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Posted: 5/11/2002 3:25:26 PM EDT
I feel so, so, so.....undedicated.[>)]  Does anybody else just kinda go with the flow and gain a little here, a little there, or is everyone in here true gym rats who spend hours a day in the gym.  Please let there be someone like me.
Link Posted: 5/11/2002 3:33:14 PM EDT
I do a short cardio workout 5 days a week. Sometimes I will lift some weights before or after my cardio workout but that is it. Lately I've been doing some work on my abs to get rid of my beer gut too.
I think you are much better off to be able to run 2 miles without being totally exhausted then to be able to lift all kinds of weight. Not that people who lift serious weight don't do a cardio workout also, but I see alot of guys at my gym that lift but never do any cardio(unless they run on their own somewhere).
Link Posted: 5/11/2002 3:57:19 PM EDT
Balance is the key.

From years of boxing and kickboxing, one thing I've noticed is that I ignore some muscle groups, and end up paying for it with tendonitis.  For the most part is "martial art" workout, the rear delts and lower back are HUGELY ignored.  Punching, and pushups are great for hitting the forward and upper delt and sit up/crunches are great for the abs.  Because of years of this I developed lower back pains and shoulder tendonitis.  Now I use weight training to counter this.
Link Posted: 5/12/2002 10:49:43 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/12/2002 9:48:51 PM EDT
Casual here.
I spend 5hrs [b]MAX[/b] per week, and that's like 3 months on/3 months off.

Lately I've just been doing the punching/kicking indoors for 20 min. a day...no sense gaining the muscle if it doesn't show through all that fat, I say.
Link Posted: 5/13/2002 6:35:12 PM EDT
Hour a day keeps the love handles away!

Link Posted: 5/13/2002 6:52:54 PM EDT
Very serious about a casual work out! I run 3 times a week 2-3 miles. Lift 3-4 times a week for about 45-55 minutes. I'm trying to find a balance. All my serious lifting pals say I won't gain at all if I run. But if I run I find I can eat! Any ideas?
Link Posted: 5/15/2002 9:55:58 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/15/2002 11:06:08 AM EDT
I hit the gym twice a week after work.

Monday night is Cardio, Abs, Arms, Chest, Shoulders, Back

Thursday night is Cardio, Abs, Legs, Shoulders

In between I ride my bike and use my Nordic-Track occasionally.

Only other thing I really do is watch my carbohydrate intake, try and eat more veggies, and drink a lot of water.

So I'm pretty lackadaisical about my working around as well.
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