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Posted: 6/6/2002 6:22:37 PM EDT
What do you think about this scenario?
Foreign terrorist organizations start recruiting non-arab US citizens to carry out attacks. I remember seeing a show on TLC, Discovery, etc. about McVeigh. Someone on the show thought that foreign terrorist organizations would try to recruit disillusioned US citizens. Do you think it's possible? If they did I would think that they would first target black gang members as recruits. Most gang members think that the US govt (and the white man) are out to get them anyway.
Link Posted: 6/6/2002 6:25:14 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/6/2002 6:28:35 PM EDT
Just think about it. AlQaeda gets the gang fucks working for them and as payment supplies them with an endless supply of heroin from their cash crop.
Link Posted: 6/6/2002 6:37:09 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/6/2002 6:44:17 PM EDT
Already been done, Libya was trying to get the Al Rukins gangs to smuggle Stinger missles a few years ago.
Link Posted: 6/6/2002 7:06:19 PM EDT
What do you think about this scenario?
Foreign terrorist organizations start recruiting non-arab US citizens to carry out attacks. I remember seeing a show on TLC, Discovery, etc. about McVeigh. Someone on the show thought that foreign terrorist organizations would try to recruit disillusioned US citizens. Do you think it's possible? If they did I would think that they would first target black gang members as recruits. Most gang members think that the US govt (and the white man) are out to get them anyway.
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I doubt "gangs" will join the terrorists.
Even for those gang members who show no remorse for taking innocent people's lives , this is their country and they wouldn't participate in blowing up buildings and such.  But could they be supporting terrorism activities indirectly and unknowingly?  I think yes.  By trafficking in drug(s) coming out of Afganistan, its quite possible that gang members are funding and arming the terrorists.  I think singling out blacks is inappropriate though.
Gangs come in all colors.  I can think of so many gangs and mafias operating in this country.  Chinese gangs, Korean gangs, Vietnamese gangs, Russian mafias, Italian mafias, Japanese Yakuzas, Mexican gangs, Black gangs, Columbia cartels to name just the few.
I think it is more likely that terrorists would join forces with foreign governments eager to destroy our way of freedom, wealth, might, and independence.  
Link Posted: 6/6/2002 7:13:22 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/6/2002 11:48:08 PM EDT
Now you finally get why the ADL (hi mark) and the feds are so closely watching civilian gun onwers as they are potential domestic terrorists.

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