My landlord made the mistake of 'upgrading' their Assholes On Line version from 7.0 to 8.0. It hosed their system so badly I had to reinstall Windows for them, and we could never find the driver for their old Compaq 28.8 modem, so they couldn't even get back on line. They called AOL and complained. It turns out this is such a common problem (8.0 hosing older PCs causing total data loss) that AOL sent them a brand new modem and credited them for six months ISP service, all for free right on the spot, no questions asked. Imagine that; an ISP that installs software on your PC that may destroy your Windows install and all the data on your hard drive (got backups ???). It only verifies for me what I've long known; AOL is a virus.
Another major known problem with AOHell is the fact they install tons of advertising spyware on your PC. This builds up to the point where it starts pigging up your system resources and bogging down your 'puter. The easy way to deal with this is to download and install AdAware. That is a freeware program that will scan your system and identify and remove all the spyware. You can download it here:
If you've never run Ad Aware, you'll be shocked at the amount of hidden spyware infesting your system. Advertising spyware tracks all your web browsing and reports back to it's parent website so they can put together a consumer profile on you and sell it to marketers. Some programs, like AOL, KaZaA, Go!Zilla and others come with spyware along with the program when you install it. You systems will run better when this garbage is expunged, and it will end this particular raping of your internet privacy.