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Posted: 3/26/2001 4:06:20 AM EDT
I never even watched the show the first two years. Then they started that 2 episode back to back rerun thing last season and it took about two weeks to hook me.
I like the quirky what the hell's gonna happen next aspect and the humor is priceless, like last night sending the dying old hood in to kill the punk, and the scene with T and his wife at the shrink's office, first the uncomfortable silence and then the catty remarks by Carmela. Outstanding writing..
Link Posted: 3/26/2001 4:07:57 AM EDT
Link Posted: 3/26/2001 4:18:10 AM EDT
I can't get enough of that show!!!   I even watch the reruns later on in the week.

Hey, any show that has the balls to name a major character "Big Pussy" has GOT to be good.  :-)
Link Posted: 3/26/2001 4:20:39 AM EDT
who needs hbo, when i can watch this type of stuff right outside my house[:O]
Link Posted: 3/26/2001 4:23:37 AM EDT
They got me hook line and sinker.[:)]

BTW, were you guys yelling at the TV last week when the doctor got raped and she wanted to tell Tony so he could lay the beat down on that punk?  I was yelling "tell him!!!!" and was soo disapointed when she said "no" and the show ended.[:(]

Link Posted: 3/26/2001 4:27:50 AM EDT
How many seasons has this show been around? It sounds like something I might like. I saw the first season for sale on DVD and was going to rent it since I don't do HBO unless I'm in a hotel room. I don't know why I like wiseguy movies but I do.
Link Posted: 3/26/2001 4:38:47 AM EDT
I'm gonna buy that DVD set too.

If you like the Godfather, good fellas and stuff like that, you will love the Soprano's.  Buy the DVD set, you will not regret it.

Link Posted: 3/26/2001 4:52:09 AM EDT
Akira....yes I was yelling at the TV when Dr. Melfi didn't come out with it so that "employee of the month" kid would end up like this: [bd][BD]
{the abused ICON didn't work again}

Hey does anyone have a comment on Meadow and the half & half dude she is dating?  Did you grin and laugh as evil as I did when Meadow told Tony about her ten speed bike getting ripped off and it was a black dude that took it?

I love that show! I also like the show OZ.

HBO is too cool...too bad I have to shut down my SAT subscription due to the tax man ass FlICKIN I am getting for last years income.

Link Posted: 3/26/2001 5:02:44 AM EDT
I buy HBO just for Soprano's, and unsubscribe when it is over.
It has such great writing and really surprises you.
I love last night when Meadow took the FBI's lamp. Too funny.
Link Posted: 3/26/2001 5:04:39 AM EDT

Yeah, I have to admit that ten speed incident had me going.  

Ya know, Meadow is hot and all but dang she sure is a spoiled little beooach.
Link Posted: 3/26/2001 5:05:55 AM EDT
Oh yeah.....

Meadow "Neutralized" the bug!!!!

If she knew she was helping out ole Dad she may have chose some other lamp to take.

Link Posted: 3/26/2001 5:12:01 AM EDT
Yes, Akira, I don't think the doc is going to tell Tony about the rapist at all. Just an incident to illustrate what a professional the doc is, I guess.
The all time best surprise for me was when Sis abruptly pulls out the gun and blasts her new hubby for punching her. Yeowww..
Link Posted: 3/26/2001 5:13:52 AM EDT
Me to man I just strated watching it this last season and I'm hooked big time.

I love that show!!!
I even break out a good cigar when I'm watching just to get into the mood.
Link Posted: 3/26/2001 5:16:38 AM EDT
The best line ever from the sopranos.  Tony is talking to Ritchie last season and he pisses Ritchie off.  
Tony says " Don't give me those F-ing Manson eyes"

I died laughing.
Link Posted: 3/26/2001 5:32:58 AM EDT
anyone who doesn't dig the Sopranos is a [b]MEZZOFANUKE.[/b]
Link Posted: 3/26/2001 6:05:18 AM EDT
fockeneh! i do.
if the psyc says anything to tony, and he takes care of it. anything said between them will no longer have doctor/client privilige, as she then becomes an acomplace before the fact..
Link Posted: 3/26/2001 6:12:14 AM EDT
Maybe in future episodes, the son will do the deed and the Doc will think Tony did it.

The son was really pissed off when he found out and if he finds out that the cops didn't do anything, you know where I'm going with that.
Link Posted: 3/26/2001 6:19:18 AM EDT
Highly addicted.

I have every single episode on tape.  Anybody want a copY?
Link Posted: 3/26/2001 6:45:23 AM EDT
The best line ever from the sopranos.  Tony is talking to Ritchie last season and he pisses Ritchie off.  
Tony says " Don't give me those F-ing Manson eyes"

I died laughing.
View Quote

GTZ... it's "Don't give me those F-ing [b][i]Manson LAMPS[/i][/b].

Damn I am a fan of the Bada Bing club! [}:d]
{What the hell...is it my font for the letter d a problem?} That shoulda been the Evil Grin.

Link Posted: 3/26/2001 6:54:31 AM EDT

Damn I am a fan of the Bada Bing club! [}:d]
{What the hell...is it my font for the letter d a problem?} That shoulda been the Evil Grin.

View Quote

Link Posted: 3/26/2001 6:57:49 AM EDT
Well WTF????

What is the problem?


Link Posted: 3/26/2001 7:02:02 AM EDT
Well WTF????

What is the problem?


View Quote

hey rail try it with a capitol D    [}:D][}:D]
Link Posted: 3/26/2001 7:11:13 AM EDT


Link Posted: 3/26/2001 7:24:48 AM EDT
very good episode last night.the part about the  old hitman had me ROLFLMAO.mmk
Link Posted: 3/26/2001 8:08:10 AM EDT
This show rules. I have every episode on tape. I just wish they would get rid of that pig Janice. So, how bad is Christopher going to phuck Artie up for making moves on his chick? Does this guy got a death wish or what?
Link Posted: 3/26/2001 8:14:24 AM EDT
This show rules. I have every episode on tape. I just wish they would get rid of that pig Janice. So, how bad is Christopher going to phuck Artie up for making moves on his chick? Does this guy got a death wish or what?
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i can't see that happening, now that she knows he's hard up for her. she'll keep it quiet that way when chris starts smacking her around she has a person to run to
Link Posted: 3/26/2001 8:21:49 AM EDT
No one on this show knows how to keep quiet.
Link Posted: 3/26/2001 8:30:15 AM EDT
I don't miss it! I will then watch it again during the week.
Link Posted: 3/26/2001 8:37:50 AM EDT
No one on this show knows how to keep quiet.
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if she tells anyone it'll be tony. tony should keep it quiet until they get that legit food line going in newark. then the boys will take out art, giving total legal control to tony. now making him seam like a respected business man  ( a la the godfather movies)
Link Posted: 3/26/2001 8:41:05 AM EDT
hey steyr: i don't know which i enjoy more watch this show. or reading posts about toad over on hk91.com
Link Posted: 3/26/2001 10:00:18 AM EDT
one more thing. junior said he has cancer "THE BIG C!!"
after telling tony he is in charge and not him. anyone beside's me feel that jr. is running this line (or even if it's true) and he might be considering turning to the feds and entering w/protection.

Link Posted: 3/26/2001 10:16:32 PM EDT
one more thing. junior said he has cancer "THE BIG C!!"
after telling tony he is in charge and not him. anyone beside's me feel that jr. is running this line (or even if it's true) and he might be considering turning to the feds and entering w/protection
View Quote

no he won't turn rat. tonys going to fall back on jr for major help when the new york crew comes to take over his turf. if this show last only one more season,look for it to end in a huge blood bath. ex: the columbo wars in ny/nj several years ago. those not killed or in prison, faded into the sunset.
Link Posted: 3/26/2001 11:01:18 PM EDT
Plain and simple the Sopranos is the best show on TV.  I can't image this being the last season, but.....hard to tell.  
Link Posted: 3/26/2001 11:12:55 PM EDT
uncle jr hasn't as much as a cold.he'll make everybody think he has the BIG C and milk it for all it's worth.artie will be worm food or an ingredient in his own product  by the end of the season.mmk
Link Posted: 3/27/2001 3:14:45 AM EDT
On the coming attractions, didnt they show Paulie getting hit over the head by that new guy who got passed over?
I think Artie is gonna get it, he`s going through that midlife crisis. He won`t quit.
Best Drama I can remember.
All your Manson Lamps are belong to us. At least 60% off the top.
Link Posted: 4/26/2001 2:52:31 PM EDT
Jackie Jr. is stupid to date Meadow.
Boy, I wish she would show some flesh, she is a hottie.
Link Posted: 4/26/2001 3:49:25 PM EDT
Not only is Jackie Jr. stupid for dating Meadow, but he'll be a dead man when he screws up with Meadow and Tony finds out about his amusing parody of a mob operation.  Both Jackie Jr. and his pseudo-dad are headed for the river, but I think that it'll likely end in some blood for both sides.  Ralph doesn't seem that stable or loyal.
Link Posted: 4/26/2001 3:59:30 PM EDT
Tony`s new squeeze is smoking. I sorta think she might be a plant by the feds. I could be off but she mentioned that she knew what he did for work and didnt have to lie. Too good looking to be a car salesperson. Who knows, I`m hooked.
Meadows blowing it.
Anthony JR.?????? He seems to be building up pressure cause the lids too tight.
I`m gonna go check that HBO site that has the Sopranos. I will report back if it`s worth a minute or two.
Link Posted: 4/26/2001 4:09:50 PM EDT
Oh yeah, I like the episode archives. Looks like you get lost there for a while. Fast too.
Link Posted: 4/26/2001 4:12:42 PM EDT
By far my favorite show of all times [chainsawkill]
Link Posted: 4/26/2001 4:48:28 PM EDT
Great Show

Anybody wanna bet we get an ending like the
Godfather...Bye Bye Ralph, Chris and Jackie etc?

Link Posted: 4/26/2001 5:23:41 PM EDT
I heard they were going to end the show early, does that mean the end of this season?
That would be a shame..
Link Posted: 4/26/2001 5:32:34 PM EDT
I read that the originator had only wanted to do a mini series and HBO asked him to get some more ready cause it was a hit. He said that when he runs out of story line thats it. He doesnt want to get stuck.
It`s always the same, someone finally does something good and bails so they dont get type cast. Then they never do anything good again.
Link Posted: 4/26/2001 5:42:48 PM EDT
David Chase, the lead guy has already written the episodes for next year, but he isn't promising anything after that. (negotiating ploy?)
New Rumours,
1) Paulie whacks Christopher.
2) Janice's Narcoleptic boyfriend is a Fed.(He can listen in on when the others think he is sleeping.)
   You guys are right it is the best show on TV, plus you have to love any show which puts strippers in the background.
Link Posted: 4/26/2001 7:22:56 PM EDT
NO.  I have seen it at friend's house. Not impressed with shows about criminals.  Won't subscribe to HBO for their programming and their politics.  Major contributor to HCI.  Too many talk shows, sports shows, politically correct crap, etc.  It is like a regular network.  If I pay premium fees for a premium channel, I want to see movies.
Link Posted: 4/27/2001 5:52:30 AM EDT
Hey, I'm glad you guys like the show! I love to hear from the fans. Anybody wants to know what's gonna happen next season just email me. I'll tell ya all about it. But then you'll owe me one. Well gotta go. Got somebody to whack.

p.s. I'll be posting pics of my M4 as soon I get this damn Photopoint figured out!
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