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Posted: 5/13/2003 2:06:23 AM EDT
I know some are confident about the AWB sunsetting next year, while others of you are more or less paranoid about it's renewel, and furthermore, it's expansion.  I was wondering, if the AWB is extended, and possibly expanded, how far will you let the Gov't go before you decided you wouldn't comply w/ the laws?  In other words, it seems, 99% of us on hear are willing to comply w/ the whole Pre/Post Ban weapons restrictions, and though we bitch and moan about it, we all seem to be keeping our head above water.  However, what about when/if they say we can't own our black rifles anymore?   If the BATF came a knocking and said you had to relinquish your Bushy if you've got one, what would you do?  Would you say "Sorry, Sir, this is a black rifle free household" or Would you be the law abiding citizen and surrender your weapon?  

I'm not sure where I stand on this question either.  I've always prided myself on following both the letter and spirit of the law (save for speeding and such), but I'm not so sure about whether or not I would follow a law that I thought was tearing down the constitution and putting our freedoms in jeapordy.  

Let me know what you think!
Link Posted: 5/13/2003 2:11:08 AM EDT
I could not give my rifles up like that. I work too hard for the money to buy them and they would not take them by knocking on the door and asking for them.
I am not making any threats, but my guns will not leave my hands in that manner.
Link Posted: 5/13/2003 2:23:16 AM EDT
I think a lot of people here, including myself, follow the whole pre/post ban law pretty willingly, because we realize that it doesn't affect our ability to defend our households. If they outlaw any gun that takes a high-cap, well, that interferes with our goals a lot more. Having a cute little flash hidey thingy on the front of the gun probably isn't worth going to jail for. Protecting my family probably is, but, I would like to think that the government won't make it illegal to protect my family.
Link Posted: 5/13/2003 2:23:45 AM EDT
what he said.

imagine, just handing them over.........yeah, right!
Link Posted: 5/13/2003 2:39:41 AM EDT
I'm not so sure about whether or not I would follow a law that I thought was tearing down the constitution and putting our freedoms in jeapordy.  

What makes you think you would ever have to follow such a law?  Such laws would not only jeapordize your freedoms and civil liberties, but would also make you a willing victim of crime because you would be left with little or no means to defend your home, family, property and self ... and that, sir, is something you are duty bound to uphold.

I don't care WHAT kind of crack these Liberal pissants are smoking, I will NOT under any circumstances be reduced to the level of UK subjects that have to stand by in broad daylight and allow their homes to be burglarized because if they so much as harm the criminal they will go to jail.

I'm sorry, but FUCK THAT.  Our founding fathers put their lives on the line by breaking free from the rule of tyrranical and oppressive government.  How dare anybody try to tear down what they worked so hard to establish.
Link Posted: 5/13/2003 2:48:12 AM EDT
What makes you think you would ever have to follow such a law? Such laws would not only jeapordize your freedoms and civil liberties, but would also make you a willing victim of crime because you would be left with little or no means to defend your home, family, property and self ... and that, sir, is something you are duty bound to uphold.

I don't care WHAT kind of crack these Liberal pissants are smoking, I will NOT under any circumstances be reduced to the level of UK subjects that have to stand by in broad daylight and allow their homes to be burglarized because if they so much as harm the criminal they will go to jail.
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I'm not saying we will ever have to follow laws like that, I'm just wondering "what if?"  
Actually, the UK is one of the reasons I thought about this senario.  I don't think I could ever give up my guns to my government, but saying that,and doing that are two differnt things.  If it came down to me sitting in prison for 10 years, or providing for my family for 10 years, that would be very hard to decide.

The thought I was/am shooting for is a day when we might be forced to be law breakers to hold onto something the founding fathers said we should always have.  Hell, from the last article I read, Kalifonians might have to soon smuggle Oreo's in their state!
Link Posted: 5/13/2003 3:19:28 AM EDT
Seeing as how the law seems to be largely unenforcable, I doubt we have to worry about it much.
Link Posted: 5/13/2003 4:27:29 AM EDT
1.) I am pretty much willing to die for my rights, provided a lot of people fight along side me and I fight with them. I mean if I were alone I probably wouldn't care.

2.) if they came to my home, I'd probably say I don't have them anymore. I sold them, whatever and then make my way up into the mountains(not saying where. sorry. I've had this planned out for some time)

3.) I'm not so worried about burglars as I am about government agents. Government agents comign to knock down my door, kill me or make me disappear etc etc. That's the main reason I invest in assault weapons is to be on equal combatant terms with the government so if I'm ever raided and I feel it's unjust I have a right to stand up and defend myself for what I believe in.

But unless a ton of people sided with me and/or we formed a group or a faction(5,000+ men. doesnt have to all together either. it can be spread out) I would probably choose the quiet way out. Say no and then make myself disappear into the mountains. That's pretty much it.

memo: the reason I'm worried about agents and such is because I am one of those people who likes to openly voice opinions in whatever setting I choose. I'm rather bold about my opinions and I don't care what others think of me but I do tend to be paranoid about PHYSICAL repercussions(violence) so I try to stay on my guard.
Link Posted: 5/13/2003 4:50:16 AM EDT
I will give up NOTHING that I purchased LEGALLY.

I won't surrender my SUV

I won't surrender my Corvette

I won't surrender my dogs

I won't surrender my pistols

I won't surrender my Black Rifles

I jumped through their damned hoops to get what I own.  No Ex-Post Facto laws.  You can't let me buy it then take it away.

That's my Line in the Sand.

Read [url=http://userweb.suscom.net/~paulbritton/Die%20Alone.htm][b]I Just Don't Want to Die Alone[/b][/url]
Link Posted: 5/13/2003 5:16:44 AM EDT
They wouldnt get mine while Im still alive.  I will do my best to cuase the most hell on them I can.
Link Posted: 5/13/2003 5:51:44 AM EDT
Find your line in the sand, never let them cross it.  Vote and write your politicians, that way in the end you can always sleep at night knowing you tried to work in their system.  People currently in office are violating the rules and laws set forth in the Constitution that govern their actions. They are the criminals.  The final question, is your liberty worth fighting and possibly dieing for?  Only you can answer that question for yourself.


The Azalin
Link Posted: 5/13/2003 6:05:47 AM EDT
What makes you think you would ever have to follow such a law? Such laws would not only jeapordize your freedoms and civil liberties, but would also make you a willing victim of crime because you would be left with little or no means to defend your home, family, property and self ... and that, sir, is something you are duty bound to uphold.

I don't care WHAT kind of crack these Liberal pissants are smoking, I will NOT under any circumstances be reduced to the level of UK subjects that have to stand by in broad daylight and allow their homes to be burglarized because if they so much as harm the criminal they will go to jail.
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[red]I'm not saying we will ever have to follow laws like that, I'm just wondering "what if?"  [/red]
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Why not?  If they can ban "assault weapons" even though they are only responsible for less than 1% of crimes per year, what do you think they'll do next?  Pistols represent a far worse danger to society than AW's ever did.  Its only logical that they are banned next.  Maybe not now, but how about in 10-15 years when people are softened up enough to accept the next ban?

Stop them dead in their tracks now.  No turning in our property, no registering our AW's like we're sex offenders and NO MORE ACCEPTANCE OF BANS ON LEGIT GUNS.
Link Posted: 5/13/2003 6:51:19 AM EDT
what guns?
Link Posted: 5/13/2003 7:36:49 AM EDT
I have no firearms.  I did once, but dumped them all in the ocean.
Link Posted: 5/13/2003 7:50:34 AM EDT
sold mine at the last gun show.
Link Posted: 5/13/2003 8:54:02 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/13/2003 7:03:59 PM EDT
I guess that once they start trying to take the guns away, there will be severe resistance- not the legal/legislative kind.

Honestly, I can only imagine pro-gunners forming a revolutionary front; Theres ~100,000,000 gun owners, and ~2,000,000 Armed forces- Once revolutionists over-run the logistics of the armed forces, they're pretty much worthless; heh, most of them arent anywhere near as good a shot as alot of the gun-owners anyway.
Hell, knowing the type of people that are in office, they'll repeal/create all and any laws, end any number of lives to keep THEMSELVES out of danger (Reference to Stalin's purge era).
Link Posted: 5/13/2003 7:05:49 PM EDT
Quote: If the BATF came a knocking...

Generally speaking, the BATF usually doesn't knock. (If you wake up to the smell of smoke, though, that's a pretty good clue they're on their way.)

As has been stated so many times here before, though, confiscation via attrition has already started. There's simply no need for high-profile, flash bang raids anymore. An anonymous call from a media-brainwashed neighbor will accomplish the same goal. As with the Jews in Nazi Germany, getting rid of gun owners is simply a matter of maginalizing, demonizing, and eventually destroying.

Link Posted: 5/13/2003 7:09:45 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/13/2003 7:22:23 PM EDT
sold mine at the last gun show.
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[b]AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH![/b]  The [i]gun show loophole[/i]!  You have no right to sell private property that you paid for, silly subject.
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