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Posted: 5/13/2003 12:14:27 AM EDT
I have a new computer, but it seems that AOL keeps getting slower and slower.

Anyone else experiencing this?
Link Posted: 5/13/2003 12:43:22 AM EDT
I had AOL(for free) when I first bought my computer, nothing but problems. What ticked me off the worst was when I set my parental controls to not view porn I couldn't look at any firearm related sights, WTF?
I ended up cancelling before the free period was over(that was the phone call from hell, they seem to have difficulty understanding what cancel means).
Couple years later and I think I've got all the AOL related bugs worked out.
Link Posted: 5/13/2003 12:48:10 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/13/2003 12:50:17 AM EDT
I have a new computer, but it seems that AOL keeps getting slower and slower.

Anyone else experiencing this?
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thats just them dinosaur phone lines there in Y-town [;D]
Link Posted: 5/13/2003 12:51:00 AM EDT
If you can get ANYTHING but AOL, please do so.

Hell, even take MSN over AOL if you have to.

Better yet, get a *real* ISP such as Earthlink or find a local outfit.  Your computer and your sanity will thank you for it.

Link Posted: 5/13/2003 6:03:53 AM EDT
You are finding out why so many folks left that service (and I use the term loosley ) years ago!
Link Posted: 5/13/2003 6:05:36 AM EDT

You clear your temp. internet files?
Link Posted: 5/13/2003 6:18:41 AM EDT


Link Posted: 5/13/2003 6:20:21 AM EDT
Yes I have problems with AOL

It changes the IP stack with it's own crap.

Gives me more headaches...
Link Posted: 5/13/2003 6:56:38 AM EDT
AOL is lame.
Link Posted: 5/13/2003 6:57:06 AM EDT
AOL is crap, get a good ISP
Link Posted: 5/13/2003 8:34:30 AM EDT
AOL is anti-gun.  Why would any member here use them?
Link Posted: 5/13/2003 8:38:24 AM EDT
AOL sucks. Sign up with Outdoors Unlimited. A pro-gun ISP. A portion of you monthly fee goes to a agency of your choice like the NRA. [url]www.outdrs.net[/url]
Link Posted: 5/13/2003 8:50:43 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/13/2003 5:43:33 PM EDT
Thats what I did, I have Cox Broadband and still use AOL for shits and giggles but it was someitmes a pain in the ass when I used it for dial up.
Link Posted: 5/13/2003 6:28:23 PM EDT
I have a problem with AOL - they are anti-gun.
Link Posted: 5/13/2003 7:05:35 PM EDT
When I got my frist computer a couple years back, I put up a website hosted by them, hey I didn't know what I was dooing.

Anyway, it had a picture of one of my guns on it and a link to Snipers Paradise (note: they do not sell guns)

Someone on AOL snitched me off to the AOL police and AOL removed my website for violating a TOS dealy that I can't have a link to a website that sells guns...

After sending the AOL police about 5 more emails and throwing everything they had back in thier faces I was sick of AOL and the fact that if AOL didn't think you were online it would disconnect...

I had a 30 min conversation yelling at the AOL guy to cancell my service because I don't support communist groups or businesses.  I finnaly got a supervisor who I think had a lower IQ than the dumbass I had at first and finnaly got the service cancelled.  Not to long after AOL fired those employees that were going hunting after work in Utah...

The main problem with AOL is that AOL sucks, especially if you ever want to go online on a Friday night.
Link Posted: 5/13/2003 8:21:16 PM EDT
I think this just about sums up our feelings on AOL...


R Rated.  You WILL laugh your ass off.
Link Posted: 5/14/2003 2:20:54 AM EDT
My landlord made the mistake of 'upgrading' their Assholes On Line version from 7.0 to 8.0.  It hosed their system so badly I had to reinstall Windows for them, and we could never find the driver for their old Compaq 28.8 modem, so they couldn't even get back on line.  They called AOL and complained.  It turns out this is such a common problem (8.0 hosing older PCs causing total data loss) that AOL sent them a brand new modem and credited them for six months ISP service, all for free right on the spot, no questions asked.  Imagine that; an ISP that installs software on your PC that may destroy your Windows install and all the data on your hard drive (got backups ???).  It only verifies for me what I've long known; AOL is a virus.

Another major known problem with AOHell is the fact they install tons of advertising spyware on your PC.  This builds up to the point where it starts pigging up your system resources and bogging down your 'puter.  The easy way to deal with this is to download and install AdAware.  That is a freeware program that will scan your system and identify and remove all the spyware.  You can download it here:


If you've never run Ad Aware, you'll be shocked at the amount of hidden spyware infesting your system.  Advertising spyware tracks all your web browsing and reports back to it's parent website so they can put together a consumer profile on you and sell it to marketers.  Some programs, like AOL, KaZaA, Go!Zilla and others come with spyware along with the program when you install it.  You systems will run better when this garbage is expunged, and it will end this particular raping of your internet privacy.
Link Posted: 5/14/2003 3:04:41 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/14/2003 3:18:49 AM EDT
Related to this perhaps? Major Internet outage in Boston: The Big Dig in Boston (nickname for the largest roadway construction project in the world), had an accident today. Construction workers accidentally cut a major fibre line that ran several networks including Internet service providers and Internet backbones. Allegiance Telecom, MFS, and Level3's Internet backbones in Boston are down, including many Boston-based websites. Thousands of customers in Boston (and Internet traffic that routes through Boston) are offline right now, including hundreds of popular websites. MBTA.com is down. Hosting.com's entire hosting facility is completely down. Boston's busiest website Boston.com is also offline because of this cut. Kind of ironic because people who want news about this accident would normally go to Boston.com for information. What I find very ironic is the Big Dig actually dug up their own website; they took out their own website, BigDig.com.
Link Posted: 5/14/2003 4:16:40 AM EDT
I have not had a single problem since I switch to ATT.net

AOL sucked and was sooooo slow. I would get kicked of at least once every 40 mins .

switched to ATT and saved 10 bucks amonth and way faster, never get booted off.
Link Posted: 5/14/2003 4:41:15 AM EDT
AOL is really slow.  I used to use that for the free 90 day trial period, but after that I didn't use it anymore.  I couldn't see paying 23.95 a month for that.
Link Posted: 5/16/2003 4:44:14 PM EDT
Have had no trouble from AOL since I dumped them...getting rid of them was a little hectic though.
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