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Posted: 6/5/2002 4:45:14 AM EDT
I finally got my own account.....I don't have much time to play on the internet, taking care of Lew is a full time job(!), so, I'll try to stop by once in a while to see how you all are doing.

Thanks for the wonderful, although slightly warm, time at the BRC. It was nice to have met several members. Sorry if I did not remember "board" names. That's Lew's thing....

Jeanelle Tippie
Link Posted: 6/5/2002 6:38:16 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/9/2002 5:28:47 AM EDT
I finally got my own account.....I don't have much time to play on the internet, taking care of Lew is a full time job(!),
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Does he eat at all?[:)]

so, I'll try to stop by once in a while to see how you all are doing.
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You are welcome here Mrs. T. [beer]

Thanks for the wonderful, although slightly warm, time at the BRC. It was nice to have met several members. Sorry if I did not remember "board" names. That's Lew's thing....

Jeanelle Tippie
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I'm terrible at remembering names.  I probably remembered the names of less than a quarter of all the folks I met. [BD]

I was going to stop in the vendor area and say "hi," Sunday morning, but I decided to leave before everything opened up.  I had quite a long drive home.[:(]

Were the people in the Armalite booth your parents Jeanelle?
I chatted with them for a little while on Friday, they were fun to talk with.

Link Posted: 6/9/2002 6:39:20 AM EDT
You certainly took your sweet time getting here!  With your background, I fully expect for you to get more involved here.
Link Posted: 6/9/2002 7:04:37 AM EDT
Welcome, Jeanelle!  Good to have another female on the board.  I didn't make it to the BRC, but maybe I'll get to meet you next time.  Hope so.  I love your sig line!  Now I have to ask....what did do to make everyone cry? [>(]
Link Posted: 6/9/2002 11:01:51 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/10/2002 5:00:50 AM EDT

I'll do what I can.....I'll have more time when Lew is gone to the Interservice & National Matches.

Doug, yes, Mark Westrom is my father, his wife Judy is my step-mom(she is great....)

TheBeeKeeper1, I don't have to pull punches, The "boys" at Rock River Arms are the low life  @#$%^&  that ignored/turned their back on our [b]MEN[/b] that laid their butts on the line during 9/11. RRA dropped the ball, and my dad picked it up and ran. Now, myself and my husband have offered to add some extras to the AR10s...float tubes etc.

It was not my intention to make anyone cry, as a matter of fact, I don't even remember all that I said. I got to participate in a very special tribute....My father taking care of the men from 9/11, my little part, and my husband presenting the rifles......

Thanks for allowing me my little part.......


edited for an angry word or two....
Link Posted: 6/10/2002 6:55:10 AM EDT
Damn girl, quit pussy-footing around, and tell us how you [i]really[/i] feel.  [;)]
Link Posted: 6/10/2002 7:57:51 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/10/2002 5:03:01 PM EDT
You certainly took your sweet time getting here!  With your background, I fully expect for you to get more involved here.
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She took the "Tell it Like it Is," cue from YOU Don & Lew.

Your always on the fence with your opinions too Don & Lew.........do your balls hurt?

:Edited to fit new context.  

Link Posted: 6/11/2002 5:38:08 PM EDT
Actually the "tell it like it is" comes from Lew...

Link Posted: 6/12/2002 1:14:41 PM EDT
So you didn't mean to make anyone cry. You filled my heart with joy. Not because you handed me a AR10, but you handed me the love you felt towards us.

What touched me more was the story you told me about the women and her kid. How your father helped her out. This is the thing business forget about. That it's individual's that make the company. The respect your family has for your workers is what makes the rifle so special to me also.

I am looking forward to holding it in my hands closing my eyes and remembering the words you said when you presented it to me. I wish nothing but Peace, happiness and a very big THANK YOU to all of you.  GOD BLESS
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