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Posted: 5/8/2003 11:27:17 AM EDT
I watched war of the worlds today with my wife, & I told her of the panic Orsen Wells created when he did the radio program of war of the worlds. From what I understand it caused quit a ruckus, & some people even committed suicide over the fear of what they were hearing. It made me think, that the should all have been awarded the uncoveted Darwin . Who else do you think should get the posthumously awarded Darwin?
Link Posted: 5/8/2003 11:42:26 AM EDT
Those who charged the gap at Thermopylae and the ATF agents who gasped their last at Waco.
Link Posted: 5/8/2003 11:54:14 AM EDT
Read a story about some guys who were having a kegger at a bonfire.  After the beer ran out, one of them threw the keg on the fire.  The heat expanded the gasses inside to the point the empty keg exploded, killing one of them near the fire.
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