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Posted: 10/9/2004 11:45:45 AM EDT
I guess I feel like ranting because any thinking person can see that there is no choice left in America. Corporate,global NWO fascist rule. Where are the other candidates? Locked out and arrested. Yea, we have a choice...

October 8

8:38PM CT

The first report from St. Louis is in - and presidential candidates Michael Badnarik (Libertarian) and David Cobb (Green Party) were just arrested. Badnarik was carrying an Order to Show Cause, which he intended to serve the Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD). Earlier today, Libertarians attempted to serve these same papers at the Washington, D.C. headquarters of the CPD - but were stopped from approaching the CPD office by security guards.

Fred Collins reported to me from the ground that Badnarik and Cobb are in great physical condition and great spirit.

As soon as more details are available, they will be posted here immediately.

8:51PM CT

I just spoke with Jon Airheart on his cellular telephone. He reports that while he could see no handcuffs, both Badnarik and Cobb had their hands behind their backs, as if they were handcuffed. Airheart also confirms that Badnarik did have the papers to serve the CPD in his jacket pocket.

9:09PM CT

The first AP report just hit Google News:

   Just as the debate began, two third-party presidential candidates purposely crossed a police barricade and were arrested. Green Party presidential candidate David Cobb and Libertarian Party candidate Michael Badnarik were protesting their exclusion from the debate

10:09PM CT

My cell phone is ringing off the hook. There is no way to catch up with all of the messages left - and I am sure the memory is full by now. Things are going too fast to keep up with them.

Jon Airheart just reported that he and Fred Collins are catching a taxi to the jail where Mike is currently located. The address is 200 South Tucker Street, St. Louis, MO. Jon stated that there were over one hundred police offices with helmets and shields in the particular line they crossed.

Thomas Knapp just reported that prior to their arrests, Badnarik and Cobb explained to the crowd why they chose civil disobedience to express their message. He stated that Badnarik had to “bodily” push his way through the police line. Once through, he peacefully surrendered, was handcuffed, and taken out of direct site.

10:30 PM CT

We now have multiple audioblogs from Jon Airheart (in chronological order) at:




10:42PM CST

More news reports:

This quote comes from this St. Louis Post-Dispatch report:

“I have the freedom of speech and they have no authority to barricade that,” Badnarik said from outside the security line.

The Progress Report reports:

“Libertarian presidential candidate Michael Badnarik pushed his way through the police line at the debate site about a minute after Cobb and was similarly arrested. Cobb and Badnarik have participated in genuine, non-scripted, nonpartisan debates four times in this campaign; a fifth debate is scheduled for October 15 at Eastern Tennessee State University with a number of other candidates.”

10:51PM CT

Apparently, we have overloaded the facilities at www.audioblogger.com. We will save and FTP the audioblog postings to our site as soon as we can retrieve them.

11:04PM CT

Jon Airheart and Fred Collins just called. They are at the city jail mentioned above. Jon stated, “What I will now tell you shows the absolute ineptitude of government. They don’t even know, and won’t know for three to four hours, whether he [Badnarik} is in this particular jail.”

Fred Collins said, “He [Badnarik] should have picked a better city in which to be arrested.”

The question which remains is whether Mr. Badnarik is in the city or the county jail.

11:12PM CT

It is a good thing we changed servers last night - as we have been seriously farked tonight.

11:19PM CT

The following is reported via e-mail from George Getz, the Libertarian Party communications director about his attempt to serve the CPD in D.C. today:


   At about 2pm ET, I hand-delivered the paper called “Arizona Case Order.” I talked to David [Euchner - the lead attorney in the Arizona case] immediately afterward and he said the other papers can be faxed later. I am now back at the office, and there’s no one here, so I’m unaware of any developments.

   I will also fax the affidavit, as David and I discussed earlier.


11:23PM CT

Former LNC Chair and Operations Manager for the Badnarik campaign Geoffrey Neale responded with:

   Do you have a signature from anyone at the CPD?

11:27PM CT

Here is Mr. Getz’s response to Mr. Neale:

   Unfortunately, no. But this guy was so hostile there was no way he would have signed it. He wouldn’t even take it in his hand, and made me just put it on the desk instead.

   He wouldn’t even tell me his name!?! – he was just “Tom.”

   I replied, “Tom, huh? Could you be more vague, Tom?”

   However, David (our attorney) was on the phone with “Tom” at the time I came into the office, and overheard the whole conversation, so I don’t think he can deny it. The lawyer is an “officer of the court,” or whatever, and if he tells the judge that’s what happened, that better be what happened. Plus, in my affidavit I described the schmuck and his assistant schmuck pretty well, which would be very odd if I wasn’t there.

   Let’s hope for the best.


11:50PM CT

Nancy Neale (Geoffrey Neale’s darling wife) just sent me the following interesting link while I was being interviewed by some reporter from Missouri:


12:04AM CT

Fred Collins just called on Jon Airheart’s cell phone, as Fred’s battery is ganz tot. He reports, “The county jail says they don’t have him and the city jail says they don’t have him.”

Where is Michael? Perhaps at Gitmo already?

12:33AM CT

Shortnews reports:

   US Presidential candidates arrested entering CPD debate site US Presidential candidates Michael Badnarik (Libertarian) and David Cobb (Green) were arrested Friday in St. Louis after breaking through a police
   line barricading the Commission on Presidential Debates event hosted at Washington University.

   The candidates peacefully surrendered, protesting the exclusion of their opposing viewpoints and
   questioning the legality of the bipartisan Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD).

   Local police responded to the incidents by delivering two additional busloads of officers in riot
   gear to the University’s event site.

12:43AM CT

Jon Airheart just called to tell me, “WE FOUND HIM!” He is reported to be at some medium-security lockup at 7600 North Hall Street. They are going to call Tamara Millay to see if she is closer than they are - but Fred and Jon are going to catch a cab nonetheless to pick up Mr. Badnarik.

An anonymous hotel employee told Jon, “We need to get him out of there - it is not a pleasant place to be - but if you wish to escape its not that hard.”

The facility is locally known as the “City Work House.”

Airheart reports that he called one number to find Mr. Badnarik, which led him to another number, which led him to another number…

Eventually, before Fred and Jon found Mr.Badnarik, Mr. Badnarik called Jon.

Jon reports that Mr. Badnarik said the whole process would have taken a lot less time but there was a lot of commotion on campus. They arrested five students who “literally just accidentally crossed over into the ‘no-longer-a-free-speech-zone’ and they nearly were nearly taken out by snipers. According to the report, it was just five kids trying to go back to their dorms. After expressing outrage over the way the students were treated, Badnarik stated that this slowed his processing dramatically.

As Airheart was reporting this to me, he suddenly said, “Cab is here - got to go! But tell people that this is just like a scene from the movie Brazil.”

12:57AM CT

A gentleman by the name of Nick Patton called me. He said he “lives in area.”

He stated that crossing the initial police line was not difficult. He had been in the tents near the debates for two hours and was leaving the premises to watch on it all video.

“I was leaving and they took me down,” Patton said.

There were four other youths who live off campus who were also accosted and detained for around four hours, Patton reported.

1:09AM CT

The story has been picked up here by WorldNetDaily.

01:22AM CT

A young man by the name of Abel Jones called me. He reported that he was walking back from the debate activities with one guy and two girls. They saw some guys who Jones said looked like Secret Service agents. They asked if they could cut across the lawn they were approaching, and the “Secret Service looking guys” said they didn’t care.

After walking 20 to 40 yards, they were taken down by two officers and told there were snipers trained on them.

They were told they were “lucky they were not hit by the snipers.”

Jones said that no rights were read to them. He stated that one girl was treated roughly. Her earrings and shoelaces were taken off. He stated that she was treated more roughly than everyone else.

01:26AM CT

The story has just been picked up by Rational Review here.

01:47PM CT

I just talked with Mr. Badnarik. He was in his hotel room and eating some dinner.

He said that after he and Mr. Cobb were arrested, they were placed in a police van - then there was some delay as they threw some students in the van with them. The stories from two of them are posted in the prior two entries of this posting.

Mr. Badnarik says that they sat in a cell for one to one and a half hours. He reported that the fingerprinting process was not as thorough as he had expected.

They did not have to post any bail - but were given tickets for “trespass” and “refusing a reasonable order from a policeman".

Badnarik said that he had the papers to be served to the CPD in his pocket, but was never given opportunity to serve them.

WTF are they afraid of!?!?!
Is it Time yet?
Fucking commie 2 party bastards.
Even fucking Afghanistan has 16 parties running.
Link Posted: 10/9/2004 11:48:21 AM EDT
Our two party system sucks!
Link Posted: 10/9/2004 11:52:01 AM EDT

Our two party system problem sucks!

Fixed it for ya
Link Posted: 10/9/2004 11:57:16 AM EDT

Our two party system sucks!

It does. But having more parties in the final running might suck even more.

Imagine 2/3rds or more of voters having a president they didn't vote for.
Link Posted: 10/9/2004 11:57:59 AM EDT
The Commission on Presidential Debates is a private corp. If they were asked to leave and they refused then what do you expect? It'd be the same with anyone else on your property. I think you're only showing one side of the story.

Link Posted: 10/9/2004 12:00:16 PM EDT
Just imagine if we had a European parliment multi party system with coalition Govs: Democrats, Communists , Greens, Labor and other assorted Loonie Leftists parties etc all teaming up to form a coalition gov.

No Thanks I like our F'd up 2 party system over anything else out there, atleast it keeps fringe fruitcakes like Badnarik and Collins out of power.
Link Posted: 10/9/2004 12:02:45 PM EDT

The Commission on Presidential Debates is a private corp. If they were asked to leave and they refused then what do you expect? It'd be the same with anyone else on your property. I think you're only showing one side of the story.


The problem is that if you're going to have a presidential debate, doesn't it make sense to invite all the candidates?  The non-Repub and Democrap candidates held their own debates back during the 2000 election cycle, and I actually enjoyed watching them thoughtfully and competantly talking about not only what they wanted to do, but how they planned on doing it.  They also didn't spend their time belittling each other.  They just talked about taking care of business.  

How did Perot get in on the debates when he ran?

It sucks.  I actually like Badnarik.

Remember the Alamo, and God Bless Texas...
Link Posted: 10/9/2004 12:03:29 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/9/2004 12:06:28 PM EDT
Wow, and to think that so many people said that Badnarik couldn't even get himself arrested in St. Louis...

Link Posted: 10/9/2004 12:19:45 PM EDT
No big suprise. He has been loudly announcing that he was going to get himself arrested at this debate for weeks...
Link Posted: 10/9/2004 12:31:44 PM EDT
Pretty sad comment on what America has come to.
How would you feel if YOUR choice of candidate was arrested while trying to be heard?
That's where I am at.
Feels bad.
They lied to us when they said "use the system".
The System just arrested my candidate, with correct papers in hand, trying to be heard by the American public.
This is not good.
The United States is in big trouble.
Is it Time yet?
Link Posted: 10/9/2004 12:41:18 PM EDT


yep it'd be kinda like 2/3 of the voters not voting because they can't stand either party. hmmmm sorta like what we have now.


Which, of course, cannot happen since a "voter" who doesn't, isn't.

Besides, if it would be just like what we have now, why would anyone want to change to it?
Link Posted: 10/9/2004 2:14:40 PM EDT

How did Perot get in on the debates when he ran?

Lots of money, remember those slots of airtime he bought to show off his plans and his big notepad or whatever.

He probably would have won if he didnt drop out in the first place.
Link Posted: 10/9/2004 2:36:06 PM EDT

How did Perot get in on the debates when he ran?


It sucks.  I actually like Badnarik.

I have a lot more respect for him now.
Link Posted: 10/9/2004 3:29:53 PM EDT

He probably would have won if he didnt drop out in the first place.

Don't tell me you would actually VOTED for Perot!?!????  
Link Posted: 10/9/2004 3:34:07 PM EDT
is an order of cause some sort of court thing? like serving a summons to testify, or divorce papers?
if so how can he be arrested for trying to serve them?
Link Posted: 10/9/2004 3:38:31 PM EDT

is an order of cause some sort of court thing? like serving a summons to testify, or divorce papers?
if so how can he be arrested for trying to serve them?

Hey, how about I break and enter your house to "serve you papers"?

These two clowns were showboating for the cameras and this "arrest" was contrived for maximal media exposure. They KNEW that trespassing (even to "serve papers") is illegal and that they'd be arrested and so these two losers timed this to get the most media exposure for their idiotic parties.

Does anyone wonder why they're called "Losertarians"?

Link Posted: 10/9/2004 3:41:17 PM EDT


Our two party system sucks!

It does. But having more parties in the final running might suck even more.

Imagine 2/3rds or more of voters having a president they didn't vote for.

I see your point...  Lets just scrap the two party system and go with a ONE party system.  That way 100% of the voters will get the president they vote for!!! We ALL WIN!!!!!  Woooo Hoooo!!!!!  
Link Posted: 10/9/2004 3:41:49 PM EDT

Link Posted: 10/9/2004 3:44:09 PM EDT
Hmmm reminds me of... Alan Keyes.
Link Posted: 10/9/2004 3:54:10 PM EDT

Just imagine if we had a European parliment multi party system with coalition Govs: Democrats, Communists , Greens, Labor and other assorted Loonie Leftists parties etc all teaming up to form a coalition gov.

No Thanks I like our F'd up 2 party system over anything else out there, atleast it keeps fringe fruitcakes like Badnarik and Collins out of power.

We don't have to copy the system they use, but we can make our system more inclusive.

A big step would be for anyone on the presidential ballot to be in the debate.   How does that bring us closer to a European system?

Link Posted: 10/9/2004 3:56:26 PM EDT


is an order of cause some sort of court thing? like serving a summons to testify, or divorce papers?
if so how can he be arrested for trying to serve them?

Hey, how about I break and enter your house to "serve you papers"?

These two clowns were showboating for the cameras and this "arrest" was contrived for maximal media exposure. They KNEW that trespassing (even to "serve papers") is illegal and that they'd be arrested and so these two losers timed this to get the most media exposure for their idiotic parties.

Does anyone wonder why they're called "Losertarians"?

Link Posted: 10/9/2004 4:04:36 PM EDT
Two parties are what you get for having single member plurality districts. Our parties are FAR broader than in some other systems, where there are many more parties, and seat are split based on percentages of the vote.
Link Posted: 10/9/2004 4:16:22 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/9/2004 4:18:10 PM EDT
The question is, how would you feel if some bozo tried to force his way into your house to join your dinner party because he felt he'd been unfairly excluded from the conversation? CPD is a private entity. Don't like it? Piss off. Quit whining. Form your own debate commission. Assuming this guy actually had court papers to be served, and wasn't smart enough to give them to a sheriff, marshal, or process server (apparently preferring to grab for the brass ring of free pubhlicity acquired by public whining) he's not smart enough to chair the Yeehaw Junction Mosquito Control Board, let alone be president.

This whining sack of shit "had to 'bodily' push his way through the police line." Yeah, right. He "had" to put his hands on policemen who were doing a perfectly legitimate job. What a dick! What a juvenile dick!

Whatever you think of these guys' politics, this buffoonery reminds me of Greenpeace bitching when they get hit by vessels they're harrassing. Fuck him. His "message" is now "Waaah. I'm not included. I'm a victim."
Link Posted: 10/9/2004 4:19:20 PM EDT

Two parties are what you get for having single member plurality districts. Our parties are FAR broader than in some other systems, where there are many more parties, and seat are split based on percentages of the vote.

can you give me some specific examples?

I'm having a hard time thinking of one example.

eta: this has NOTHING to do with the original post btw.  We can add 3rd party candidates to presidential debates w/o changing the system for congress.  I'd like to see your answer though.

Link Posted: 10/9/2004 4:26:47 PM EDT
I like a lot of what the libertarians stand for, but (althought it's unpopular here) I think Badnarik is a little B!t..

He was bashing bush for invading Iraq, he and the Green Party candidate were both going on and on about how Bush lied and this and that, he sounded more like an extreme LEFT NUTty guy typical of the sort you would find on DU...I will not vote Libertarian in the forseable future because IN MY OPINION, they don't give a damn about national security...which is on par with the Dems...
Link Posted: 10/9/2004 4:45:42 PM EDT
Bring them back:
Historical American political parties.

Democratic-Republican Party
Whig Party
Free Soil Party
Know-Nothing Party
Liberal Republican Party
Bull Moose Party
Social Democratic Party

Link Posted: 10/9/2004 5:00:18 PM EDT

The Commission on Presidential Debates is a private corp. If they were asked to leave and they refused then what do you expect? It'd be the same with anyone else on your property. I think you're only showing one side of the story.


Wow i'm going to incorporate so I can have snipers tooo!!! Lets all do it!!!
Link Posted: 10/9/2004 5:16:20 PM EDT

... Badnarik was carrying an Order to Show Cause, which he intended to serve the Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD). ...

And what exactly is that?

Also, I like the way the Libertarians are trying to force their own way on other people!!
Link Posted: 10/9/2004 5:24:27 PM EDT
Well.. i just took a quick 5 minute lesson on what the libertarian candidate stands for.  To me it looks like his foreign and national defense policy is a disaster even on paper.. who knows what it would be like in action.

Like most of the third party candidates they yap about corporate whores and the war on drugs and all this other crap.. basically blindfolded so they can live in their own little fantasy world.  However.. I suppose some here would choose to vote for BadNarik just because he seems to be uberpro gun advocate man.  
Link Posted: 10/9/2004 5:30:14 PM EDT

Hmmm reminds me of... Alan Keyes.

Keyes would be the best president this country has had since Reagan.

Too bad the self serving idiots on the right refuse to vote for him, and instead forfeit elections to genuine communists like Obama bin laden.  

Link Posted: 10/9/2004 5:44:29 PM EDT


The Commission on Presidential Debates is a private corp. If they were asked to leave and they refused then what do you expect? It'd be the same with anyone else on your property. I think you're only showing one side of the story.


Wow i'm going to incorporate so I can have snipers tooo!!! Lets all do it!!!

If your corporation is hosting a 90-minute Presidential debate, I'm sure the Secret Service would be there in force too.

Link Posted: 10/9/2004 6:38:54 PM EDT
Badnarik has no chance. I had considered Constitution Party but the other night they crossed the line. Here in Ohio they were running Abortion ads on tv with dead fetuses. I'm pro-life & still it made me sick. How Peroutka ever expects to win any votes that way is beyond me.
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