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Posted: 3/7/2001 2:03:45 PM EDT
I'm still waiting for my papers, am I the only one?

Mailed in Decemeber and still not a peep from DOJ.

Link Posted: 3/7/2001 3:38:47 PM EDT
I had been waivering on whether or not to move out of California for a while.  SB23 convinced me to do so.  I had been wanting a Bushmaster and/or an Armalite for a long time.  I visited North Carolina last summer and went to a local gun shop in Raleigh.  There were rows of rifles on display that were all illegal in Kali.  I felt like I had just defected from the Soviet Union to a free country.  Needless to say, I moved to North Carolina last December and bought a Bushmaster and an Armalite right away.  What a difference between NICS and the Kali 11 day waiting period.  I walked out of the store with the rifle instantly.  Now I am back in Kali working for a while, but as most gun-owners I am law-abiding and left the rifles locked up back in North Carolina.  Because of SB23 I can't bring them here.  I think I am going through withdrawals. Sorry that this e-mail doesn't really answer your question, I just wanted to vent on how ridiculous SB23 really is.  What state do you think is safer, California or North Carolina.
Link Posted: 3/7/2001 4:00:27 PM EDT
I mailed mine off Dec 23, check cleared about mid Feb, just got my paperwork today. My 2 AR's are now officially registered in Kali. Should I laugh or cry?
Link Posted: 3/7/2001 6:05:09 PM EDT
Mailed Jan 9th. Nothing yet, sent money order. Talked to them 2 weeks ago and said they were swamped and were working on mid December regestrations at that point. Good luck to all
Link Posted: 3/7/2001 7:03:41 PM EDT
mailed mine in dec around 26-28 still no word yet hopefully anyday now.
Link Posted: 3/7/2001 9:10:02 PM EDT
Question.  My son moved to "Kali" and I plan to visit and then on to another state.  I want to take my ordinary Bushmaster VMAX post ban along.  No problems with airlines - carry it all the time.  But is it legal to have it at his home???  Can I leave the rifle there for an extended period?   Is there any way he can legally own an AR15?   Don't know a thing about the law there, except I expect the worst.
Link Posted: 3/7/2001 11:05:20 PM EDT
sorry, no more ar's are permitted to be brought into california or sold anymore because of sb23 -


I haven't heard of any checking for registration at ranges yet, but with a compliance rate rumoured in the 10's of thousands, with several hundred thousand - 1/2 million weapons classified as "assault weapons" by the state, it's hard to tell what the state will do next.
Link Posted: 3/8/2001 6:36:12 AM EDT
I'm still waiting for the stuff I sent in in 1989. [:(]
Link Posted: 3/8/2001 7:35:06 AM EDT
cm, the state will do exactly what they did with the original Roberti-Roos firearms:  Selectively enforce the law.  They'll use "assault weapon" charges as ammo in plea-bargaining negotiations when they are busting dope dealers.

There will be no door-to-door confiscation, no mass review of 4473s, no sweeps of shooting ranges.  Once in a while they'll catch someone doing something illegal at a gun show and make a big hairy deal out of it.

The state legislature will be blind to the problem of mass non-compliance, and continue to pass ever more restrictive unenforcible laws.
Link Posted: 3/8/2001 7:38:51 AM EDT
I am sooooooo glad that I moved out of California! I just wish that I had kept the Pre-Ban Ar-15 (converted by previous owner to M-16) that I had before I moved in '85.

Too Bad, So Sad...
Link Posted: 3/8/2001 7:41:09 AM EDT
BTW - There's a bill being pushed to provide one million dollars for an "assault weapon buyback".  The proposal is to offer $100 for any AW turned in, no questions asked.

Of course the only people to take advantage of that offer will be ones who want to get rid of a STOLEN AR or whatever.  I don't believe anyone who is committing civil disobedience by declining to register a rifle worth $1,000 or more is going to have a change of heart and ditch it for $100, with legal Arizona and Nevada gun dealers a short drive away.
Link Posted: 3/8/2001 6:34:40 PM EDT
I sent in my registration by registered overnight mail on
Dec. 29. I still haven't heard anything back, and they haven't
even cashed my check. I called on Wednesday, and was told they
received hundreds of bags of mail the last few weeks of December,
and they still haven't even opened it all!

The secretary said I should call back in a few weeks if I haven't
heard anything back.

Link Posted: 3/8/2001 7:08:30 PM EDT
Mailed in my paperwork Jan 13th.  They cashed my check yesterday.  Other than that, nothing.
Link Posted: 3/8/2001 7:18:35 PM EDT
I don't have mine yet either.  By the time I get it, I'll probably have moved out of state.

Bought 4 pistols in one week. Now it will take me four to five months to bring them all home.
Ridiculous! Insane!

If you're interested in knowing what else is coming down the pipeline, log on to: [email protected] and get the latest California Gun Control Lesislative Watchlist. Some really nasty stuff is in the works!  

This address is [email protected]  You may have to type it in.
Link Posted: 3/8/2001 8:20:28 PM EDT
no, sent  mine a day late hoping it wont make a differance  also  my first print didnt look good so  i tape  another with form i was having a bad day ,,  
   been awile and not even a  peep from D.O.J ,
  i also heard this registration  has technically turned all the post ban guns into pre bans cause         assault weapons  can  have all the  goodies flash hider , stock etc...  i heard this from a  very informed saleman at my local gun shop  anyone else heard  same?
Link Posted: 3/9/2001 3:09:29 PM EDT

Not true.  There is still a Federal law Assault Weapon law.  You have to remain in compliance with the Federal law as well, hence no Post->Pre ban configuration can magically become legal.
A post-ban rifle cannot get a collapsible stock and flash hider added without violating Federal Law.  A pre-ban rifle that could have such things in any case would still be allowed to have them.  
Link Posted: 3/9/2001 5:07:04 PM EDT
Man, am I glad I moved out of Cal., They were just starting all that crap in '88 around San Jose. I remember the first time the Metcalf range officer told me I could no longer fire my AR or mini 14 there, I was pissed. No one seemed to know what the local or state laws were, or what they soon would be. Back then, you could stick your AR in the gun rack of the truck as long as the action was open, and it was illegal to have a rifle IN a case when transporting. They wanted them in the open, with actions open. How have these laws changed, if any?
Link Posted: 3/9/2001 5:56:49 PM EDT
"how have these laws changed..."
you can only take your "assault rifle" to and from a range in a locked case out of reach, etc, etc...
basically, remember the U.S.S.R??
Link Posted: 3/10/2001 12:35:27 AM EDT
If you're interested in knowing what else is coming down the pipeline, log on to: [email protected] and get the latest California Gun Control Lesislative Watchlist. Some really nasty stuff is in the works!  

This address is [email protected]  You may have to type it in.
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That's funny. That link re-directs me to the California Senate Homepage, but I can't find a Jeff Greene.

Link Posted: 3/10/2001 1:21:43 AM EDT
Sent mine in on the 12th of Dec. Still no word on it.About AR's has anybody made a run for Nevada, or Arizona to buy magazines, and or the 100rd drum for the AR???
Link Posted: 3/13/2001 8:16:54 PM EDT
Mailed mine on December 30th - Just received my confirmation paper today, March 13th.
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