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Posted: 3/28/2001 8:05:42 PM EDT
gimme some advice
Link Posted: 3/28/2001 8:32:23 PM EDT
Keep your finger off the trigger until you're ready to shoot.

Seriously, what kind of advice are you looking for? You thinking of joining?
Link Posted: 3/29/2001 4:54:44 AM EDT
Those are the guys that take care of the Security Police K9 corps, aren't they.  [:D]


Advice: fly anything but B-52s.  The fewer engines/crew, the better.
Link Posted: 3/29/2001 5:11:15 AM EDT
Drink lots of beer, make it with AF women (unless of course you are a woman)(thats ok too) go lots of places by real big aircraft.  Learn a skill you want to actually use (if) you decided to not stay in.  Get in shape to make basic a little eaiser-even though it is cake compared to other forces basic training.  take advantage of any paid skoooling get a free degree, and have fun.
Link Posted: 3/29/2001 5:15:32 AM EDT
Also, do not use the word "gimmie" during basic-or for that matter, anywhere.

Note: do not let the recruiter tell you what you want to do for the AF  They have a tendancy to 'guide' you to the place/skill they need you, not where/what you actually want to do.  remember the bonuses they offer for certain jobs are there for one reason-nobody wants to do that job!
Link Posted: 3/29/2001 5:36:20 AM EDT
Never EVER leave your wingman!!! [:D]
Link Posted: 3/29/2001 5:38:18 AM EDT
No, Death, thats the NAVY...
Link Posted: 3/29/2001 6:37:27 AM EDT
1. Don't stand by the intakes while engines are being run...
2. Don't stand by the exhaust while engines are being run...(100% with AB can be nasty)
3. Try not to walk into stationary props...
4. Do not walk into moving props...
5. Don't try to walk down the top of the fuselage on a DC130 with 4in of snow on it...
6. While playing in cockpit don't pull any handles, knobs, or levers in the vicinity of the "seat"...
7. Everything else will be a snap!
Link Posted: 3/29/2001 7:05:14 AM EDT
My cousin went in at 17,he's out now with 20 years in and a decent pension, at 37 he put his training to work and started a medical consulting firm.  He lives by the ocean in Florida.  My oldest son went in at 18,one tour North Dakota-one tour Japan-He is now in Alaska and doesn't want to leave when his tour is up. We visited him and his family there and i don't blame him for not wanting to leave,but he wants to get his 20 in and he's halfway there.   Ben
Link Posted: 3/29/2001 12:34:25 PM EDT
Don't go to Turkey.  
Link Posted: 3/29/2001 12:55:25 PM EDT
Second what BooteDaddy said.
Link Posted: 3/29/2001 3:19:13 PM EDT
thx, for the advice guys, even though some of it was common sense. I am going to Barksdale AFB to take test and my pysical, should be fun...
Link Posted: 3/29/2001 4:04:09 PM EDT
Be wary of the old-timers who send you out for a few yards of "flight-line" or a bucket of "prop-wash".  I was warned and didn't have to fall for it.

Aim High, Dude.
Link Posted: 3/29/2001 5:51:58 PM EDT
Don't go to Turkey.  
View Quote

That should be "Don't go to Turkey, unless it's to Izmir"  Don't know if it's the same now, but I had a great time there in 91/92.
Link Posted: 4/2/2001 10:21:46 PM EDT
ARFFJEFFC, I saw a crew do that to a newbie once, and he actually came back from supply with a gallon can labled "Wash, Propeller, NSNxxxxxxxxx
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