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Posted: 7/27/2013 4:10:08 PM EDT
Ahhhh, the days the the golden age of surp. Been tossing out old boxes and paperwork and ran across a invoice from AIM. 12 battle packs of Guat surplus @ 360 rounds per battle pack equals 4320 rounds for the princely sum of $739.80, so 17.1 cents a round, and that wasn't even at the height of the surplus ammo days.............

That was from Feb 2006.
Link Posted: 7/27/2013 4:13:53 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/27/2013 4:15:58 PM EDT
I try not to think about it . I remember when I bought my first AK ~2.5 years ago, I could buy Yugo surplus 7.62x39 at Dunham's for under $.25 a round. Now I scour the internet trying to find steel case for $.25 a round. And all the Dunham's store around me are selling Wolf for $.50 a round . At age 21, I don't have the fond memories of the cheap, readily available ammo before the 2000s .

Seriously, Fuck Obama, Fuck Biden, Fuck Feinstein, Fuck James Holmes and Adam Lanza, Fuck liberals, etc.
Link Posted: 7/27/2013 4:16:50 PM EDT
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I remember folks having a fit when .38spl went to a nickel a round.
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Wal Mart WWB 9mm, $80-$90 a K.

I did put a metric ton back.
Link Posted: 7/27/2013 4:18:16 PM EDT
I remember when I could buy 7.62 x 39mm at fun shows for about .09 cents per round in the 90's.
Link Posted: 7/27/2013 4:19:40 PM EDT
Cheap guns and ammo, coupled with insane hi cap mag prices.  It was a mixed bag.

Link Posted: 7/27/2013 4:21:37 PM EDT
$20 South African battle packs, anyone?

I used to buy the shit out of the .308 battle packs.

How about Barnaul 9mm at $1.99/50?  That really wasn't all that long ago either...

Link Posted: 7/27/2013 4:23:19 PM EDT

Even on my reloads, I think I only get down to like $.23 or something
Link Posted: 7/27/2013 4:24:41 PM EDT
I'll take insane mag prices and cheap ammo again any day.

IMI M193 1200rd cases for $140 shipped when we bought 10 at a time...I should have sold my fucking car and bought more ammo

Link Posted: 7/27/2013 4:30:04 PM EDT

Link Posted: 7/27/2013 4:31:31 PM EDT

$55 mosins
Link Posted: 7/27/2013 4:31:52 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/27/2013 4:33:04 PM EDT
24$ SA Battle packs
88$ 1K WOLF
109$ 1K 5.56
Link Posted: 7/27/2013 4:33:06 PM EDT

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I used to bitch when brass cased 5.56 was more than $150 per K.          
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When surplus .223 jumped up close to $200, I switched to Wolf


Link Posted: 7/27/2013 4:33:19 PM EDT
A weekend sale on PMC 5.56 FMJ, $89.00 per 1000rd case and I only bought 10 cases at that price.  Winchester MilSpec 5.56 FMJ was going for @129.00 in the same timeframe and I only bought 5 cases while that was available.  And those were "Clinton Panic" prices.

Wish I could go back in a time machine to 1997-98 and bring back a pallet or two of that stuff.
Link Posted: 7/27/2013 4:37:19 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/27/2013 4:41:32 PM EDT
Might have been Maly, but Sportsmans guide had free shipping.  I paid less than 17 cents, in fact .17 would have been a lot.

AIM had the corroded Guat ammo, that was a deal maybe .12
Link Posted: 7/27/2013 4:59:24 PM EDT
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Might have been Maly, but Sportsmans guide had free shipping.  I paid less than 17 cents, in fact .17 would have been a lot.

AIM had the corroded Guat ammo, that was a deal maybe .12
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I paid less for SA [about 12 cents a round] 5.56 but that was a couple years earlier. I burned a lot of SA during the time it was readily available. I used to go to the gunshow and buy from one dealer, his prices were always really good.
Link Posted: 7/27/2013 5:00:36 PM EDT
I feel like I'm about to cry. Real talk.
Link Posted: 7/27/2013 5:07:27 PM EDT
Yup, I remember my cousin and I buying S.A. battle backs and splitting them, WWB at ~160/case, PMC at ~150/case.

I wish that instead of all the AR companies popping up, one or two would instead manufacture ammunition. Probably a shit ton more headaches with that though.
Link Posted: 7/27/2013 5:08:25 PM EDT
XM193 for $179/1000 Delivered.

Which was more expensive than the tubs of South african.
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