Another self-righteous Lib has spoken in todays Roanoke Times:"Enough already; guns keep killing
How many more Columbines, Amish schoolhouses and Virginia Techs do we need? We should have learned our lesson by now.
If you are buying 9mm handguns, you are buying them to kill people. To deny that freely available semiautomatic weapons are not literally killing us is lunacy.
Should society suffer because a few gun-crazy, blood-thirsty hunters/National Rifle Association nuts feel the need to kill and insist guns remain available on every street corner? Perhaps they should get counseling for their violent tendencies.
And if you think you're protecting your home by owning a gun, forget that argument. A gun is the most commonly used weapon in domestic homicide.
More than four times as many women are murdered with a gun by their husbands or boyfriends than are killed by strangers' guns. So, a gun in the home is far more likely to be used for domestic abuse rather than for protecting against phantom burglars.
There simply is no intelligent argument you can make for allowing guns to be freely available, as they are now, particularly not semiautomatic weapons. If you think you can make an argument for it, you are simply without morals, judgment or common sense."