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Posted: 2/12/2001 2:18:34 PM EDT
2 local LEO's wounded in a motel meth bust,bad guy is dead. from what a LEO friend told me he was REAL dead, kinda swiss cheese like. oh well , both officers doing better and my area rid of one more druggie and my tax dollars supporting the other in jail.
whole story here,

damn dopeheads!
Link Posted: 2/12/2001 2:36:28 PM EDT
Judge ,jury,execution,.Thatis saving taxpayers money.who needs them dopedealers anyway.
Link Posted: 2/13/2001 9:10:16 AM EDT

Just like the Redondo Beach rapist that the husband shot!

Except it turned out there was no rape....
Link Posted: 2/13/2001 9:41:49 AM EDT
From the way it reads, only the guy was shot, which means the cops didn't just go in and blast away. The dumb SOB prbably opened fire, and the cops responded in a like manner. Good job on the part of the cops for only taking out the threat.
Link Posted: 2/13/2001 10:32:51 AM EDT
yes, they did it completly right, the suspect fired on them first and they drilled him,and only him, REPEATEDLY! sources say the suspect was so high and trippin out that he may not even have realized he was dead till later![%|]
both of these officers are doing better and expected to make full recovery.
last time something like this happened was 2 prison escapees shot and killed 2 officers 40 years ago! all in all stuff doesnt happen like this in my town much.
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