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Posted: 5/22/2002 1:44:22 PM EDT
Fox news just announced that the body has been positively ID'd as Chandra L.
Link Posted: 5/22/2002 1:47:46 PM EDT
The body simply MUST have been recently moved to this location. Rock Creek Park was searched very carefully.

I'll bet this is not a happy day in the Condit Household.

It's kinda like his personal Sept 11th, eh?

Eric The(Sassy)Hun[>]:)]
Link Posted: 5/22/2002 1:48:02 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/22/2002 1:53:38 PM EDT
Somebody's freezer must have failed....
Link Posted: 5/22/2002 1:54:39 PM EDT
The body simply MUST have been recently moved to this location. Rock Creek Park was searched very carefully.

I'll bet this is not a happy day in the Condit Household.

It's kinda like his personal Sept 11th, eh?

Eric The(Sassy)Hun[>]:)]
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Could have been a shallow grave.  They are saying that the area she was found in is very steep.  They will know very soon if she died there, and if anything was broken.  They are saying maybe she fell, and broke something also.....the truth will come out soon enough.
Link Posted: 5/22/2002 1:56:20 PM EDT
Deputy police chief Terrance              W. Gainer said preliminary work done by investigators indicates the bones are a woman's.
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Some investigative work..how long does that take..10 seconds?
Link Posted: 5/22/2002 1:56:38 PM EDT
In any case, at least the family has some closure.
Link Posted: 5/22/2002 1:57:38 PM EDT
The body simply MUST have been recently moved to this location. Rock Creek Park was searched very carefully.

Eric The(Sassy)Hun[>]:)]
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No, I think the DC police dropped the ball on this one.  

She was such a beautiful girl!  I'd like to kick Condit in his dick! Regardless if he had anything to do with it.
Link Posted: 5/22/2002 1:58:34 PM EDT
Well, they were skeletal remains.  Looks they may have been there awhile.  

Do you guys think that MAYBE this time they will actually nail a Democrat for a homicide?  Can you say Ted Kennedy or Bill Clinton?
Link Posted: 5/22/2002 2:09:27 PM EDT
Yeah, at least the family now knows she's gone and not have to lay in bed each night wondering where she is and what happened...if she is dead/alive. I feel for them. But I also realize we'll have to watch and hear about this shit for at least a month every time we turn on the tv.
Link Posted: 5/22/2002 2:12:28 PM EDT
The body simply MUST have been recently moved to this location. Rock Creek Park was searched very carefully.

Eric The(Sassy)Hun[>]:)]
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No, I think the DC police dropped the ball on this one.  

She was such a beautiful girl!  I'd like to kick Condit in his dick! Regardless if he had anything to do with it.
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I agree.  This is such a sad story whether condit had anything to do with it or not.  Just such a waste.
Link Posted: 5/22/2002 2:17:15 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/22/2002 2:19:41 PM EDT
She was such a beautiful girl!  
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You really think so? I didnt think she was at all physically attractive. Plus what kind of person was she if she would have an affair with an married democrat congresscritter?

Ugly inside and out in my opinion.
Link Posted: 5/22/2002 2:28:18 PM EDT
Yes!  I definitely think so.  This man was loved by many from his district and the Levys were strong supporters.  She's not much more than a child in my eyes.  Look at some of the shit-pukes out there that are her age.  I don't think it makes her an ugly person on the inside because she was seduced by a powerful, savvy talking politician.  Do you think Monica L. is physically ugly?  Please don't say yes, cause I aint buying it!
Link Posted: 5/22/2002 2:34:39 PM EDT
I don't think she was too shabby looking. I'd have done her for the Stars & Bars. And as far as fooling around with a married man, well, she's from Commiefornia. That's acceptable practice/behavior there. [peep]
Link Posted: 5/22/2002 3:21:55 PM EDT
I don't think she was too shabby looking. I'd have done her for the Stars & Bars. And as far as fooling around with a married man, well, she's from Commiefornia. That's acceptable practice/behavior there. [peep]
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You better hide your butt behind that wall cactus boy!

Actually, I heard her mom encouraged her to go after Condit, as was the case with Monica. Seems there is something about the JAP crowd in that regard.
Link Posted: 5/22/2002 3:39:15 PM EDT
She was such a beautiful girl!  
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You really think so? I didnt think she was at all physically attractive. Plus what kind of person was she if she would have an affair with an married democrat congresscritter?

Ugly inside and out in my opinion.
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I completely agree with this last statement!  Here you've got just another cheap yenta slut who had the morals of a pig!  Do you guys remember her mother saying:  "My daughter is not a slut" when the news of the affair became evident? This is the same woman who ased her daughter when she was departing for D.C. "Now dear don't become another Monica Lewinsky!"  She probably knew at heart that her daughter was a pig! Ugly inside and out IMHO.

Link Posted: 5/22/2002 3:54:30 PM EDT
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