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Posted: 12/31/2002 6:54:37 PM EDT
Please exclude Colt, Armalite, Bushmaster.  After those three, which is the best AR15.
Link Posted: 12/31/2002 6:57:00 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/31/2002 7:06:40 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/31/2002 7:15:20 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/31/2002 7:20:18 PM EDT
Since you elimnated the 3 REAL ar15sm anbd for the same reason won't buy a RRA, get a Cav15.

All the others are junk, don't bother. If you can't afford a real AR, get a AK at least it will work.
Link Posted: 12/31/2002 7:20:29 PM EDT
$500 homegrown AR is in my budget, $750 Bushmaster is not.

Whats this kit you speak of, got a link.
Link Posted: 12/31/2002 7:22:42 PM EDT
Since you elimnated the 3 REAL ar15sm anbd for the same reason won't buy a RRA, get a Cav15.

All the others are junk, don't bother. If you can't afford a real AR, get a AK at least it will work.
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Too many acronyms, please translate:

Link Posted: 12/31/2002 7:26:10 PM EDT
Personaly I build all RRA, the upper lower fit is tighter than any I've seen and a gubment barrel.  I'm partial to chrome lining and contract barrels are superior IMHO.

Just my opinion, but I'm also an 18 year LEO and I build AR's for fun.  You have to remember nobody trusts LEO's.

Link Posted: 12/31/2002 7:26:44 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/31/2002 7:30:52 PM EDT
get a copy of shotgun news. thatl have all the parts kits available, and several manufacturers of stripped lower recievers.

its much cheaper to build em yorself that buy em pre made..

OTOH if you have the right tooling you could buy a 80% tanneryshop lower reciever and finish it yorself. this is whare the pride of really makeing it yorself is..
Link Posted: 12/31/2002 7:34:17 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/31/2002 7:36:31 PM EDT
DPMS are in the $500 range, anybody like em.
Link Posted: 12/31/2002 7:52:51 PM EDT
what about
Link Posted: 12/31/2002 7:56:13 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/31/2002 7:59:44 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/31/2002 8:02:25 PM EDT
Rock River Arms
You can get a stripped lower for 105-110 at the gunshow in Dallas next weekend(if you are in Dallas)
I would suggest buying a used:
RRA, Bushmaster, Colt, AL look on EE, or buy the lower and buy the used upper on EE, you could get a real good set up for around 500-600 bucks.
Link Posted: 12/31/2002 8:12:47 PM EDT
Quantico Arms has some Eagle Arms stripped receivers for $100.  Forged, same quality as Aramlite only Armalite never sells their lower reciever seperate.

[url=http://www.ar15.com/forums/topic.html?b=7&f=21&t=150007&w=searchPop]Quantico Ad[/url]

Link Posted: 12/31/2002 8:13:44 PM EDT
Not to get in the middle of a disagreement among some of our finer members, but regardless of what Lower, Upper and parts kit you buy, you will never ever regret building your first AR.  Get a manual for assembly/dis-assembly and take your time.

You will learn more from the experience that you could get reading other folks posts about it.

FWIW - My first AR was/is an Oly, built up from a J&T kit, It goes bang just like my "expensive" AR's do.  And being a cheaper rifle I don't have to worry about using it as a Truck Gun if it takes a few scratches.
Link Posted: 12/31/2002 8:14:56 PM EDT
[b]Hesse[/b] - the "sleeper" of AR15 quality.
Link Posted: 12/31/2002 8:28:01 PM EDT
[b]Hesse[/b] - the "sleeper" of AR15 quality.
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Ummm... you gotta give Glockboy a break here -

His post count indicates he is a newer member so he may not be aware that HESSE IS GENERALLY REGARDED AS SOMETHING TO SNICKER AT RATHER THAN TRY TO BUILD INTO A RELIABLE RIFLE.
just my .02
Link Posted: 12/31/2002 8:34:37 PM EDT

Too many acronyms, please translate:

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ar15sm - typo, should be "ar15s"
anbd - typo, should be "and"
RRA - Rock River Arms
Cav15 - AR15 type rifle made by Cavalry Arms

Basically my point was you will probably find RRA too expensive as well. Look into a Cav15 made by Cavalry Arms.
Link Posted: 12/31/2002 8:35:14 PM EDT
i've built 2 ar15's glock boy. scrimp save and horse trade for parts! georgiapresision has killer prices on new stuff and even gets used stuff in too.

find a lower 1st my last build was on a centary arms lower it worked great! get a pre assembed upper it makes life easier. there is a guy on this board that sells rockriver arms parts at great prices. i used a rockriver bc/ch/ lower parts group on that rifle. good trigger pull and the rifle goes bang every time. the cool thing about building is you can get EXACTLY what you want. my hickerbilly ar15 ($550 into it) is a clone of the airforce original m16. its light handy and shoots atleast as well as my ak74 and the ammo is easier to get.
Link Posted: 12/31/2002 8:36:10 PM EDT
[b]Hesse[/b] - the "sleeper" of AR15 quality.
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Ummm... you gotta give Glockboy a break here -

His post count indicates he is a newer member so he may not be aware that HESSE IS GENERALLY REGARDED AS SOMETHING TO SNICKER AT RATHER THAN TRY TO BUILD INTO A RELIABLE RIFLE.
just my .02
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[:D] ...but I own 5 of them and a bunch of USA mags.....
Link Posted: 12/31/2002 9:01:15 PM EDT
If you could by a Porsche or a BMW for 15% more than a Dodge would you?
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Careful there, [b]Paul[/b]; I happen to know that [b]GlockBoy[/b] drives a Dodge and likes it. "Dodge is a damn fine car...ran over my first wife in a Dodge!"

Best budget AR-15 is actually a VEPR-K in .223 — AK reliability, superb fit and finish, and a price tag well under $550. Yes, I know that it's not a "real" AR, but it's still the best bang for the buck.
Link Posted: 12/31/2002 9:23:15 PM EDT
i second a JT kit gun. i have built sevral JT kit guns. always the upmost quality and great service. i like the RRA receiver. total cost under 600.
Link Posted: 12/31/2002 9:27:22 PM EDT
[b]Hesse[/b] - the "sleeper" of AR15 quality.
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Ummm... you gotta give Glockboy a break here -

His post count indicates he is a newer member so he may not be aware that HESSE IS GENERALLY REGARDED AS SOMETHING TO SNICKER AT RATHER THAN TRY TO BUILD INTO A RELIABLE RIFLE.
just my .02
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[:D] ...but I own 5 of them and a bunch of USA mags.....
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Nothing like a Hesse and USA mags!!!!!
Link Posted: 1/1/2003 7:05:10 AM EDT
don't let anyone tell you that building your own is cheaper! you will start buying fancy add-ons and upgrades and before you know it, it's no longer a "budget" job!
Link Posted: 1/1/2003 7:20:35 AM EDT

Yet another vote for [url=http://www.cavalryarms.com/rifles.htm]Cavalry Arms[/url]

Link Posted: 1/1/2003 9:35:41 AM EDT
If you are going to build your first one - I'd suggest that you build a milspec lower first. The Cav Arms have some minor differences and to get a real good understanding of springs and detent pins and buffer tubes, a mil spec is the best way to start.

BTW if you do buy outright - Cavalry makes great Lowers (I own 2)

[b] you should be warned that once you get started, it becomes slightly worse than Lays potato chips[/b]

Three years ago I bought a stripped Oly lower.... now look what's happened to me - take a lesson from me and don't fall into this trap!  Sheesh - There ought to be a Guns Anonymous!

Link Posted: 1/1/2003 9:36:25 PM EDT
Purchase a good quality lower receiver and then purchase an AR-15 carbine or standard sized kit for just over $400 from www.sherluk.com in Ohio.  You get Wilson and FN parts, which results in a sweet AR-15 project when you're finished.  For about $600 you can build a loaded AR-15 based on the Sherluk kit and a quality lower receiver.
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