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Posted: 3/7/2001 10:09:28 AM EDT
ok the 1994 aw ban sunsets in 2004
i need an exact date and time that it sunsets.
if i can pull it off i feel that if i go out and buy a riffle the minute that it sunsets and they havent reenacted it yet i can get away with having a preban weapon
if there is any amount of time at all between the minute it sunsets and when they resighn it it will work please give me input
Link Posted: 3/7/2001 10:18:04 AM EDT
12:01 AM 9/13/2004.  If it sunsets, but the grandfather clause remains in effect, you can simply mount a pre-ban config upper on your pre-ban config lower any time between its expiration and the effective date of any replacement legislation, and your post-ban becomes a pre-ban.  You would not have to go buy a new rifle.

If there's no reauthorization, though, it won't matter.
Link Posted: 3/7/2001 12:25:40 PM EDT
Too bad it will be renewed PRIOR to expiration, and the new version will take effect at the very second the old one expires.

Too bad we're not as clever as we think the lawmakers are stupid.
Link Posted: 3/7/2001 7:45:17 PM EDT
Im kind of torn between this one. I know there will be a hard push to make the law permanent before it expires, but I dont know if it will make it. A lot of people in high places lost their next election because they push for it the previous time, even Clinton admitted it.

I think there is a good chance it will be allowed to sunset. Then again, it is hard, if not impossible, to even guess what the political climate will be so far in the future. I think a lot will depend on the elections comming up in the near future. If republicans can hopefully gain some more seats it will look better for us, if we lose seats it will look a LOT worse. Then again, maybe Bush will save us with the veto if it comes to that.

Its really just too hard to forsee. We can always hope and contact our representatives until then.

Link Posted: 3/8/2001 7:40:15 AM EDT
I agree with Ponyboy that there is no political climate NOW for new gun laws.  The gun issue cost the Dems at least 5 states in the last election (including Arkansas and Tennessee...heh heh).

Evidence of this is the lack of the usual cries for new gun bans following the shooting in California.  

If the GOP can weather the 2002 mid-term elections then you'll see the 1994 legislation fade away like a bad hangover.  It Dems make significant gains then we might have a problem.

This makes it critical for those interested in gun rights to double their efforts for the 2002 elections.  If we can beat them (or hold our ground) then we can dump this stupid legislation.

Support candidates that have pro-liberty views 101% and oppose those whos only desire is to have government think on our behalf.
Link Posted: 3/8/2001 9:13:57 AM EDT
yeah but remeber that alot of other stuff can happen to saw GOP members to vote on it ie mass
explotied tragetys liek the ones that got the 1968 GCA
Link Posted: 3/8/2001 9:21:02 AM EDT
Hasn't GW already come out against "assault weapons" and "hi-cap" mags?
Link Posted: 3/8/2001 9:29:42 AM EDT
Hopefully the Senate and House remain in Republican hands after the 02 election.

The 94 bill was a downhill in-trend law since Slick was in office.  Now it should become a "leftist socialist democRat" uphill push for re-newel.  If 02 elections stay in our favor, the bill should sunset.

McCain may join the socialist democRat side on this.
Link Posted: 3/8/2001 9:35:25 AM EDT
Hasn't GW already come out against "assault weapons" and "hi-cap" mags?
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Not sure, but "assault weopon" and "hi-cap mags" are relative terms.

assult weopon- a weopon used in an assult, a butter knife can be used as an assult weopon.  What, say military style weopon?  Heck, that would mean some HK guns (handguns) would be illegal.  (I'm being picky/sarcastic).

hi-capacity magazine-  what's concidered hi cap?  Now it's 10+, but you could say 7.  Why not make it 13 the new min?

I just heard on the radio (w/ all these shootings), the public mood is not pro gun.  But, people (officials) are saying that there is much more to this then just guns.  The issue is the ANGER behind the student, not the method and too that was used to deal/react the the anger.  

(But antis and Dems don't give a rats ass, they see a way to advance their political agenda via emotion.)
Link Posted: 3/8/2001 11:21:11 AM EDT
I'm sure this has been said before but take public opinion polls with a grain of salt.  Results can be generated according to what the pollster(s) want plus the public can have UMS (ugly mood swings).  Case in point, President Bush losing to Governor Clinton in the 1992 elections.
Link Posted: 3/8/2001 3:34:10 PM EDT
We all need to continue to push for our gun rights and in the vast majority of cases, that means politically supporting Republicans.  However, we need to look at each individual candidates voting record.  There are a number (albeit small) of Democrats that are solidly pro-gun and we need to help them against those Republicans that think the gun owners vote is a done deal and that some votes for what THEY consider moderate compromises will not hurt their chance for election.  We also need to be aware of those turn-coats who tell the constituants at home what they want to hear and then vote with their liberal Washington buddies when the vote comes up
Link Posted: 3/8/2001 4:30:48 PM EDT
But if these stupid freakin' kids keep shooting up their schools like they have been, you better believe there'll be a new, "improved" federal gun ban in place before the 1994 law sunsets.
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