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Posted: 5/1/2001 7:59:48 PM EDT
what is happening near the Caicos Islands as of 8pm est?
Link Posted: 5/1/2001 8:03:20 PM EDT
Crap I am at work, what is happening?

Hunter out...
Link Posted: 5/1/2001 8:05:25 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/1/2001 8:08:18 PM EDT
Don't know. Got a satellite call (you know what that means) a few hours ago. My fiance' was working near the Bahamas and they got diverted to Caicos, because they are armed, this is the part that scared me. I was told he doesn't know when he will be home. He was orgininally due back in the morning. Sounded nervous, something is happening.
Link Posted: 5/1/2001 8:15:01 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/1/2001 8:19:31 PM EDT
Ok where are these Islands located?
Is there any logical reason for us to be there or is this another policing action?
Link Posted: 5/1/2001 8:21:12 PM EDT
thank you. I can't find out anything. Called the "wives" and same story. They each got a brief call and nothing else. Been watching CNN, etc. and can't find a word about it. I've never even heard of Caicos before. Is it any kind of problem area? I called the office and they won't tell me or anyone else anything. I don't think I'm gonna get much sleep tonight.
Link Posted: 5/1/2001 8:23:41 PM EDT
Originally Posted By Snorkel Bob:
Ok where are these Islands located?
Is there any logical reason for us to be there or is this another policing action?
View Quote

Just NE of Cuba.

Link Posted: 5/1/2001 8:24:57 PM EDT
Originally Posted By Snorkel Bob:
Ok where are these Islands located?
Is there any logical reason for us to be there or is this another policing action?
View Quote

I don't know. South of the bahamas I think. It doesn't sound like official business. From what I can gather from other people who are willing to tell me "anything" they went in as some kind of support. One source, who unfortunately is credible, told me shooting broke out earlier tonight and they were diverted to offer assistance. But again, nothing on the news.
Link Posted: 5/1/2001 8:26:04 PM EDT
Originally Posted By Snorkel Bob:
Ok where are these Islands located?
Is there any logical reason for us to be there or is this another policing action?
View Quote

Just NE of Cuba.

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ok, now i am scared. how close to cuba?
Link Posted: 5/1/2001 8:27:24 PM EDT
Get some sleep, gal. He's with the world's finest. [:)]
Link Posted: 5/1/2001 8:31:18 PM EDT
Aren't those the islands near P.R. that we are using for test bombing??   If so the news has reported alot of civil unrest & vandalism against our Navy base there. because the people of P.R. no longer want any bomb test done there.
Link Posted: 5/1/2001 8:31:25 PM EDT
thanks. been through this twice before but this one seems different. got cnn going, and some ice cream, trying not to stress it. but i don't see sleep in the near future.
Link Posted: 5/1/2001 8:32:52 PM EDT
Aren't those the islands near P.R. that we are using for test bombing??   If so the news has reported alot of civil unrest & vandalism against our Navy base there. because the people of P.R. no longer want any bomb test done there.
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that is the first thing i thought of, but it seems unrelated.
Link Posted: 5/1/2001 8:33:39 PM EDT
Not trying to piss on anybody’s wheaties and not just this particular post but is it a good thing for a loved one broadcasting that kind of info?   I’ve never been in the military and I know “bad guys” get a lot of information easy (a ship that doesn’t go home when it’s scheduled).  

I always wonder, even if I see something on TV about a new tank or something.

Anyway – like I said this particular post is probably a bad example but sometimes you see some asshole reporter break in on CNN and say he just saw X number of fighters go over heading west…

Sorry for rambling.  Just something I’ve been thinking about…

Having said that [:\]

Background: The islands were under Jamaican jurisdiction until 1962, when they assumed the status of a crown colony. The governor of The Bahamas oversaw affairs from 1965 to 1973. With Bahamian independence, the islands received a separate governor in 1973. Although independence was agreed upon for 1982, the policy was reversed and the islands are presently a British overseas territory.

Location: Caribbean, two island groups in the North Atlantic Ocean, southeast of The Bahamas

Link Posted: 5/1/2001 8:38:44 PM EDT
Heh, I went back to close the extra browser I had running and guess what site I got that info from?

Link Posted: 5/1/2001 8:42:29 PM EDT
i don't think i'm giving anything away. i don't know anything. plus it already started. but i wish the news was there. at least i'd know something. if i knew anything important i wouldn't broadcast it. give me some credit. i'm just trying to find out. not knowing is worse because your imagination get the better of you. It's also too late to make phone calls, even though i know the other wives aren't asleep either. sorry for the rambling, but i'm a little freaked.
Link Posted: 5/1/2001 8:59:02 PM EDT
i don't think i'm giving anything away. i don't know anything. plus it already started. but i wish the news was there. at least i'd know something. if i knew anything important i wouldn't broadcast it. give me some credit. i'm just trying to find out. not knowing is worse because your imagination get the better of you. It's also too late to make phone calls, even though i know the other wives aren't asleep either. sorry for the rambling, but i'm a little freaked.
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I'm sorry if I offended you.   I shouldn’t have brought it up in this topic.

I wish you and your fiancé' the very best.


Topic should have been post.
Link Posted: 5/1/2001 9:05:34 PM EDT
you didn't offend me. i just didn't want you to think i was that stupid. actually i appreciated the cia website. the only thing that bothered my was the transnational issue. i know i'm being a wife, but i'm just a little scared. but at least this gives me something to do. some of this stuff is funny. but the one about cats was pretty sick. anyway, i've got a few hours of "no news time" to kill so i really appreciate you guys keepin me company. i'm alone and the dogs are asleep.
Link Posted: 5/1/2001 9:19:35 PM EDT
It's nice to see everyone being supportive, sometimes you people actually make me proud.


Hunter out...
Link Posted: 5/1/2001 9:31:19 PM EDT

Turks and Caicos Islands:

[b]Illicit drugs:[/b] [b][u][blue]transshipment point for South American narcotics destined for the US.[/blue][/u][/b]
Link Posted: 5/1/2001 9:32:46 PM EDT
yeah, i saw that.
Link Posted: 5/1/2001 9:58:44 PM EDT
steyrgirl- He told me he's hoping for a new line of work soon because of your engagement, and situations like this in the future. He wants you to be safe, and continue to have a husband. My prayers are with you both.
Link Posted: 5/1/2001 10:25:17 PM EDT
Aren't those the islands near P.R. that we are using for test bombing??   If so the news has reported alot of civil unrest & vandalism against our Navy base there. because the people of P.R. no longer want any bomb test done there.
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You're thinking of Vieques, aren't you?  They just wrapped up (for now).

Link Posted: 5/1/2001 11:05:15 PM EDT
steyrgirl- He told me he's hoping for a new line of work soon because of your engagement, and situations like this in the future. He wants you to be safe, and continue to have a husband. My prayers are with you both.
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yeah, we've talked about it. thanks for the thoughts.
Link Posted: 5/1/2001 11:13:41 PM EDT

Relax.  Go to bed.
Link Posted: 5/1/2001 11:15:24 PM EDT
yeah, i know. was watching stern to take my mind off it, tales of the gun is on, that should put me out like a light.
Link Posted: 5/2/2001 8:48:02 AM EDT
thought i'd let you guys know. i got a call this morning and everything is ok. seems it was a piracy incident that got blown out of proportion. at first everyone thought it was another island coup so there was an information blackout. but anyway, thanks for helping me keep my mind occupied last night, it meant alot.
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