I am a master electrician. I would suggest that you have a qualified electrician inspect your AC unit and panel for loose connections. Your panel is not the highest quality!
That said, when an AC unit kicks on, it will draw well above it's normal running current rating. This is usually at least 125% of the normal running current. In some cases, it can be higher. You will find two amperage ratings on your AC unit. One is minimum circuit ampacity(wire size is determined by this) and over-current protection(breaker size is determined by this). HCAR breakers are rated for these loads on start up. Your breaker may not be HCAR rated, may be loose on it's connection to the buss bars, or just plain bad.
Again, call a qualified, licensed electrician. Your electrical system is the one thing in your home that can kill someone or cause a fire. In old homes, if the wiring is rubber insulated, it is very possible that the insulation has broken down from age and overloads. Most older homes were never wired for all of the electrical devices that are available today. They had lighting and outlets that were intended for fans, radios, or the occasional vacuum sweeper. AC was never taken into consideration!
I have worked on homes that were built before they were wired using old knob and tube exposed conductors in the basements and attics. More likely yours has cloth covered Romex which is nearly as bad. Great care must be taken when working on these systems!
Qualified electrician!!!!