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Posted: 2/5/2001 12:47:57 PM EDT
they let you rapid fire at the range up the road just 5 buck more on top of the range fee.
Link Posted: 2/5/2001 2:21:27 PM EDT
I was at Angeles last Sunday, what the deal? I saw the sign but I didn't know what it was. Can you shoot at any kind of target too? Where's it at?
Link Posted: 2/5/2001 3:46:33 PM EDT
I didnt go but talked to the kid in the frontdesk he said it was the range just up the road behind angeles and that they will have somethings to shoot at didnt ask about ones own targets, and the range is only about 60 or so yards.
Link Posted: 2/5/2001 4:02:58 PM EDT
They`ve been trying to get this done for a couple years now, I hope this is a done deal.
Link Posted: 2/5/2001 6:53:49 PM EDT
I've seen a small sign for this. Never knew they allowed rapid fire at that range for lowly citizens. This is great news, I had the same idea... have a separate section for rapid fire that costs a bit more. Thanks for the heads up.
Link Posted: 2/5/2001 8:20:29 PM EDT
Cool! I've got to check it out soon. I'll have to find out about custom targets. Then I need some time to invent some interesting targets to blast.
Link Posted: 2/6/2001 1:07:49 AM EDT
Let me get this straight. This is a 60 yard or so range where you can shoot rapid fire by paying extra? You guys are talking high fives all around for that?  I shoot at a range where single, rapid or auto fire is your business (for $6 bucks per day). I would be crying like a baby to be so restricted again.  Having lived in California for 20 something years I understand where you are coming from but it still is pathetic.

The South ain't perfect but it shore has it's advantages.
Link Posted: 2/6/2001 1:24:02 AM EDT
In our defence, and the defence of the range itself, it is very well run, safe, friendly, and generally a nice place to be for several hours. Paying a small fee on top of what is charged is reasonable to me because of the safety and quaility of the range. I wouldnt shoot in the desert with gang members around me, even though its free...

I wish I had a lot of land.[>(]
Link Posted: 2/6/2001 9:05:16 AM EDT
Let me get this straight. This is a 60 yard or so range where you can shoot rapid fire by paying extra? You guys are talking high fives all around for that?  I shoot at a range where single, rapid or auto fire is your business (for $6 bucks per day). I would be crying like a baby to be so restricted again.  Having lived in California for 20 something years I understand where you are coming from but it still is pathetic.

The South ain't perfect but it shore has it's advantages.
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I hear ya. Persoally I like going out to the desert and let fly, make a nice lunch, make a small fire for dinner, shoot all day and bike ride. It`s about an 1 1/2 hrs away, thats three hours drive time. Sorta does the vaccum sound.[:)]
Here in the land of ceement ponds there are only a few rifle ranges fairly close, to my house at least.
These ranges have been anti rapid fire for a while now, so thus the high fives. A small victory. Any, any thing that goes well for the gunowner here will be high fiven it all around.
Pathetic, yes very. you are a lucky man.
Link Posted: 2/6/2001 9:07:51 AM EDT
I wouldnt shoot in the desert with gang members around me, even though its free...

I wish I had a lot of land.[>(]
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The desert is a big place.
Link Posted: 2/6/2001 10:32:36 AM EDT

The desert is a big place, but in California the desert is BLM land for the most part, and illegal for you to shoot a registered AW, let alone an unregistered one.  

One question to ask Angeles range is whether you can shoot at the normal rifle/pisol ranges and the rapid-fire range providing you've paid the extra fee for the rapid-fire range.
Link Posted: 2/6/2001 10:33:45 AM EDT
Rapid fire in an open area is fine if you are by yourself in the middle of nowhere. There used to be more than a few "open" shooting areas in Kali that were free of charge. These were closed in recent years due to many factors. There were a lot of Gang bangers/Retards killing themselves and others and a lot of idiots shooting incindiary rounds(steel core/tracer) right in front of fire hazard signs.

The shooting area up Angeles Crest was closed after a rash of accidental shootings resulting in several deaths. I think some dumbass hit a few cars driving up Highway 2 also. And the one up in Azusa Canyon was closed after someone set the entire hillside ablaze with steelcore ammo, 900 acres up in smoke. There were more than a few deaths there too.

I used to go to both of these areas when I was younger. They were some of the scariest places to shoot. Most people will never know what a bullet sounds like when it flies past your head, I do.

An extra $6.00 is a small price to pay, in order to keep "tards" from shooting you in the back while you are setting up your targets and running for your life from a raging forest fire.
Link Posted: 2/6/2001 11:22:11 AM EDT
There used to be Kentucky Range, I never went but know some who did.  A local newspaper printed an article and some photos.  There were rows of shooters along a hill and the hot brass would fall on the rows below you.
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