This should go swimmingly.
Heres the info. A place I worked for had an incentive program for patents. Only written stipulation is you have to be employed when they filed, and when they were granted which I was.
If you came up with a patentable idea, that they file on, they'll bonus you $2000.
If it becomes a patent, they bonus you $3000 more.
I had 2 become patents, and we filed for a brand new one in November of last year... So $8000 due according to their policy. They never paid on it, and when you try to follow up on it they tell you to talk to one manager, who tells you to talk to another and so forth.
I left that company in January for a raise/ promotion/ and frankly because I was tired of the lack of clarity... But im curious. If you have a written policy, documentation that you completed all of their steps correctly, is there anything that could be done, or even worth doing to try to get the money?