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Posted: 3/31/2001 8:55:35 AM EDT
What would be the best extended accessory rail for the M4. I would like a rail to extend way past the larger M4 handguards withour touching them. Has anyone found the right rail? If it has a built in rear sight it would be a bonus.
Link Posted: 3/31/2001 9:08:36 AM EDT
The best extended free floating rails I believe are A.R.M.S. but the M-4 handguards create a clearance problem.

Ask yourself, do you really need the double heat shield M-4 guards, which are meant to cut down on thermal signature, or?

If you need the M-4 guards then dremel the upper one for clearance, any plastic material removed will covered by the rail anyway.

Link Posted: 3/31/2001 9:50:52 AM EDT
Thanks andreusan.

So there's no rail that clears the M4 hanguards????

Link Posted: 3/31/2001 10:23:06 AM EDT

I believe the GG&G rail clears the M4 handguards.  Maybe someone can verify that???

Link Posted: 3/31/2001 10:26:50 AM EDT
I'll answer myself...
According to GG&Gs website, their rail clears M4 handguards.  It doesn't have a site incorporated, but apparently leaves room on the rear portion of the flattop to mount one of their A2 or MAD flip-ups.

Check it out here:


Link Posted: 3/31/2001 11:02:32 AM EDT
Thanks andreusan.

So there's no rail that clears the M4 hanguards????

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I do not know of any with an U.S. GOVERNMENT NSN # like ARMS rails do, but could be wrong!
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