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Posted: 4/29/2001 4:13:23 PM EDT
Thanks to those who came;
Sluggolbc/ brought three Japanese ex. students
Blackgun/ his son
My Brother
Gerald from Penguin stocks
I think that was all, sorry if I missed your name.
We had lots of range time and a fine BBQ with Carne Asada,  Burgers, Hot links. Sat around and BSed for a couple of hours and went back to shootin`.
One baby rattlesnake showed his bravery by getting real close to one of our shooters. real close.
Nice folks all. Makes me proud that so many Californians are still in the struggle.
Thanks to those that brought food and gear for food.
Nice weather, good people, good food, gunsmoke in the air and itty bitty groups for me[:)]
And A big thanks to the folks at Angeles Shooting Range for reserving us enough benches and watching our stuff while we ate. Very nice range.

Link Posted: 4/29/2001 4:36:45 PM EDT
Yo, where the pics at? I wanna know what I missed. Are those exchange students male or female? If female are they hot? Yo where the pics at? Anyone hurt themselves this time out? Or was that just for my going away stress and laughing pleasure afterwards?

Seems I've been replaced as shoot co-ordinator. And so soon after I left. Not even ample time for mourning my departure. Oh well I guess I'll just have to enjoy a newly purchased AR15.com LEGP rifle when it gets here. Oh, and I'm sure there's a gunshow this weekend that I can load up on hi cap mags. Maybe even do a pvt sale/tfr on an AK if I have enough cash. Ahhhh such as life.
Link Posted: 4/29/2001 5:18:56 PM EDT
Great shooting today.The burger was good but i had to go at noon.cant wait til the next shoot.What was the fate of the rattlesnake did it make the bbq.
Link Posted: 4/29/2001 6:38:24 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/29/2001 8:19:57 PM EDT
well no pics. Resistor did not bring the dig camera with him? So_Cal_AR15? No dig camera, although knowing him, he is still at the range with SluggoLBC shooting the sh!t
Link Posted: 4/30/2001 5:27:24 AM EDT
Robert- A wittle snake slithered upt to a shooting bench about where you were, tried to hide where your feet go at the bench. RO came to get the critter. Well maybe just a guy that works there, cuz the bone head picks it up with a long, snake picker upper thingy and as he is moving it, the snake drops. Only problem is the snake almost dropped on someone else as the dummy moved it OVER another guy.
LT- Sorry brother no pics, I dont know if people just forgot or we dont want to be in pictures here in California, know what I mean?
Ex co-ordinator??? You gave us an idea and we are running with it. I am hoping to build that idea to something more, I hope when I make my escape someone will take over and make it better. Not saying we are doing it better, I`m just trying to get organized to a point where we can gruop buy ammo, parts, range time and have lots of fun. We are planning a Comp/shoot/bbq June 2nd. Am looking into a group buy on training classes for us. Lots of opportunity.
So, LT, what are you doing over there? Any shoots?  
Link Posted: 4/30/2001 6:46:27 AM EDT
Hey for group training, take a look at the TFTT place I sent you the link that one time. I had talked to someone there, and if you have a group of 5 or more they can arrange a date to do the training on. They are now at West End Gun Club since Burro closed down. If you need the link again shoot me a line and I'll get that to you. As far as shoot go, I'll let the local boy handle it here. I think they have one planned Jun in San Antonio. That and TBRS sometime in the fall, maybe. If DonR get off his duff.
Link Posted: 4/30/2001 7:11:22 AM EDT
LT- Burro is scheduled to open in 4 months.
I shot tftt a line a while back and wasnt really impressed with the credintials, maybe they were not in a selling mood. I found a guy who teaches LAPD SWAT and down at Pendelton, he spent some time and showed me all his reactive targets and related equipment, I was impressed and will probably go with him. He was also interested in our agenda as a club. Since we didnt have an actual agenda I made one up and he liked what he heard. Gonna set that up after the June2 shoot.
BTW I am bond heavy.
Link Posted: 4/30/2001 9:23:58 AM EDT
I had fun.
Link Posted: 4/30/2001 10:03:03 AM EDT
Had a blast guys! My two guests had a GREAT time too.

One of the guests (Jeff) was a gun-virgin and the other guy (William) was his 2nd time with me... I have shown them the "light" and have pemanently currupted their souls. The two college students couldn't stop talking about the shoot at dinner and on the way back to their dorms. They can't wait until the June shoot.

They had a lot of fun and learned a lot.

I had my digital camera, but I was busy shoot'in and keeping an eye on the students. I got some pictures of the students shoot'in and our little visitor the "snake".

No one got hurt, except the baby rattle snake. The RO killed the snake with the snake stick. Accidently crushed the snake's head with the claw.
Link Posted: 4/30/2001 11:55:12 AM EDT
Originally Posted By Imbrog|io:
I had fun.
View Quote

It's amazing when Imbrog|io shows up to the range the women point guns at him and tell him to GET AWAY!

The shoot was great and the Carne Asada was the best.  I even got some $1 tips, it must have been for my shooting skills. [:D]
Link Posted: 4/30/2001 4:19:17 PM EDT
[b]JUNE 2ND I'm in with 2 buddies minimum from work, we will be heading up there from San Diego.[/b]
Link Posted: 4/30/2001 4:37:22 PM EDT
Cool 762
I`ll post a new topic in the meetings forum for the June 2nd shoot, tonite or tomorrow
Link Posted: 4/30/2001 5:11:57 PM EDT
Sounds like it turned out well!

Maybe next time i'll go too, but i'm SURE i'll be sick that day when I call my job [:)] ...

Anyway, June 2nd? Let me look at the calendar.
Link Posted: 4/30/2001 5:12:43 PM EDT
I forgot, which side of the range the 200 or the 100 side??
Link Posted: 5/1/2001 1:23:08 AM EDT
june 2nd and 3rd is newly added Costa Mesa gun show
june 23/24 is ventura gun show
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