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Posted: 4/28/2003 11:45:17 AM EDT
“I see the ongoing threats to our nation’s security, and the violent opposition towards the pursuits of a stable and democratic world.  In response to these threats and oppositions, I see my nation and Marine Corps heading down a tough road through volatile times.  In the past, I made a pact with the Marine Corps and served the needs of my country and Corps.  I also swore an oath to protect my country from all enemies foreign and domestic.  I wish to form a new pact with my Corps and reinitiate my oath of service to the United States.  I desire to become a Marine Officer.  By forging officer training with my knowledge and experience from my prior service and university studies, I am confident I can lead Marines victoriously in battle against our nation’s enemies in the twenty-first century.  Semper Fidelis. “

That was my 150 word essay on my Marine Officer application, “Why I want to be a Marine officer.”  The Gargoyle decided to use his degree towards becoming a Marine officer.  In doing so, I just spent a few days reacquainting myself with the beloved Corps at an OCS preparation weekend.  The objective of the weekend was to introduce fundamentals to the new candidates, and to refresh the prior service candidates, like myself.   I was impressed with the amount of professionalism and attention the sergeant instructor staff and OCS officers gave to the candidates during this supposedly informal weekend.  The staff picked us up as if we were reporting to OCS and ran our sorry asses into the dirt.  I had never been so worn out since my days in the fleet Marine force 6 years ago.  This weekend I learned that OCS is twice that of enlisted boot camp in respect to physical fitness and the expectations of recruits/candidates by the staff.  

I’m an alternate for OCS this summer.  I have to wait for some/one of the 40 pre- selected candidates to drop before the last weekend in May in order to get a seat in the school.  Not that I wish dismay or failure upon any candidate, but I’m really hoping someone drops out.  In the meantime, I’ll be blasting my body in strength and endurance routines in the event I get to attend training.  If you all will, send a few to the commander upstairs for me in support of my efforts.  Semper Fidelis
Link Posted: 4/28/2003 11:48:37 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/28/2003 11:51:28 AM EDT
Semper Fi Gyrene!

Remember good leaders LEAD....

Link Posted: 4/28/2003 12:21:01 PM EDT
Just out of curiousity, what are your 'strength and endurance routines'? I was thinking of joining up if I can't get a job when I move home next month and at 25, I'm not as spry as I once was.
I've seen the PT standards on the site, what do you do to meet/exceed these?
Link Posted: 4/28/2003 12:43:42 PM EDT
Your Corps!
My Corps!
Hard Corps!
Marine Corps!
Link Posted: 4/28/2003 1:31:50 PM EDT
Get after it, Hard Charger !

Semper Fi do or Die

Link Posted: 4/28/2003 3:46:02 PM EDT
Semper Fi Gargoyle.

I felt the exact same way last spring. I had been off of active duty for 2 years and wanted to serve again. I couldn't get a commission in the Marines because I was too old, but I am getting one through the Army Guard. State run program that last 18 months, get my commission in August.

Good luck to you and learn how to do an OPORD.
Link Posted: 4/28/2003 4:52:25 PM EDT
It will be nice to have another Officer in there who understands his duty and his reason for being there.

Good Luck

Link Posted: 5/7/2003 1:59:31 PM EDT
Well, still no word from the Corps.  However, a very prestigious Sheriff's department wants to hire me!  Have an interview with the sheriff May 12th.
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