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Posted: 3/4/2001 12:00:36 AM EDT

Well I went to the range tonight. I haven't been there in awhile and I had a box of .44 mag and some cheap ass Wal-Mart bird shot laying around so I took my Desert Eagle and my Mossberg M-590A1

Shooting was good... arms got tired holding that heavy ass Mossberg with a bayonet on the end of it (ok so I like to show off) and had like 10 light primer hits on that cheap ass Wal-Mart ammo. (actually it's Federal 12 gauge.. but man it sucks)

So anyways I get done shooting and of course I spend an hour bullshitin with the guys there.

They have the backdoor open...

Well we start hearing gun fire outside. Sounded off in the distance but I think the sound was bouncing off the brick wall behind.

About 10 shots were fired and it sounded like two different guns.

Well I sorta got out of clear sight of the back door and all the guys workin there pulled out there pieces and got in position while one other guy called 911.

I just sorta... sat there guessing the calibers, LOL

They sounded far away and I am un-believably calm in situations like that. I looked over at my shotgun in its soft case.. thought about gettin it out.. didn't have any ammo... so I went back to listening to the shots. Guy on the phone was screamin goin "why aren't they picking up?!!?"

I think laughed and said "hey, good thing gun control says we don't need any guns, just call the police!"

But no one heard it, they were busy taking cover and gettin ready to cap someone, LOL

Well.. that was all there was on that. Cop turned a circle in the parking lot and then sped off, ambulance flew by awhile later.

Stockton CA... gotta love it. :)
Link Posted: 3/4/2001 12:56:46 AM EDT
Wow. :P
Link Posted: 3/4/2001 2:05:26 AM EDT
You're complaining? That could be the most exciting thing to happen in Stockton since the Goldrush.
Link Posted: 3/4/2001 11:49:33 AM EDT

man... I hear shots fired in Stockton all the time. You should hear this place on New Years, sounds like a damn war zone.
Link Posted: 3/4/2001 12:22:07 PM EDT
Here in Washington, some guy recently rented a gun at the indoor range, went to the mens room, and promptly blew his brains out.

At the same range, about 2 weeks earlier, a woman who rented a few guns with her husband ended up shooting herself by accident and died as a result.
Link Posted: 3/4/2001 1:02:56 PM EDT
Here in Washington, some guy recently rented a gun at the indoor range, went to the mens room, and promptly blew his brains out.

Wasn't there a range in CA that they closed down because this kept happening there?

Link Posted: 3/4/2001 1:08:22 PM EDT
Not sure where it was, but I heard there was a range that no longer rents guns to people who come in by themself to prevent such suicides. Have to go shooting with a buddy if you dont bring your own.
Link Posted: 3/4/2001 2:49:44 PM EDT

That is the exact range I go to all the time.

You can't rent a gun by yourself anymore, you have to be with someone else because I guess if you are with someone else you are less likely to kill yourself. You can rent one by yourself if you come in with your own gun.
Link Posted: 3/4/2001 3:29:40 PM EDT
There's a local range here that I go to sometimes, and they have a rule that if you want to shoot, you have to get a membership. You have to go through a waiting period there to rent a firearm, it's either 7 or 10 days. Once you've gone through the wait once, You're free to shoot whenever. If you don't have a membership and want to just drop in and shoot, you're SOL unless you bring your own guns. I think they've had a couple "accidents" there over the past few years. Once when I was there, a guy in the lane next to me blew a hole in the ceiling with a 12ga.
Link Posted: 3/4/2001 3:43:00 PM EDT
At the range last night we were all talking about how long it took to get a response from 911 and one guy that works there was talking about how they got a good response the time someone came in and asked if he could get a bullet to the back of the head.

heh heh... and an hour later he came in with paper work to pick up his gun.

I guess they told him to leave the first time if he didn't have any business to conduct and the 2nd time when he was picking up papers they called Police.
Link Posted: 3/4/2001 3:51:15 PM EDT
Wasn't it Target Masters in Milpitas where the guy rented a gun and then shot the guy next to him and then himself? I remember it was the south bay.
Link Posted: 3/4/2001 5:01:34 PM EDT
Suicide by "Gun Range", is very popular and will happen sooner or later at any gun range.

It only makes sense. Why buy if you only want fire the gun once! No waiting period, no big outlay of cash for a gun and no messy cleanup for your family.
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