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Posted: 9/22/2023 5:43:40 PM EDT
Hope this is the right forum for this. I bought this handheld for wheeling, but if there's a better forum for this I'll move it there.

After using it for 6 months, all of sudden it wouldn't transmit to other radios in the group. I keep it pretty basic in it's settings, all the codes are off. I tried it with some older basic Motorolas I have, which can communicate with each other just fine. No go. I received a new one today, body only. Same thing. Codes are off. I'm at a loss here, am I doing something wrong I'm just ignorant of?

Link Posted: 9/23/2023 10:23:08 AM EDT
Hope this is the right forum for this. I bought this handheld for wheeling, but if there's a better forum for this I'll move it there.

After using it for 6 months, all of sudden it wouldn't transmit to other radios in the group. I keep it pretty basic in it's settings, all the codes are off. I tried it with some older basic Motorolas I have, which can communicate with each other just fine. No go. I received a new one today, body only. Same thing. Codes are off. I'm at a loss here, am I doing something wrong I'm just ignorant of?

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Your second radio was just the body, no antenna, so you're using the same antenna from the dead radio? Maybe the antenna is damaged?

I know this isn't a ham radio, but there are some smart people in the ham radio forum that could probably help you.
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