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Posted: 5/14/2003 5:06:56 AM EDT
Only takes a second.
Link Posted: 5/14/2003 5:54:43 AM EDT
Done. BTT. +1.
Link Posted: 5/14/2003 6:01:24 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/14/2003 7:55:55 AM EDT
Done...currently 76.3% against.
Link Posted: 5/14/2003 8:15:59 AM EDT
I hit it.

Link Posted: 5/14/2003 8:26:03 AM EDT

No, I am not in favor of a ban on assault rifles: 76.31%

Yes, I am in favor of a ban on assault rifles: 18.64%

I'd need more information to make a decision: 5.05%
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