Alright. It's been 20 years since I had a course in the Laws of Land Warfare, but this has been gnawing at me since we started keeping AQ and Taliban at Gitmo:
Why are we treating people who are not part of any nation's army, who do not wear any uniform, who target civilians and otherwise completely disregard the Laws of Land Warfare as POWs? I can respect a member of an enemy military force, but these guys are most definitely NOT.
I will be among the first to say that the actions of those at that prison in Iraq go beyond the pale, and do NOT represent the American Fighting Man or Woman, but why are the AQ, Fedayeen Saddam, and Taliban not just chemically interrogated and then quickly and quietly disposed of? As terrorists, spies, and saboteurs, they do not fall under the Hague or Geneva conventions, IIRC.
I am not trying to be facetious, incite ill will, or anything like that. I just want to know why we aren't draining these guys dry for info and then killing them as spies and terrorists?