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Posted: 10/17/2008 11:22:02 AM EDT
...or, there are no stupid questions, but there are a lot of inquisitive idiots (like me).

Maybe someone could explain to me just why in the hell is the MSM so liberal?  I would have to believe that the powers-that-be in the media realize that the 1st amendment will be one of the first things to go under a socialist regime.  They'll no longer have to freedom to print/air anything that the administration considers negative or "subversive."  Aren't they shooting themselves in the foot, so to speak?
Link Posted: 10/17/2008 11:24:47 AM EDT
They pander to the ones that watch it.

Link Posted: 10/17/2008 11:27:02 AM EDT

...or, there are no stupid questions, but there are a lot of inquisitive idiots (like me).

Maybe someone could explain to me just why in the hell is the MSM so liberal?  I would have to believe that the powers-that-be in the media realize that the 1st amendment will be one of the first things to go under a socialist regime.  They'll no longer have to freedom to print/air anything that the administration considers negative or "subversive."  Aren't they shooting themselves in the foot, so to speak?

You are trying to apply logic to something that cannot be made logical. Trying to wrap your mind around liberal "logic" is like trying to understand the vastness of the cosmos. It just stupifies. There is NO understanding what does (or does NOT) go on in a liberal's brain.
Link Posted: 10/17/2008 11:28:40 AM EDT
I think feeling smarter than everyone else is part of it. "Knowing what's best"
Link Posted: 10/17/2008 11:30:07 AM EDT

...or, there are no stupid questions, but there are a lot of inquisitive idiots (like me).

Maybe someone could explain to me just why in the hell is the MSM so liberal?  I would have to believe that the powers-that-be in the media realize that the 1st amendment will be one of the first things to go under a socialist regime.  They'll no longer have to freedom to print/air anything that the administration considers negative or "subversive."  Aren't they shooting themselves in the foot, so to speak?

Rational thought is not part of the requirement for becoming a journalist.
That and they always figure all the leg humping they are doing will get them an inside seat at making up the propaganda. They look at what they do as training for when they are part of the government.
Link Posted: 10/17/2008 12:15:50 PM EDT
You're right.  Logic and reason have no place in a liberal's thought process.  Dammit, what is the name of the movie in which an average guy wakes up to find that over time, the entire population has gotten dumber?  I do believe that's where we're headed.
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