


Link Posted: 5/16/2003 5:50:24 PM EDT
Its all part of the plan. [}:D]


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Yes. Once this stage is done we need to convince them, and the rest of Europe, that their military is evil and they must not join it.
Link Posted: 5/16/2003 6:29:25 PM EDT
Damn that's crazy, talk about indoctrination. Now they are trying to convince visitors into becoming good victims just like them. I know you don't need my pity but I feel bad for you equin0x. My town in NY is pretty damn close to that right now.
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